Love & Dating
What You Should Know about Rainbow Kiss ( The REAL TRUTH)

Last Updated on November 17, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Rainbow Kiss: The whole secret about rainbow kissing
The first time I ever heard about a rainbow kiss, I thought it usually only takes place when the rainbow is out. A lot of people have probably kissed their partner at such a time and then come out openly to say… “Have you tried the rainbow kissing? I eventually kissed my partner when the rain fell yesterday evening when the rainbow appeared, and it was just mind-blowing.” The above statement sounds too absurd, and the boldness to utter it publicly only makes an individual classified as uneducated. So, in this article, we’ll understand the true meaning of the rainbow kiss and all there is, to know.
What is a Rainbow Kiss?
A rainbow kiss may sound casual. Albeit it’s a word not for kids, its impact is so profound, with solid intimacy between partners. In one of our articles, we discussed different kisses and their meanings. In that article, there are kisses meant for someone you just met, probably someone with high social value, and there are kisses intended for someone who’s just a friend. You can’t have a French kiss with someone, just a friend, except you both have feelings for each other.
A rainbow kiss is defined here as a kiss between a woman on her period and another person, usually a man. It sounds so naughty. This particular kiss occurs when a man gets blood in his mouth after performing oral sex with his partner, and she’ll also do the same and get his sperm in hers through a blow job. Afterwards, they’ll have a French kiss with both contents in their mouths. That’s exactly what a rainbow kiss is all about.
Rainbow kissing is better done when having the 69 position., after having great sex. According to Danyell Fima, a co-founder of Velvet Co., He said that rainbow kissing is a unique way of celebrating your sexual achievements.
Is a Rainbow Kiss healthy?
The fact to consider about this is that both blood and sperm have the probability of harbouring lots of infected particles such as hepatitis, HIV, etc.
Also, apart from rainbow kissing, kissing generally is one of the fastest ways of transferring diseases/pathogens like Infectious mononucleosis, influenza, coronavirus, meningitis, herpes, syphilis, gingivitis, and many more. If one’s partner by any means has nasal congestion, it indeed will be transmitted via kissing. Medical practitioners have made, confirmed, and tested these research studies.
It is best advised not to share “rainbow kisses” with just a regular person or a friend; firstly, it must be someone you trust, and secondly, It must be someone whose STD”s status is adequately known.
#OurFavOnlineDoc🩺🇳🇬🇬🇧💎 (@DrOlufunmilayo) On November 30, 2020, a Nigerian medical doctor quoted this on his Twitter handle…. # Images will be displayed.
Who came up with the rainbow Kiss?
According to Wikipedia, Simon Farquhar sang a song about Rainbow Kiss.
A lot of people have been asking questions, too.
Rainbow Kiss Urban Dictionary
According to the Urban Dictionary, A rainbow kiss refers to performing cunnilingus on a menstruating female, which is frequently followed by orally swapping sperm, blood, and other secretions. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOMOSEXUALS.
Are there any rainbow Kiss Variations?
From the urban dictionary, a rainbow kiss has to do with the heteronormative sex act. A rainbow kiss is not meant for gays, or lesbians, it’s meant for those who are opposite.
What do people think about a Rainbow Kiss?
A lot of Christians out there think that a rainbow kiss is usually demonic or fetish in nature. So many preachers out there may preach against it due to its awkward nature.
Why are people into rainbow kissing?
The founder of TickleKitty, Sadie Allison (PhD) explains that one of the ways people can enjoy period sex is to give a rainbow kiss.
Many people do what they do not because they like it. Couples might have a rainbow kiss because they want to taste it and see what it looks like. Allison encourages couples performing the rainbow kiss to try using flavoured lube to add a new dimension to their sensory play.
A PhD holder Wendasha Jenkins, also stated that the rainbow kissing is also suitable for adventurous and kinky people. Wendasha also said that orgasm can help relieve menstrual cramps.
Also, Fima describes the rainbow kiss as “the pinnacle of showing comfort with and respect for your partner’s body and your own.”
How is rainbow kiss performed??
A rainbow kiss is performed when a Man gives a girl head while she’s on her period to lick all the blood, holding it in his mouth. And the girl would give the guy a head and get his cum in her mouth; then both would kiss together, holding the cum and blood in their mouths.
The two keywords in knowing how and when a rainbow kiss is performed are that.
- It must be on her period.
- The best sex position is 69 for it to be very easy.
- They both must reach orgasm at the same time so that one will not hold the blood or semen for a very long time.
Best tips for a rainbow Kiss
- Both Partner Must Agree:
Both partners must be ready to hold each other’s blood and sperm respectively in their mouths. Although an irritable act, to some, it sounds okay, so far as they are both comfortable doing it.
- Study the best time your partner reaches his/her climax:
Rainbow Kiss is not for novice partners who just started having a new affair and want to explore. They must be together for a long time to be fully aware of each other’s high time, or else the whole fun ques. Only good communication and timing would help facilitate a rainbow kiss.
A rainbow Kiss is a fantastic thing for most people. Many people have decided to try it out. But if you feel you’re not ready for it, let your partner know in a very polite way. Being violent about your partner’s choice may result in losing your relationship to someone else who’s ready to do the seemingly dirty things with him or her.
ALSO, READ Happy Birthday, Mom! Wishes for the Best Mother in the World
Originally posted 2022-03-30 12:50:19.

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