Parenting tips
14 Tips for Raising Confident Kids

Last Updated on March 8, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
There is no joy greater than raising confident kids around you. Confidence is one of the greatest gifts parents can give their children.
What is confidence?
It means being sure of something. A person who is always positive is regarded as a confident person. Other synonyms of confidence include, optimistic, sure of oneself, sanguine, etc.
In raising your children you must raise them to be self-confident. All the tips you would get from this article would take some time to happen. Humans are not robots: a robot accepts whatever command that is given to them. One difference between us and robots is that humans may take time to propagate some things. Here I’ll be giving you the best tips on how to raise confident kids.
14 Tips for Raising Confident Kids
1. The Journey starts with you
For you to raise confident kids you have to be one. Not all parents were indeed raised to be confident children. Their parents must have made mistakes while they were growing up… but no matter the mistake that was made in the past you’ll need to correct the trend. For you to raise a confident kid you have to act like one, behave, talk, and gesticulate like one.
As a parent, you must cultivate the habit of living a confident life so your children will emulate you.
2. Appreciate effort no matter if they succeed or fail
Applauding your kids is one voyage to getting a confident child. If your child is a footballer in high school and his team fails all you need to do is to praise him with words like.
“ what you did out there amazed me “
“ you’re one of the best players out there “
Regardless of your situation with your kids, always appreciate their effort. They may have failed woefully but don’t condemn them.
3. Encourage practice to build competence
A parent is the first motivator of a child. You are to encourage your child at all times to follow their passion. When you encourage them, they’ll be more confident in their area of interest. But when encouraging them, never put too much pressure on them.
Always motivate them to try new things out, and give them a drive that would channel them into being a confident kid.
4. Let them figure out problems by themselves
This is done by allowing them to solve problems by themselves. Perhaps, if it’s homework, before having the thought of helping them to solve the predicament, allow them to work it out. The attitude of do-it-yourself should be deployed in your family. If you’re a parent who likes solving all their problems without giving them a chance, in the future, you’ll have a child who has no self-confidence. Allowing them to solve problems makes them develop the ability of self-confidence.
Finally, allowing them to fail is not bad!! Kids learn through trial and error.
5. Help kids find their passion
When you successfully help them find their passion, this will give them an identity that will keep them in place. When a kid knows that he has a passion for fashion, he/she will be motivated to go the extra mile to be a better person, thereby building self-confidence.
6. Encourage curiosity
This is the process of making your kids inquisitive, thirsting to ask and learn about new things. Making them realize that they don’t know much and they need to know. While growing up I had the move of wanting to know everything, I asked questions a lot. Curiosity is one of the signs that a person is confident.
As a parent, questions that kids are usually tiresome, but no matter what, they should be encouraged. Paul Harris of Harvard University said encouraging curiosity is important for a child’s development.
7. Give them new challenges
You can start by giving them a difficult chore at home, maybe giving your 5years old child to wash your car’s tire. Giving new challenges gives them a sense of self-confidence.
“Parents can nurture confidence by increasing responsibilities that must be met,” Pickhardt said.
8. Never criticize their performance
The best way to discourage your kids is to criticize their performance. The best way is to handle their low performance is by making a suggestion and giving them useful feedback
Never get too annoyed with them all the time because whenever they fail with the demotivation they get from you, they may not want to try new things.
“More often than not, parental criticism reduces the child’s self-valuing and motivation,” Pickhardt said.
9. Treat mistakes as building blocks for learning
Learning from our mistakes is one sure way to build confidence. If a child fails mathematics today and is corrected, the child is bound to have more in solving such a problem next time. Parents should always make their kids see every mistake as building block for learning. You should never allow them to be comfy with failure.
Pickhardt says parents should see “uh-oh” moments as an opportunity to teach their kids not to fear failure.
10. Open the door to a new experience
Pickhardt said you, as a parent, have a responsibility to “increase life exposures and experiences so the child can develop confidence in coping with a larger world.”
Launching your child into the deep the world of endless possibility is also important, Making them experience new things doesn’t you exposing your child to danger all in the name of “ being confident”.
11. Celebrate the excitement of learning
Truth be told, everyone loves to be celebrated!! When your child tries something new, always have the countenance of celebration. No matter how you may want to pretend to smile, children are always observant of the way you react to them when they learn new things. When you don’t celebrate them they would lose motivation.
Lack of motivation depreciates confidence ~quotes by Joshua Isibor.
12. Be authoritative, but not forceful or too strict
Being authoritative is a good sign because a confident person moves with authority, but being too forceful may reduce the child’s self-confidence
13. Offer your help and support, but not too much of it
Offering help can be a boost to self-confidence for children. One of the love languages for children is an act of service; helping your kids may help build self-confidence. When the help is in excess, it may lack the ability for self-help.
14. Teach them what you know how to do
Every parent should be the first role model for a child. In this case, you don’t need to sit and relax. All you need to do is to teach them how to act, speak, think, and also relate with others.
Source business insider UK
Originally posted 2020-12-03 13:59:06.

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