Text Messages
Cute Paragraphs For Him After An Argument

Last Updated on March 9, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Cute Paragraphs for him after an argument is simply a way to apologizing after having a serious argument with Him. Allowing quarrels, misunderstandings, or wrongdoings to exceed the next day might be harmful to your relationship.
If you’ve done any wrong to him, don’t just send me a stale message such as “am sorry hun pls accept my apology or pls, forgive me”. Rather, send something Sweet that will touch his heart to make him know that you’re truly apologetic.
Long Cute Paragraphs For Him After An Argument
🖤 I admit that I deserve everything you’re doing to me right now. But, honey, please accept my heartfelt apologies. Please let go of your anger and forgive me. My heart is in a lot of pain right now because I know I seriously hurt the king of my heart. Please pardon me. I adore you, and you know I can’t live without you for long. I swear I’ll be more patient the next time.
🖤 I apologize for misinterpreting your love for me as a weakness and using it to justify my behavior toward you. I know you won’t hurt me, but please accept my apologies for hurting you. You don’t deserve any of the bad things I’ve said to you. Please accept my apologies, dear. I honestly didn’t mean any of them and was simply inebriated. I miss you, and you’re all I want to intoxicate me right now.
🖤 Even when I act stupid and out of place, I know it’s safe to run to you. My heart is with you, and my home is with you. Please pardon my manners. You are everything I desire and require, darling. I accept responsibility for my actions this time, and I intend to make amends.
🖤 Oh, baby, that hurt a lot. I’m wondering how we got to this point. We can’t seem to have a conversation without it devolving into an argument. I love you, baby, and I’m not ready to let you go, but we need to talk about it and work on getting better. I’ve genuinely missed you, and I want you in my arms right now. I see what you were trying to say now. I’m so sorry for speaking before listening. It has taught me a valuable lesson. Will you please find it in your heart to forgive me? I truly have learned my lesson, and I promise to be a better partner the next time.
🖤 You are my heartbeat because, since things changed between us, my heart has stopped resting and its beat has become slower than usual. Please accept my apologies, honey pie. Don’t let me have a heart attack without you by my side, my cure.
🖤 I apologize for not listening to you and for continuing with my decision. It ended up burning my fingers in the end. I sincerely apologize for this, dear. I’m embarrassed. So stupid for being adamant and still attempting to defend me despite everything. Baby, please forgive me.
🖤 I choose to ignore you because I was annoyed with you. In the end, it created such a chasm between us that we now argue about anything and everything. I apologize for this and hope we can get back on track soon. This is very unhealthy for our wonderful love relationship, and I’m willing to work with you to avoid it. Please accept my apologies, honey. I forgive you as well.
🖤 Love should not be selfish, but mine has been. I’m sorry for seeking my own in various ways. I didn’t mean to look out only for myself. Please pardon me. You know I’m not like this; I’ve just been struggling to deal with the stress at work. I apologize for being a brat about it, and for not appreciating how patient and understanding you’ve been throughout it all. Baby, I’ll never take you for granted.
🖤 My love, my day would be incomplete if you hadn’t called or texted me. I apologize for yelling at you and leaving you standing in the park. Despite my anger, I should not have done that. Please pardon me. Now I see where I went wrong. You are free to punish me tonight.
🖤 I am prone to acting rashly based on my emotions. I know you’ve talked to me about it numerous times, but I apologize for not listening and instead causing so much pain with my hurtful words. Please accept my apologies, my sugar pie.
🖤 I made the mistake of listening to others and doubting your love for me, as well as your honesty. When I told you I didn’t believe you, I saw the hurt in your eyes, and I apologized. Please pardon me. To me, you are the most important person.
🖤 I said some things I shouldn’t have, honey. I crossed the line. I did you a great disservice. I made another blunder. I made a lot of mistakes. What are your current thoughts on me? Do you despise me now? Do I still have any sway over you? Do you still have feelings for me? You are not required to respond, dear. I just want you to know how sorry I am.
🖤 I know we’re going to hurt each other, but that doesn’t give me the right to hurt you the way I did. I apologize for causing you pain and defending myself with that statement. You are the best man any woman could ask for, my darling. I will never, ever take your love for granted. Despite the fact that you deeply hurt me and made me question everything we have in common, I choose to forgive you. I love you too much to let all of that convince me otherwise. Whether you like it or not, I’m giving you a second chance to prove your love for me. You are everything I require and desire. You are the reason I am content. I’m madly in love with you. Let’s put this squabble behind us.
🖤 My love, please accept my apologies for disrespecting you. I should have respected you more by allowing you to express yourself. I should not have erupted in the way I did. I apologize, my lord and king. I was misbehaving, and I deserve to be punished tonight. Simply specify the location and time.
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🖤 LOVE is God’s most precious gift to us. You may find it difficult to believe, but I love you, and nothing can change that. Not even how others perceive me. I apologize for casting doubt on your love, and I apologize for my inability to control my tongue. I adore you, my darling. Please forgive me.
🖤 I apologize for going all mummy on you. I should have been a lover and a friend, not a granny. I know I can go overboard at times, but you know it’s because I adore you. If you see this, please text me. I apologize for losing my cool, honey. Forgive me, and please allow me to reclaim it, as well as the peace and love that only you can provide.
🖤 I keep screwing up, baby. I keep doing it and end up with nothing but apologies. I’ve messed up in a variety of ways. I apologize. You are everything to me, and I promise to change my ways. I truly mean it this time, hun.
🖤 I have no objections to our relationship. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I apologize for allowing my flaws to get in the way or even get the better of me. Please help us make this work. I truly did not mean any of the words or accusations I uttered. Please forgive me, my love, I was just being naughty.

text for him after a fight
🖤 I apologize for feeling insecure around you. I had no right to intrude on your personal space. Whatever my concerns and fears were, I should have asked you about them knowing full well that you’d be honest with me rather than making a scene. I promise it will never happen again. Please accept my apologies, my love.
🖤 I’ve misunderstood you in many ways. You keep telling me to be patient and slow down, but I don’t listen. Now, look at how much pain I’ve caused the most important person in my life. You are a valuable asset to me, and I cannot afford to lose you at any cost. Please, my love, return home and find it in your heart to forgive me. With you by my side, life is much more enjoyable.
Paragraphs for Him after a Quarrel
🖤 I know we said we should take a break, but that was because we were both irritated with each other. Yes, I know I was the one who made the decision, but I honestly wasn’t thinking clearly. I’ve moved past my rage and realized how much I adore you. I apologize. Please disregard everything I’ve said and let’s start over. I’ll be a very good and obedient girl from now on. Pinkie swore.
🖤 My darling, I’m sorry for how I reacted. I know I like to nag when I’m in that mood, but that’s no excuse for saying that to you. I want you to remember that you are the most important person in my life, and I will never intentionally hurt you in any way. Please pardon me.
🖤 I can deal with your refusal to look me in the eyes but not pick up the phone. I am sorry for everything you are doing and how you are reacting right now. My life would be meaningless without you. Darling, every part of me misses you. Have mercy on your queen, my king, and return to your rightful place.
🖤 You warned me about this earlier. You said I took your love for granted. I knew it was true, but I chose to fight you and throw tantrums. Please give me another chance to be the amazing woman you fell in love with, my love. I want to be there for you in both good and bad times.
🖤 Our relationship has been nothing less than a road trip. We’ve come a long way, and I’m not about to put an end to the journey with my careless thoughts and words. Please, let us rekindle our relationship to what it once was. A man like you is hard to come by, and I refuse to acknowledge your greatness after losing you. I’ll never abandon you, honey.
🖤 I was going through a lot of things, and taking out my frustrations on you was wrong. Instead of nagging and shouting, I should have filled you in and told you what was wrong. I’m sorry, sweetheart; you know I’m your only baby. Please pardon me.
🖤 I apologize for everything I’ve done wrong. For ignoring your views and enforcing mine, for interrupting you just to listen to me, for failing to understand you and disrespecting your words. Please accept my apologies, baby. I’m willing to do whatever you want. From now on, your wish is my command.
🖤 I read meanings into your relationship with her and realized she was more than just a friend to you. Now that I know better, my conscience prickles as I recall how I embarrassed you rather than simply trusting you or asking for clarification. Please forgive me; I’ll be more considerate the next time.
🖤 I know I messed up big time, and I’m sorry you’re disappointed in me, but words can’t express how sorry I am. I can only think of ways to prevent this from happening again. Everything I said and did was completely inappropriate. So, my love, I beg you to please forgive me.
🖤 I accept responsibility for our current pain. It’s all my fault, baby. I apologize for causing you such anguish. I apologize for everything. For bugging you, for being obstinate and insensitive. Right now, I’m extremely unhappy. I’m on my knees, baby, and I’m not going to get up unless you come to tell me you’ve accepted my apology and carry me up in your arms like you always do.
🖤 I admit that I went a little too far, and the discussion did not need to turn into such a heated debate. Please accept my apologies, and let us both work together to prevent this from happening again. I adore you, which is why I can’t stay mad at you for long.
🖤 I was pricked when I looked into your eyes and saw the pain they held. How long have you been in pain, my dear? How long have you harbored this resentment? I apologize. I sincerely apologize for causing you pain. For removing the gleam from your eyes. Please pardon me.
🖤 Please forgive me, honey. That’s all I have to say for the time being. That’s all I’d say again and again. That’s all I have to say until you do. I have wronged you in the most heinous way imaginable. I’ve caused a schism in our friendship. I’ve betrayed your faith. Please accept my apology.
🖤 I may no longer be in your heart, but you will always be in mine. You’re upset with me, but I love you even more right now. I love you more than ever, and I realize how foolish I was to push you away. Please accept my apologies, baby. You are everything I desire and require.
🖤 My sweetheart, Please accept my apologies for comparing you to others. I sincerely apologize for using them as yardsticks in our union. I don’t want you to be one of them. I don’t mind who you are. Nobody else can love and pamper me like you do. Please accept my apology.
🖤 Peace eludes me because your absence is all I’ve known. I’m no longer content. Everyone knows I’m not the most upbeat person. With my flaws, how could I have broken the heart of the one who loves me? Who am I going to tell about this? If not you, who should I run to? Please accept my apologies.

text for him after a misunderstanding
🖤 Only your forgiveness can make me feel better. I don’t have the right to ask for it right now, but I do require it. I’d appreciate it if you could please forgive me. Please accept my apologies for my errors and folly. Please accept my apologies for any harm I have caused you. I love you more than I love life itself.
🖤 I’m sorry for everything, but I’m especially sorry for causing you pain. I’m sorry for the harsh words, the missed calls, the rage I vented at you, and the times I refused to see you. I apologize for the insults. For hurling derogatory words at you. I apologize, my love. Please forgive me.
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🖤 I’m not in good shape, my better half. I’m sorry for losing myself. I apologize for not being available when you needed me. I’m sorry for leaving you at that point; I was the shoulder you needed to lean on. Memories haunt me, and I sincerely apologize.
🖤 I won’t be upset or angry if you don’t forgive me right away. In fact, I have no legal standing to do so. I don’t deserve to be pardoned. I don’t deserve to be spared. I’m not worth it, but I’m here hoping you’ll give it anyway. Please forgive me, my love.
🖤 Mornings have suddenly become tedious for me. I can tell you’re upset. But please don’t let it last indefinitely. I have wronged you, and I am resentful of it. My dearest, you are painfully bitter. Please accept my apologies for any errors.
🖤 This hurt has resulted in separation and pain. We’ve been deafeningly quiet for a long time. Our love is fracturing, its walls are collapsing. I accept responsibility for my flaws. I accept responsibility for my mistakes. Please accept my apologies. Can we go back to how we were at the start? I’m missing you.
🖤 I’m sorry it took me so long to apologize, and I don’t want you to doubt me. I sincerely apologize for causing you pain. I’ve been too hard on myself lately. I’ve had a second thought about everything that happened, and I’m filled with regrets. Please forgive me, my baby.
🖤 Your rage has overshadowed your affection for me. I can feel your rage from where I am, and my heart is racing faster than usual. I’m not sure what to expect any longer. I’m not sure if I should be scared. But, before you decide what to do to me, please know that I am deeply sorry, honey.
🖤 I’ll never get over you, even if you leave me. You’ve been my protector and shield. You’ve stood by me in my darkest hour and comforted my broken heart. You told me that hearing my cracking voice on the phone increased your love for me. How could I have been so stupid as to hurt you? Please accept my apologies, dear.
🖤 We just had another fight, but no more breakups. We need to look out for each other more because every time we fight, it seems like we’re drifting apart, and you know I can’t afford to lose you forever.
🖤 We fight because we love each other so much that we do everything we can to make the other person happy, but you know that we got into this scuffle because I wanted the best for both of us, and I apologize for trying to be right this time.
🖤 Having a fight isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but allowing the fight to destroy the relationship is what i don’t want, neither i want to lose you. All I’ve ever wanted was the best for you and me. Baby, I adore you.
What should I text my boyfriend after an argument?
🖤 With a million thoughts racing through my head right now, I want you to know that I value you above all else in the world and will not let anything stand in our way.
🖤 I want my heart to speak to you this time because fighting with you isn’t just about me. It’s about our relationship, and I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and want the best for both of us. You should know that I love you, baby.
🖤 Our squabbles don’t change the fact that I still wake up thinking about you and go to bed dreaming about you. My world continues to revolve around you, and you continue to mean the world to me.
🖤 Fights and misunderstandings are insufficient reasons to let go of you. Nobody will ever be able to take your place in my life or in my heart. I love you far more than a million words can express or explain.
🖤 You are my strength when I am weak, and you are my weakness when I am strong. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be separated from you because I love you above all else. I don’t want to expose you to any danger.
🖤 We fight and argue about everything, but I know one thing for certain: I love you with all of my heart. I don’t think I’ll ever let you go for anything.
🖤 My life is meaningless without you. Those sweet moments we had, all I want to do is create more of them so we don’t lose the ones we already have. Nobody else completes me like you do.
🖤 I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life because I rely on you at all times. The fight should not come between what our hearts feel, and I am willing to fight for our love rather than my own. I love you. We can still be happy because we have everything we need to be happy. I’ve found the man of my dreams and the happiness I’ve always desired in you. I don’t want constant squabbles to take you away from me. My heart will always be with you.
🖤 We should support one another because we have always supported one another. Every time we disagree on something, I am left alone in my world, which is filled with the sweet and fun memories you have sprinkled throughout it. I’m looking for my man.
Apology message to Send to Your Boyfriend after a Fight
🖤 When we’re not fighting, we’re there for one another, and when we’re not fighting, we’re busy fighting. One thing I am certain of is that I will never lose you to a freaking argument. I love you more than anything we’re going through.
🖤 I want you to know that I love you, that I’m sorry, and that I despise it when we fight. We must communicate. Hello there. Have I ever told you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me? I despise it when we fight. Can we please skip ahead to the kissing and making up?
I’m starting to understand the whole “you hurt the ones you love the most” cliche. I’m really sorry for what I said. Could I please make amends? We fight because we love each other so much that we do everything we can to make the other person happy, but you already know that we got into this scuffle because I wanted the best for both of us, and I apologize for trying to be right this time.
I apologize for my previous actions and promise to be more patient with you when things get heated between us. I genuinely don’t want us to fight over trivial matters any longer. I want us to be more present for each other now than ever before.
I want my heart to speak to you this time, because fighting with you isn’t just about me. It’s about our relationship, and I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and want the best for both of us. You should know that I love you, baby.
So many things I wish I hadn’t said, but now that I have, I can’t just take them all back and apologize. I made some heinous comments about you and our relationship. My actions are abhorrent, and I deeply regret saying those words. Please accept my apologies, my love.
🖤 I’m in a bad mood right now. I am deeply sorry for hurting your feelings. I wish I could undo everything. We’ll be the most perfect couple ever. Please remember that fights and arguments are signs that our relationship is improving. It also demonstrates that our relationship is improving. I want you to forgive me this time, and I will always find a way to reconcile our differences now and in the future.
🖤 You know how much I adore you; please accept my apologies and forgive me. Regardless of how much I fight or argue with you. I can never stay away from you, no matter how many issues or conflicts we have in our relationship. I might not talk to you for a few hours after a fight, but nothing can stop me from loving and caring for you. I couldn’t go a single day without you. I can’t sleep unless you wrap your arms around me and rock me to sleep. Our strong relationship cannot be shaken by an outburst of rage or a fight. You are my everlasting soulmate.
🖤 The fights and the affections are what have shaped us into who we are. But, whenever we disagree, remember that I would rather be wrong and build my life with you than be right and lose you to something else.
🖤 When we fight, all of the wonderful times we’ve shared flash through my mind. The truth is that losing you is something I despise. I want us to be by each other’s sides for the rest of our lives.
Cute Paragraphs For Him After An Argument Copy and Paste
🖤 I don’t like arguing with you, but how about we sit down and laugh about our problems and make amends rather than letting minor issues get in the way? I adore you far too much to let you go now.
🖤 I apologize for my hasty actions and promise to be more patient when things between us get heated. I truly do not want us to fight over trivial matters any longer. I want us to be more present for each other now than ever before.
🖤 You are aware that I love you more than anything else in the world. Because you are the source of my joy, I will always want to enjoy the happiness that comes with having you in my life. No obstacle should stand in the way of our love.

Apologetic cute paragraphs to send to your boyfriend after an argument
🖤 If I could go back in time, I’d go back to the park and close my mouth as my rage raged within me. When I opened my mouth to speak, I broke us. I shattered you. And please accept my apologies, baby. Please pardon me. I wish I could go back in time and undo that. But I believe you will choose to forgive me because of your love for me.
🖤 My actions betrayed you, honey. My words and actions were out of sync. I professed love but acted in the opposite way. You kept telling me, but I didn’t pay attention until I pushed you away. Please forgive me, my dear one. Please don’t ever make me live without you.
🖤 My problem is getting worse, and it’s ruining our lives right now. I know I said I’d stop being dramatic, but I’ve only gotten worse. Baby, I know you understand what I’m saying, but I also know you’re hurting. Please accept my apology. I promise to change for the better this time.
🖤 I don’t deserve forgiveness right now, and I know I don’t. But, honey, without forgiveness, there is no love. I beg you, please find that part of your heart that still beats for me and forgive me. sweethrt.
🖤 I’m not here to bribe you or to turn your head. I’m not going to try to persuade you to see things my way. By looking at things from your perspective, I’ve realized my errors. I apologize, baby. I sincerely apologize. Try to reconsider your actions for the sake of our hot and sweet love.
🖤 You haven’t said anything in 4 hours. I’ve told my heart to be still several times, but she won’t listen. I apologize for causing you so much pain and for saying anything like that. Please pardon me. You’re still the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and you know I can’t go a day without talking to you. Please, let us discuss it.
🖤 Because my heart is with you right now, I am saddened to learn that you are in pain. I feel your pain, and I apologize for causing it in the first place. You know I adore you more than life itself, baby. I sincerely apologize and promise that I will never intentionally harm you.
🖤 Baby, I’ve had a rough week and decided to vent on you. You aren’t expressing your anger or displeasure, but I know I hurt you and I apologize. Please forgive me and allow me to make amends to you tonight, exactly as you prefer. Please do not be late.
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Texts to Send to Your Boyfriend After a Fight
🖤 I long to see your smile and be enveloped in the warmth of your embrace. I apologize for allowing my daily activities and challenges to get the best of me. It is not an excuse for misbehaving and transferring aggression to you. Please accept my apologies. Please forgive me, baby. I’ve missed you terribly and long to be wrapped in your loving embrace.
🖤 I get very jealous when I see girls around you, and it makes me feel insecure at times. I understand that you can’t stop being friends with them, but I also understand that I am your lover and that you adore me completely. I apologize for saying things I shouldn’t have said, darling. I should have expressed my concerns. Please pardon me.
🖤 I know I said a lot of hurtful things to you, but the truth is that you said a lot of hurtful words as well. It’s pointless to be angry at me when I’ve already chosen to forgive you. Baby, you have no choice but to forgive me because I will not let you ignore me any longer. Just get over it and return to mama, where you truly belong. I LOVE you, darling, and I apologize.
🖤 I have repeatedly urged you to end your relationship with me. I saw it again yesterday during our argument. I’ve noticed that you’re starting to back down in your fight to keep me, which makes me sad. I apologize for constantly being a thorn in your side. Please forgive me, hun; you’re everything to me, and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.
🖤 I apologize for being overly possessive. I promise to be better and to have more faith in you. Baby, don’t doubt it; I know a lot of this has been said before, but this time I am serious about never hurting you in this or any other way. Please accept my apologies, darling. You’re life’s best gift to me, and I don’t want anything to stand in the way of my world’s favorite man and me.
🖤 We just had another fight, but no more breakups. We need to look out for each other more because every time we fight, it seems like we’re drifting apart, and you know I can’t afford to lose you forever.
🖤 We fight because we love each other so much that we do everything we can to make the other person happy, but you know that we got into this scuffle because I wanted the best for both of us, and I apologize for trying to be right this time.
🖤 Having a fight isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but allowing the fight to destroy the relationship is. I don’t want to end the relationship or lose you. All I’ve ever wanted was the best for you and me. Baby, I love you.
🖤 With a million thoughts racing through my head right now, I want you to know that I value you above all else in the world and will not let anything stand in our way.
🖤 I want my heart to speak to you this time because fighting with you isn’t just about me. It’s about our relationship, and I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and want the best for both of us. You should know that I love you, baby.
Sweet Things To Say To Your Boyfriend After A Fight
🖤 Our squabbles don’t change the fact that I still wake up thinking about you and go to bed dreaming about you. My world continues to revolve around you, and you continue to mean the world to me.
🖤 Fights and misunderstandings are insufficient reasons to let go of you. Nobody will ever be able to take your place in my life or in my heart. I LOVE you far more than a million words can express or explain.
🖤 You are my strength when I am weak, and you are my weakness when I am strong. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be separated from you because I love you above all else. I don’t want to expose you to any danger.
🖤 We fight and argue about everything, but I know one thing for certain: I love you with all of my heart. I don’t think I’ll ever let you go for anything.
🖤 My life is meaningless without you. Those sweet moments we had, all I want to do is create more of them so we don’t lose the ones we already have. Nobody else completes me like you do.
🖤 I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life because I rely on you at all times. The fight should not come between what our hearts feel, and I am willing to fight for our love rather than my own. I adore you. We can still be happy because we have everything we need to be happy. I’ve found the man of my dreams and the happiness I’ve always desired in you. I don’t want constant squabbles to take you away from me. My heart will always be with you.
🖤 We should support one another because we have always supported one another. Every time we disagree on something, I am left alone in my world, which is filled with the sweet and fun memories you have sprinkled throughout it. I’m looking for my man.
🖤 When we’re not fighting, we’re there for one another, and when we’re not fighting, we’re busy fighting. One thing I am certain of is that I will never lose you to a freaking argument. I love you more than anything we’re going through.
🖤 The fights and the affections are what have shaped us into who we are. But, whenever we disagree, remember that I would rather be wrong and build my life with you than be right and lose you to something else.
🖤 When we fight, all of the wonderful times we’ve shared flash through my mind. The truth is that losing you is something I despise. I want us to be by each other’s sides for the rest of our lives.
🖤 I don’t like arguing with you, but how about we sit down and laugh about our problems and make amends rather than letting minor issues get in the way? I adore you far too much to let you go now.
🖤 I apologize for my hasty actions and promise to be more patient when things between us get heated. I truly do not want us to fight over trivial matters any longer. I want us to be more present for each other now than ever before.
Long Messages to Send to Your Boyfriend After a Fight
🖤 I recognize that the current misunderstanding is entirely my fault, and I apologize for being unreasonable and insensitive. Baby, I should never have doubted your love for me for any reason, and I sincerely apologize for any pain I’ve caused you. I know I have to accept that you will always have female friends, but I also have to accept that your friendship with them will not change what and how you feel about me. I’ve been miserable for the past few weeks because we haven’t spoken; I hope you forgive me soon, h I LOVE you, SWEETNESS.
🖤 It’s been weeks since I’ve heard from you, and I know I’ve been acting selfishly lately as if the entire world revolves around me. You’ve always provided me with a shoulder to cry on and ears to listen, but I’ve failed to reciprocate, being insensitive to your needs and feelings. I feel terrible for behaving in that manner; I’ve done you a great disservice, and I’m curious what you think of me now. I’ve learned my lessons, and I promise to be a better lover and listener in the future, and I promise never to be self-centered again. I love you, darling, please find a place in your heart to forgive me.
🖤 I did things I shouldn’t have done and said things I shouldn’t have said, and I’m sorry for hurting you in this way; I know you’ve spoken to me about it several times, and I’ve failed to heed your advice, and I’m truly sorry. Despite everything that has happened between us, you are still the love of my life, and I love you.
🖤 I’m sorry for being stubborn and stupid; I’m sorry for taking your love for me for granted; I hurt you terribly knowing full well that you couldn’t hurt me. You don’t deserve any of the hurtful things I’ve done or said to you, but even after all of this, I still feel safe running to you because you’re all I need and I can’t do without you. Please forgive my blunder, dear; I love you.
🖤 My sweetheart, I’m truly sorry for hurting you; I know I made a huge mistake, and I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to offend you. I read meanings into everything without thinking twice, I apologize for not understanding you in many ways, and I’m trying to stop my careless words and thoughts. Will you forgive me? You are still the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I still want you in my life.
🖤 I’m ready to deal with whatever you decide to do to me right now; you warned me numerous times, but I refused to listen. I paid less attention to you and your needs; you showered me with love and made me feel like a queen, but I took all of that for granted and took advantage of your weakness. Please, my love, accept my heartfelt apologies for hurting you, and I beg you to give me another chance to be the loving woman you fell in love with. I love you, my prince charming.

Cute Paragraph to Send to Your Boyfriend After an Argument Scene
Funny Things To Say To Your Boyfriend After A Fight
🖤 We’ve come a long way, and I’ve loved every minute of this relationship. I’m sorry for letting work stress get the best of me, and I’m sorry for venting my frustrations on you. I sincerely apologize for any hurtful words I may have said to you; you’ve been true, kind, and amazing, and I don’t want to lose you anytime soon. Let’s work it out, baby. I’m willing to change for the better.. I love you.
🖤 Life is miserable without you, and the last few days of ignoring each other have been hell. I’ve completely lost focus, we’re gradually falling apart, and it’s really affecting me; you mean more to me than anything else in the world, and I can’t afford to lose you. I’ll do whatever it takes for us to be happy again; I’ll learn to control my words and become a better lover. I’m so sorry, honey. Please forgive me and stop ignoring me; I miss you!
🖤 Waking up every morning and seeing the distance that has grown between us and is rapidly tearing us apart makes my mornings boring and frustrating. I can’t stand the feeling of us ignoring each other because of a minor misunderstanding; I miss the normally joyful and beautiful love we shared. In times like this, we should work things out to demonstrate that the love we share is greater than any misunderstanding that arises. I’ve forgiven you, and I’m also sorry for my own part, and I’m hoping you forgive me soon. I’m missing you.
🖤 My words are terrible, to say the least. I should have spoken more carefully and delicately. I’ve realized that what I said was incorrect, and I sincerely apologize for being so terrible and impolite. Please forgive me, I’m sorry.
🖤 I never intended for the fights and arguments to harm you. I had no intention of making you angry or pissed off at me. I sincerely apologize for my actions. I love you, my darling.
🖤 You now believe I am impolite and lack the decency to speak with a modicum of dignity or respect. I had no idea what I was doing until you pointed it out to me. When I talk, I sometimes just blab away my anger, and I am so grateful that I met someone like you. Thank you, God, for sending you to keep me on track. I apologize!
🖤 I never imagined I’d be able to yell at you until I was enraged. I apologize for being so obnoxious and petty. Please accept my apologies, my love. I sincerely apologize.
🖤 I know I never intended to be disrespectful. I guess I said those things in the heat of the moment. I argue a lot when we have disagreements or when I believe you are unwilling to listen to me. My heartfelt apologies, my love. Please help me!
🖤 I wish I could undo all of my statements and stop feeling so bad. I wish I could just quiet down a little and pay more attention to you. Because of my ego, I had to put you through a lot of pain. I sincerely apologize for being so harsh and cold to you. Please accept my apology. Please assist me in improving. I love you, baby!
🖤 I was indeed thoughtless and unreasonable in speaking to you in that manner. You are such a nice and thoughtful person, and I am sure you have good intentions for me, but I was too blinded by rage to see it. I’m hoping you’ll forgive me so I can forgive myself for being so disrespectful. My heartfelt apologies, my love. Please accept my apology.
🖤 You were never wrong in criticizing me and claiming that I always hide my emotions. I feel terrible because I know I should have been able to control my emotions and learn to be quiet in order to reason with you. Please don’t be angry with me because you were correct and I was incorrect in so many ways. I sincerely apologize for being so harsh on you and failing to recognize that you genuinely want me to be a better girlfriend. Please accept my apologies, my love. I’m missing you.
🖤 People say I act like a spoiled brat, and now I know why, thanks to what you just said to me. Things I mentioned to you the other day were heinous and unforgivable. Now I think of myself as a terrible person because I never imagined I could do this or say that to you. I was simply too rude and obnoxious. I sincerely apologize. Please accept my apologies, my dear.
🖤 I said heinous things to you. I was simply being a sadist and unreasonable person. You were spot on about my lack of sensitivity to you and my friends. I sincerely apologize for being so impolite. Please accept my apology.
🖤 We’ve been ignoring each other for so long that our love is beginning to fray, and I know it’s all my fault; I know I should have believed you, I should have trusted you more, and I’m sorry for letting jealousy get the best of me. I accept responsibility for my actions, apologize, and hope that we can return to our former selves. My world, I adore you so much.
🖤 It’s another fight, but it doesn’t mean we’re splitting up. We should keep an eye out for each other more because every time we fight, it appears that we are separated, and you know I can’t bear the sound of separation, let alone experiencing it.
Paragraphs for Him After a fight
🖤 When we’re not fighting, we’re there for each other, and when we’re not fighting, we’re busy fighting each other. I don’t want to lose you over a minor disagreement. Can we meet somewhere in the middle?
🖤 You promised to always fight for us above all other considerations. You’re always talking about commitment, dear. I’m glad you’re here with me. Thank you for letting go of the past so that we can all enjoy the present moment together.
🖤 I’m sure you can sense my heart’s secret desire to reconnect with you. We just had a fight, but that doesn’t change my feelings for you. I have always loved you and will continue to do so.
🖤 Fighting doesn’t mean I’ve stopped loving you; it just means I’m learning to understand you, so let’s be gentle with each other. I apologize for any hurtful words I may have said to you. I can’t get enough of you.
🖤 I will always be in love with you. I can see right through your pain to know how much you care about me, darling. Please, dear, let us revisit this later; for the time being, let us simply enjoy each other’s company.
🖤 When we first started dating, you told me that you would never go to bed angry at me. I hope you’re not going to change your mind now, honey.
🖤 Please stick with me, darling. Relax, it was just a misunderstanding, and we’re fine together. Let’s get past it. When I say I love you, I really mean it, and I still do.
🖤 Yes, we fight, but so do other couples, and it’s not a good enough reason to let you go. No one can ever take your place in my heart, dear; you are the best.
🖤 You are my strength, dear, and when I am weak, you make me whole. I can’t always be right, and I’d rather have our union than be right. Life will be dull without you because you light up my world.
🖤 We fight and argue about everything, but I know one thing for certain: I love you with all of my heart. I don’t think I’ll ever let you go for anything. Let’s go have some fun, baby.
🖤 Whenever we have a verbal spat, I may not have the right words to respond to you. I want you to know that I never meant any of the things I said to you, baby. I was simply enraged. Allow things to cool down before addressing issues, okay?
🖤 I’d rather be wrong and spend the rest of my life with you than be right and have you with someone else. I accept full responsibility for everything that occurred. I apologize.
🖤 Whether we’re angry or not, we’re all in this together. On a more lighthearted note, honey. But tell me, would you rather spend your life with anyone other than me? No, I don’t think so. I will always love you.
🖤 Whenever we have a disagreement, I recall all of the wonderful memories we’ve made together over the years. I’d like to continue doing so with you… Can we move on now without tainting it with unpleasant memories?
🖤 Remember how our last argument brought us closer than ever before? We’ve come to terms with our flaws and weaknesses. Please forgive me if I missed it again this time.
Cute Romantic Texts To Send To Your Boyfriend After A Fight
🖤 I feel terrible whenever we argue. It shatters and hurts us. We can have healthy discussions without losing it. I appreciate it when you remain calm and listen to me; please don’t stop.
🖤 My mind is now clouded with so many thoughts and images, dear. I want you to know that I love you too much to keep you angry at me, and I also value you too much to let you go. We’ll be able to make this work, honey. Please bear with me.
🖤 I love you, and you know it. The fact that we fight shows that we are both human, and we will always step on each other’s toes. I value you more than my pride, which is why I’m texting to apologize. I can’t imagine not having you.
🖤 We must always be there for one another. We’ve witnessed both our worst and best moments. I can’t promise we won’t fight again, but I can promise you that this fight has deepened my understanding of you. Can you forgive me, sweetheart?
🖤 I’m feeling very alone right now, especially since we just fought. Every time we argue, I feel so alone because I know my best friend is in pain. I’m missing talking to you, honey.
🖤 Could we please put the hatchet down and move on? I don’t want to lose you or what we have in common. I want the best for you and me now and in the future. I LOVE you.
🖤 I apologize for my outburst last night. I just couldn’t seem to control how I felt. Please accept my apology. When things get heated between us, I promise to be more patient and listen more. Could you please forgive me?
🖤 You are everything I’ve ever wanted and more; don’t let that little squabble get you all worked up. Remember how we’re a team? I love it when we do life together, honey, don’t let go of me now.
🖤 I adore you more than anything else on the planet. We just had a little squabble, and it was a healthy way of saying, “I want to be myself around you.” Regardless, I want to keep enjoying the vibe that comes with our time together, so don’t go quiet on me, my dear. I apologize.
🖤 I’m glad you’re in my world. I can’t imagine my life without you. Without you, where do I even begin? You are my happiness and my love.
🖤 You are the man of my dreams, no doubt about it. I see and feel a lot of love in your eyes. Do not let a few minutes of disagreement detract from what we have in common. I apologize and promise that it will not happen again.
🖤 The void left by our misunderstanding has left me feeling empty; my love, you complete me, and without you, I feel so empty. I’m hurting just like you are, and I feel terrible knowing you’ve been there for me in good and bad times, and I’ve chosen to repay you by hurting you in this way. Only your forgiveness can make this horrible feeling go away; I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but I desperately need it right now. I’m sorry, my love; I adore you and couldn’t live without you.
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Cute Paragraphs To Send To Your Boyfriend After An Argument
🖤 Sweetheart, I’m so sorry for everything; I’ve lost my mind over the fact that I’ve hurt you so badly, that I’ve hurt you in unimaginable ways, that I’ve betrayed your trust in me. I know you’re angry at me right now, and I deserve it; I just want you to know that my folly and insensitivity must have driven you away, but I love you now more than ever; I may not be in your heart anymore, but I’ll never leave because you’ll always be mine. Please forgive me, honey; I really miss you!
🖤 My love, the prince of my heart, my one and only, the maker of my smile. I apologize for causing you such anguish. I apologize for using my friend’s relationship as a yardstick for ours; I never realized that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. I’m sorry for saying those hurtful words to you; I love you exactly as you are; you know you can’t be perfect, baby, because no one is; you’re amazing just the way you are. I miss you and can’t wait for this to be over; will you please forgive me?
🖤 You are my true love, I’m sorry for everything; my mistakes are already haunting me; you don’t need to say anything to me because I’m overwhelmed by guilt. I miss the beautiful memories we’ve made together and how we’ve imagined more beautiful moments together; you bring peace and happiness to my life, which I haven’t felt since we had this misunderstanding. I apologize for saying those hurtful words to you, and I apologize for not allowing you to express your feelings. I know I’ve always been selfish, and I promise not to make it all about me this time. Please forgive me, my love, because I LOVE you to the moon and back!
🖤 Without you, my life is a jumble, and I feel incomplete and empty. We’ve been close and inconsistent, and while you keep my heart at a safe distance, I can’t deny that something is missing. Everything seems to be going downhill since our last argument; I try to be okay, but I can’t fake it because something is missing even when I try. I know we can work this out and be fine again; we can’t let this be the end of us; I’m not ready to move on without you because my life has no meaning without you. I am madly in love with you!
🖤 Your voice is all I need right now to heal my broken heart; please, we can’t afford to keep this toxic distance that appears to be threatening our relationship’s survival. I’d do anything to have you back; I miss you so much, baby, and I desperately need your forgiveness now more than ever. You’re the treasure I seek; you were close to me but I didn’t realize it; the love I sought for many years was right beside me but I couldn’t feel it; I’m truly sorry for taking your love for granted. I LOVE you and cannot afford to lose you; please, darling, find a place in your heart to forgive me.
🖤 I wish I could turn back the hands of time and undo everything I’ve done to hurt you, I wish I’d never said those words to you, but I can’t, and I’m ashamed of myself for treating someone as loving as you in that way. I want to be in your arms again, but I feel so unqualified to be so close to you and your heart, my love. I’m so sorry. Please, dear, let us make things right and be happy again. I love you.
🖤 I agree that I went too far in trying to prove my points to you; I should have controlled my tongue. I know it will be difficult for you to forgive me, but you must because I desperately need everything to be okay again. Please forgive me and let us move on if you don’t take everything I said seriously because I never meant them. You are my love, my life, and my best friend, and I will never let you go, I love you!
🖤 Hey, honey, I’m so sick right now that everything seems awkward between us; things haven’t been the same since we had an argument a few days ago. Right now, it doesn’t matter who is correct or incorrect; what matters most is our relationship; it means so much to me, and I can’t risk jeopardizing it with an ordinary argument. Can we just put this behind us and try again? We can do it if we stick together; our love is enough.
After reading paragraphs for him after an argument. it may also be nice for you to rehearse some of these to tell Him face-to-face. There are some apology that you may need him physically to be with you. when you use these romantic messages on him, i bet you, you’ll win his heart back. Thanks.
whats your take on all these messages? Please leave a comment Below.
ALSO, READ Cute Paragraphs For Your Best Friend To Wake Up To
Originally posted 2021-09-07 18:00:50.

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This is more than I expected
Amazing 😍