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How To be Pretty: 21 Natural ways to be More attractive



how to be pretty

Last Updated on March 9, 2025 by Joshua Isibor

Being pretty these days is like a “do-or-die affair” for most people out there. They spend a lot of money buying creams, makeup, clothes, and many more just trying to look good.

Looking good has lots of advantages attached to it such as:

  • Boosting self-confidence
  • Improving self-esteem

Everyone on earth is beautiful, although everyone has their spec and categories of people that they are attracted to. Beauty is vain because one day you’ll definitely grow old.

Physical appearance doesn’t make you beautiful, but what makes us beautiful is the way we treat people around us.

We live in a world where everyone is so obsessed with beauty, but learning how to be pretty naturally isn’t all about trying to buy toning creams or getting the latest makeup kit. But it’s about trying to be authentic and feel good about your appearance.

In this article, we’ll be talking about how to be pretty without spending much.

How To Be Pretty: Naturally ways to be more attractive

This write-up is here to give you the right knowledge.  being pretty is not always about spending much money. If you follow these tips, you’d still be very attractive even in your old age.

1. Smile More

when you smile more, you look prettier

when you smile more, you look prettier

They say, “laughter is the best medicine,” this is very true. But I’d say that laughter makes you look younger. Have you ever seen a movie and you saw a guy telling a girl that you’d be prettier if you smile? Some ladies will say he’s actually saying that just to pull my legs and win my heart.

Whenever you smile or blush, there is always a glow radiating from your face making you look more charming. When I was a little boy, if my parents got me angry, they’d tell me to smile or else, I will grow old quickly.

Smiling helps your face not to get wrinkled. Whenever you’re sad, think of something that can make you smile, it could be a tv show or a family member. The goal here is to always be smiling. If you’re finding it difficult to smile you can use the ‘fake it till ‘you make it’ technique till you get better at doing it.

2. Schedule regular haircuts or trims

regular hair cut

Taking good care of your hair goes a long in making your appearance glorious. Have you ever left your hair for 7 months without visiting the salon, how do you think you’d look? Probably like an ex-convict.

To look prettier, you should schedule regular haircuts or trims probably every month (depending on how fast your hair grows).

3. Drink at least 8 cups (1,900 ml) of water a day

Hydrating/saturating your body with water is one of the best ways to keep our body healthy. Drinking lots of water helps the body’s system to function very well. for us to maintain our bodies, we should avoid things like alcohol, smoking, and hard drugs.


4. Bathe every day:

bath everyday

bathing every day would make your skin glow

Looking more prettier may also be scaled with the way we smell. Bathing at least, twice daily should be adopted. Bath with clean water and soap.

When you fail to bathe important parts of your body, you’ll have body odor.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep;

Anytime you feel tired, do well to take a quick rest. Stressing yourself always would make you look drained when people see you.

According to CDC,  an adult needs at least 7hrs to sleep daily.

picture of someone sleeping

Tips to get you more sleep:

  • Avoid taking caffeine at night
  • limit the way you watch television at night, watching a movie from 10 pm will not give you a good sleep.
  • keep your devices far from you, so you won’t be tempted to look at them
  • Read a book, it may help you sleep quickly.
  • Try a bedtime meditation

6. Build Confidence.

Build confidence

Build confidence

If you are not confident with yourself, you might find it hard to feel attractive to yourself and others.

Inner beauty breeds external happiness. If you can’t accept yourself, then there is no need to look for ways to stay pretty.

Self-confidence should be the first thing to achieve, then, you will see how pretty you will look and free, and you will feel both in and out.

7. Make eye contact.

You could say in your heart, ‘will making eye contact make me prettier’? How does it concern beauty? The truth is that people will gradually start seeing how attractive you are to them when you start paying close attention to them while talking. Making eye contact helps you build confidence, and trustworthiness, and more likable to people.

8. Keep your nails clean and trimmed.

pic of well trimmed nails

Keep your nails clean and trimmed.

Being neat matters especially when it comes to the areas of Nails, always keep them cleaned and trimmed. It won’t be nice after wearing good clothes and you’ll still go about with your dirty nails. It doesn’t tell well of you.

If you do polish your nails, you can always re-polish them so that you’ll look pretty. Biting fingers is one of the fastest ways to trim them. If you don’t feel like biting them, you can dip your fingers in orange or rub orange on them so that you’ll feel the urge to bite them when tasting orange…

9. Wear clothes that are comfortable and fit well.

wear clothes that fits well

You don’t have to buy the latest trending clothes that celebrities wear to look pretty. If you don’t have the money to buy them, it’s fine! Just buy a few pairs of jeans or gowns that whenever you wear them, you’ll always feel on top of the world.

There are clothes that you wear and you’ll feel so important! Wearing oversized cloth will make you look very old. Simply wear comfortable clothes, not when you go out, you’d start adjusting the clothes.

When you dress in comfortable and properly fit clothes, people will respect you and want to draw close to you.

10. Wear deodorant or perfume.

use deodorants on your body

using deodorants on your body will help you look pretty

Smelling nice should be one thing we should look out for first before going out.  Smelling nice can make people respect you and want to stay close to you. It makes you look comfortable sitting around people or in any group of people.

Tips when using deodorants

  • Don’t overuse it unless- a strong scent will chase people.
  • it shouldn’t be used as a substitute for bathing

11. Brush at least twice daily

brushing your teeth regularly

Brushing your teeth twice daily is a characteristic of pretty people. Brushing your teeth always should be a habit to cultivate. Even a man who has a mouth odor will not want to have a conversation with a man who also has a mouth odor.

12.Improve your posture:

A nice person slouching is hard to picture! Sit straight against a chair with your back and walk parallel to the floor with your chin. if you’ve formed a bad habit of walking, then you need to learn how to improve your posture

You will look more desirable and optimistic.

13.Wear light makeup:

Wearing makeup can make you look stunning if you aren’t happy with your looks. Everything should be moderate ranging from your face, eyes, and lips. Wearing heavy makeup would make you practically like a masquerade.

If you aren’t that good with makeup, you can watch tutorial videos on youtube, and keep practicing until your makeup looks natural.

14.Follow friends who good with fashion sense:/

One way to look pretty is to make friends with those who are good at fashion. When I gained admission into the university, people usually address me as an old man, because of the way I dress.

Immediately, I got a new friend who’s pretty good with fashion, and my mentality changed. I started dressing well.

Your cycle of friends can also affect the way you dress too.

15.Keep your clothes clean and pressed.

keep your clothes ironed

Have you ever tried taking a photo with rumpled or dirty clothes? You’d look so unattractive and messy!! No one will want to mingle with you. Even when you come close to them, they’ll distance themselves from you.

Before going out make sure you press your clothes and make sure they’re very neat. If you feel you’re so lazy to iron your clothes, you can try hanging them immediately after wearing them.

16. Exercise regularly.

Exercise has been one of the fastest ways to keep the body fit and look pretty. Exercise has lots of benefits ranging from health to boosting happy hormones.  A lot of people (male and female) face some challenges such as a big tummy, being too fat, shapeless, etc.

Also,  Maddy Zollo Rusbosin a writer at  Women’s Health Magazine, says exercise also improves circulation (which can give you a healthier glow and a better skin tone overall).

The sweat you get from exercise also helps to clear pores and lowers cortisol levels which help to reduce stress.

17. Keep your teeth white

We’re not talking about spending all your money just to make your teeth white or look pretty. Having a white tooth helps to give you a brighter smile. You can use Whitening strips, it works well.

Also, for you to achieve a white tooth you need to avoid drinks like coffee, red wine, and black tea. I’m not placing a restriction on that. If you must take that endeavor to always brush your teeth and observe the natural general hygiene to whiten your teeth.

18.Eat more fruits and Veggies.

Eating fruits and adding enough veggies( which contain organic pigments called carotenoids) to your daily meal, help your body not only stay healthy but glow well than tanning.

Tips to achieve this:

  • After your breakfast, eat at least one fruit like grapes, apple, melon, or anyone you can afford. This aids digestion very well.
  • Add Veggies to your food while cooking to add more taste and look attractive too.
  • Drink a glass of juice after you are done or when relaxing.
  • Always remember to eat them daily for more skin glows and to stay healthy.

19. Be positive and friendly.

Always stay positive and stay around friends that have these positive vibes.

Negative vibes can destroy your self-esteem and makes you feel like you are not good enough. Stay away from anything that brings them and doesn’t fake it, it comes out naturally when you feel it internally.

20. Compliment

Always compliment yourself each day before and after doing your activities. You can stare in the mirror and say sweet or good words to yourself.

Pet yourself, you deserve it! This will not only makes you look prettier but build love within you.

21.Always take a walk around your environment.

Feel free to step outside for more fresh air. You can do that in the evening while taking a walk around your environment. I love this art so much, and it has become part of me.

Put on something comfy, select your favorite song, and stroll around your vicinity. You can visit some friends or drop by coffee shops to embrace the rest of the day.

ALSO, READ Reasons Why Kissing Is Important In A Relationship


Originally posted 2021-03-30 07:20:52.

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