How to Strengthen Family Bonds When You’re Staying at Home

Last Updated on December 11, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
By keeping families at home, the coronavirus did something special to families that were distant. It provided them with time enough to strengthen their bond. (Well, for those who see it that way.)
I’m not a doctor or a psychologist, but I know the feeling of having strong family bonds. It intoxicates —I experienced it! Yes, I did. Due to the pandemic’s hit, a lot of activities became remote, even working. And it took me home, where I learned the tips I’m about sharing.
Home should be where your family is; the house, where they are contained, and your heart, the foundation on which love thrives. You make your family stronger through bonds: the father-daughter bond, the mother-to-son bond, the couples bond, and all other ones your thoughts are coming up with. But how do you do this?
Known factors that promote bond strengthening aren’t far from reach but are mostly overlooked. Read on, and I’ll reveal some subtle ways to strengthen the family bonds when you’re staying at home. If well implemented, it would add core to the bond in your family, even when you do not stay at home all of the time.
My definition of a home might seem absurd, but it’s quite relatable: It’s a place where your heart is and finds peace. One very big challenge faced in building bonds (with your family or anyone at all) is the issue of placing your heart where it should be.
“My family is my life, and everything else comes second as far as what’s important to me.” — Michael Imperioli
Once this wall of priority has been built, it becomes very much easier to carry out all that you’ll knead or knit for yourself from this piece.
How to Strengthen Family Bonds When You’re Staying at Home
Never wish you had spent a little more time at work. More importantly, never wish you spent a little more time with your family. Okay, pause. What this means is giving your family more time and ensuring their happiness while you can. Nothing can be substituted with this.
If you’re working towards strengthening bonds, you have to know and understand every family member better. This is a cheat fix for you: you do not have to be rigid in your approach all of the time; let there be an atmosphere of camaraderie around you. Loosen up sometimes.
Since you want to build a family where respect is upheld, you should understand that respect is not demanded but earned. Respect and Trust. In other words, the more you are free with every member, the more you gain their trust; the more their real self is portrayed and understood. This understanding, amongst every member, is what gives strength to individual and collective bonds.
Spice is what every member of the family brings to the table, so don’t forget to add yours. Get creative!
– Tell stories. Stories that the family relates with tend to build core and trust. If you met “Tales by Moonlight,” you can tell “Tales by Torchlight” from the comfort of your home. The general idea is to teach morals by telling stories.
– Give Gifts. Who doesn’t like the sound of that? No one outgrows being delighted with a gift. Or have you? You should try this on your next outing. Get something out of the usual. Even if it’s a pack of cupcakes for the family.
You could also give a Christian t-shirt as a gift to a family member as a way to share your faith with them and show your love and support for their spiritual journey.
The little things you do today accumulate to form every bit of memory you have of and for yourselves. Be sure to take advantage of the moment. You can do countless things together as a family, and you do not want them to slide by.
Below, I’ve put together some of the myriads that there are (you can always add to the list in the comment section):
– Eat (out) together.
– Play together. (Not all lessons are learned from being stone-faced. More on this below)
– Pray together. A family that prays together stays together. Well, most families.
– See movies together.
– Cook and create new recipes.
– Assignments
– Picnics
– Jog and walks
– Exercise
Give room for every member to voice out without being shunned. You want to create an impression that you are a good listener and not just a dictator. If possible, create time to meet with every member separately to ask about their wellbeing and spend time knowing how their day went.
Discuss. At the table, about issues. Let everyone speak their mind, and give room for corrections. This fosters the feeling that everyone has an opinion in the family building. And when correcting, do so in love. When you discuss the challenges and the possible solutions, you can come up with family goals that will address those problems.
Laying aside the hypothetical bias that boys are drawn to their mothers and girls to their fathers. The real magnet is the care and attention given by one side and received by the other. Everybody likes attention. The same way you like being heard is the same way your family craves it, and how you give it should not come with any bias – it will be noticed.
Pay attention to details, from the smallest to the biggest. Like the fact that your child doesn’t like being called by a particular pet name, or your spouse enjoys the eat-outs on Sunday evenings. These tiny things will guarantee you an understanding of your family. Trust me!
Relationships are built on effective communication. This must exist between you and your spouse, as well as other members of the family –even the baby in the womb. Never underestimate the power of physical touch in communication. Even the unborn child appreciates this (when it kicks and the stomach is caressed), talk more grownups.
If your son would not refuse a kiss on his head, I bet your spouse would not refuse a massage! More importantly, when you’re away from home, Call. Text. Video call.
As much as you can, reduce screen time when you are at home to maximize your family time (even if it’s just during family meals). Yes, drop that device! One of the many practical things you can do together is have fun. Let your kids see you as their play buddy, too.
Being friends with your kids is a surety when they know you create time for fun. You are not a bore! Don’t let your spouse see you as one around the kids. Integration is important, and what better way to do so than this?
You should try these out:
– Create a mini cinema in your living room, and stretch a day into the night because of it.
– Draw together, homework too.- Read to each other.
– Go on spontaneous trips (Out of the blues!)
– Games and sports (Card games, board games, soccer, and more)

helping kids out with homework
– Little contests. (Staring contest, dancing. Mannequin challenge, amongst the lots.)
– Make funny family videos and take photographs.
– Plant a mini garden. If you know little, you can learn from your kids. (You can use that avenue to teach them life and growth principles.)
– Family parties. Weekend getaways.
– Learn an instrument, sing along, and play together.
“Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.” – Jim Rohn
Phew! Seems like a lot.
Here’s how you begin. You begin by stepping back from that wonderful computer screen and pulling your mind off of your devices to your family. Hey! At the end of the day, you’re not just strengthening your family bond; you’re building a strong family.
The words of Leon Ho, founder and CEO of Lifehack, on setting family goals would make for my subscript:
“Keep in mind that when setting your family goals, your ultimate objectives will be to build a strong, healthy, and happy family. Being strong means that your family is bonded firmly together and that every member feels important and connected to the family.”
What you just read is a surefire way to build and strengthen the family bond. It’s proven because it worked for me. Was this insightful? Leave a comment below!
ALSO, READ 41 Keys to a successful marriage
Originally posted 2023-01-11 16:33:00.

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January 22, 2021 at 4:55 pm
Do things together😇.. Very important. Nice piece you’ve got there shobbs
Opeyemi Adedoyin
January 22, 2021 at 4:59 pm
Well done Shobande.
January 22, 2021 at 5:24 pm
Wow… wonderful!
Etuk Moses
January 22, 2021 at 7:41 pm
This was really helpful.thanks man
January 22, 2021 at 7:48 pm
Wow this is really thoughtful and useful…thumbs up
Agunbiade opeyemi olaitan
January 22, 2021 at 8:05 pm
The pandemic came with both positive and negative attributes.
I noticed that talents were revealed and people got creative enough to find another means of livelihood.
Excellent write up
Keep it up brotherly
January 24, 2021 at 12:24 am
Indeed spending time with ones family makes one feel so fulfilled
January 24, 2021 at 12:25 am
Keep on keeping on shobbs!
Musa Mubarak
January 24, 2021 at 2:02 am
It’s very sad that nowadays relationship don’t last long. This post of yours has touched many aspects lacking in today’s relationship’s. Keep it up bro.
January 25, 2021 at 2:50 pm
Nice one. Easier said than done, but we can only hope🤞🏾
January 28, 2021 at 4:34 pm
Sigh, it means my family is lagging behind 😑
January 30, 2021 at 10:52 pm
Thanks❤️ it’s really nice🥰… But I think I have a long way to go 🤦♀️