21 Useful Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Pregnancy

Last Updated on January 18, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
Usually, tips that help improve chances of pregnancy aren’t far-fetched; it’s all around us; the only problem is how well you put them to use. If you tried for a few months and have no sign of pregnancy, then it’s time you check and take care of your body. However, it is also better to plan for it even before getting married because there are many things you will do now that might jeopardize you and your future baby.
Find out useful tips that help improve the chances of pregnancy.
1. Monitor your ovulation
It’s usually hard to predict many things you will do now that might jeopardize you and your future baby’s ovulation for women with an irregular circle, but by using a basal thermometer every morning before you get out of bed, you can keep track of your basal body temperature. Generally, for women who have a 28-day menstrual circle, their fertility window opens from the 10th to the 16th day, and they ovulate on the 14th day. Ovulation is the best time to try for a baby.
2. Try the Ovulation kit
A home ovulation kit helps predict when you are ovulating and also when it’s time to get pregnant. It works by measuring the levels of Luteinizing hormone in urine.
If you are having a 28-day menstrual circle, then it’s advisable to start testing from day 10, but if your circle is irregular, start testing earlier with the guide of your shortest circle in the last few months. Some ovulation test kits contain up to 10 strips. Make sure your urine is concentrated before testing. You can also track your ovulation by using an ovulation tracking app; although some are not always accurate, it helps, too.
3. Maintain healthy body weight:
Studies have shown that couples who are obese may have up to 55-60% longer chances of becoming pregnant. Making sure you are not overweight or underweight balances the hormones in your body, and exercising and eating healthy can help maintain your body weight, which may help increase your chances of pregnancy.
4. Fertility boosting food:
Vitamins, Zinc, Copper, Potassium, and folic acid are all essential nutrients when it comes to improving fertility. You can get all these nutrients from eating healthy food. They help produce healthy sperm and prepare the ovum for a healthy fetus. These are some fertility-boosting foods:
a. Beans and lentils: High in protein and fiber. It improves ovulation.
b. Berries: Very rich in antioxidants. It helps improve the chances of fertility in both men and women, and it’s also high in vitamin C and folic acid.
c. Greek yogurt and cheese: High in calcium and vitamin D.
d. Salmon: Rich in Omega-3 and vitamin D, helps enhance the semen level.
and so on.
5. Prenatal vitamins:
When trying for a baby, It is recommended to consult your doctor about your fertility issues and start taking vitamins and folic acid. Both can prevent any delay in conception.
6. Leave a healthy lifestyle:
Improving the chances of pregnancy isn’t always about medications and procedures; living a healthy lifestyle helps improve fertility. Avoid consuming junk food, eat fruits and vegetables, and avoid smoking and drinking. Exercise to maintain a healthy body weight.
7. Eat healthy meals:
Studies have shown that an Unhealthy meal contributes to infertility because it unbalances the reproductive circle. It can cease ovulation or make it irregular. Instead of eating an unhealthy meal, options for moderate dairy products, complex carbs like rice and sweet potato, healthy fats like Greek yogurt, and proteinous food like chicken and turkey will provide all the necessary nutrients needed for ovulation and conception.
8. Get enough rest:
A good night’s sleep is important to the body; the quantity of your night’s sleep affects your mental and physical health, which can hinder conception, so make sure you get up to 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
9. Lessen stress:
Trying for a baby can be stressful sometimes. Stress causes hormonal unsteadiness in both sexes, which can also contribute to infertility, so it’s wise to destress any way you can; meditation and yoga do help.
10. Stop contraceptive:
Stop the use of birth control pills at least 3 to 6 months before trying for pregnancy. Your body needs to regain its normal hormone.
11. Self Medications:
Some drugs may be unsafe to take during pregnancy and when trying to get pregnant. Don’t self-medicate. Ensure your medications are the doctor’s prescription; if not, try to review them with your doctor.
12. Cut down excessive workouts:
Engaging in strenuous and excessive exercise may affect your menstrual circle, which can lead to infertility. However, moderate and regular exercise helps improve women’s chances of pregnancy.
13. Stay hydrated:
Cervical fluid helps sperm reach the egg. When you don’t drink enough water, it gets lazy, and you drink a lot of water until your urine becomes clear or pale yellow.
14. Cut down caffeine intake:
Too much intake of caffeine can disturb conception. Avoid any caffeinated drink. Research has discovered that excess intake of caffeine causes miscarriage.
Don’t say that because you are already addicted to coffee; you can not cut it down even a bit; you have been taking caffeinated coffee for a very long time, and cutting it down now for the sake of pregnancy (a baby) is not a huge sacrifice that you can’t make. Less than 250 mg of coffee or 1 to 2 cups per day before pregnancy does not affect conception.
15. Stop using Lubricant:
Lube can affect the movement of sperm, restraining it from reaching the egg. If you must use, use sperm-friendly lube and make sure to avoid K.J. jelly; also, avoid the vaginal spray, for they dry out sperm.
16. Sexual intimacy:
Having a lot of sex aids conception. You should have sex every day, especially during your fertility window. Make sure to avoid the position where the woman has to stay on top to prevent the leakage of sperm; try the position in which the man is on top so that the vagina can retain enough semen and increase the chances of pregnancy.
17. Stay in bed after sex:
It’s recommended that you lay on the bed horizontally for 10 to 15 minutes after sex to increase the chances of sperm reaching the ovum, thereby promoting conception.
There are things you should avoid after sex, like a hot tub, sauna, and so on; the heat is not good for sperm cells.
18. Female orgasm:
It acts as a natural lubricant and also helps in semen motility. Female orgasm makes way for sperm to safely travel from the vaginal to the ovum, increasing the chances of conception.
19. Do Acupuncture:
Doing acupuncture also plays a meaningful role in conception. It can help calm the nerves and also reduce stress. Which leads to the production of healthy ovum and semen.
20. Age-related fertility decline:
As women grow older, their fertility tends to decrease because of changes in the ovaries’ age, which weakens the quantity and quality of eggs. Aging, there are also medical health problems associated with it, like fibroid and blockage of the fallopian tubes, which imparts the loss of fertility. It is wise to visit a doctor sooner if you know your fertility age is decreasing so that you can get treated and have a chance to conceive.
21. Go for a health checkup:
A health check-up before pregnancy is important; get your whole system checked. Check your sperm count and ovulation circle, and also check for infection, for they contribute highly to infertility.
The condition of your health guarantees a healthy pregnancy.
There are a lot of things that can influence the chances of conception In both men and women like:
a. Women: Thyroid imbalance, Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS), Ectopic pregnancy, Endometriosis, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Fibroid, and so on.
b. Men: Low sperm count, Premature ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, and so on. An unhealthy lifestyle can affect both sexes
If you are unable to conceive naturally, you can always try IVF or surrogacy. Infertility is not an unresolvable problem. When it comes to conception, both couples should work together to ensure a quick and healthy pregnancy.
Best Practices for Pregnancy and Postpartum
Once you’re finally able to conceive and the pregnancy is confirmed, ask your healthcare professional about prenatal supplements. You should also consume foods and beverages rich in folate, iron, calcium, and protein. Eat foods high in fiber, and drink plenty of fluids (particularly water) to avoid constipation. Regular exercise is also highly recommended.
After the baby is born, postpartum care should involve follow-up visits, the practice of belly wrapping, mental health screenings, breastfeeding activities, and maternal immunizations. Of course, new mums are also expected to take their little ones for scheduled infant checkups. Couples may also get into family planning counseling to prepare to grow their broods.
Originally posted 2020-11-17 07:00:27.

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