3 Professional Tips For Successful Pregnancy After Two Miscarriages

Last Updated on January 21, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
If have you had several miscarriages, or you have lost hope of conceiving again, then this article will lighten you up, help you get pregnant conveniently, and avoid frequent miscarriages.
Recurrent miscarriage can be your worst nightmare and experience, it invites fear, anxiety, and pains, but don’t give up on your motherhood dreams, the excitement that comes from being a mother has always been blissful. So cheer up because in this article you will find useful tips on how to plan a healthy pregnancy and stay safe without the fear of losing your baby.
Miscarriage is the death of an embryo that occurs spontaneously before the 20th week of pregnancy. According to research, close to 10 to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Chromosomal abnormality in the developing embryo is the commonest cause of miscarriage. Health conditions like uncontrolled diabetes or problems with the cervix or uterus can also cause miscarriage.
Miscarriage normally takes place once, and the majority easily conceive after it. A study shows that below 5% of women have two consecutive miscarriages, and only 1% of women have three or more consecutive miscarriages. It simply means that there is a high 75% chance to conceive again. After three miscarriages, there are still 65% chances of getting pregnant again without the fear of miscarriage.
Some major causes include:
⭐ Hormonal imbalance
⭐Chromosomal abnormalities
⭐ Thyroid disorder
⭐ Physical complication
⭐ Immunological disorder & chronic illness
⭐Use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco during pregnancy. etc.
These are some of the major causes of miscarriages in women, some are caused by the activities you engage in or things you consume that could cause alterations, while others are a result of the reactions or disorders in the body.
1. Take a break
Miscarriage can cause a very deep feeling of loss, and internal pains both emotionally and physically. It’s painful to think that the baby you have been preparing for is no more, taking a break will help you recover from the shock emotionally and physically.
For conception to take place your entire body system must function properly so that you have a healthy and safe pregnancy. You should wait for two months or more before trying to get pregnant again. If you had a late miscarriage then you should wait for 6 months or more before conceiving again, if you are 35 years or above, then you need to try soon because time is no longer on your side, waiting will not do you any good.
2. Recovering physically
After the miscarriage, the body is still weak and unstable, the uterus needs some time to be strong again and ready to nurture the embryo. It takes time for the lining of the endometrium to become healthy and strong again after a miscarriage.
If the body is not yet fit for conception then another miscarriage might spring up. Doctors usually advise that women should wait for some months before planning another pregnancy to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Taking a good decision and having a health plan to ensure your next pregnancy is safe aids your baby’s development and growth. You can take some folic acid supplements and prenatal vitamins some months before conception. Your weight should also be in check, excess weight affects conception and pregnancy, ensure to include physical activities in your day-to-day routine. Consume a healthy diet and reduce the quantity of caffeine intake, avoid drugs, smoke, and drink, and do not be exposed to radiation and stress.
3. Consult a medical Gynecologist
After a miscarriage or series of miscarriages consult a gynecologist, to give you medical guidelines on how to plan for a safe pregnancy and also recommend some tests to identify any health challenges that may cause further complications in the future. You may be placed under medication to prepare the body for conception and avoid further miscarriages.
Here are some tests a doctor will recommend to detect any disorder or imbalance before trying to conceive again.
1. Blood Test
A blood test will indicate if there is an underlying problem with the immune system or the hormonal balance in your body.
2. Chromosomal Tests
Couples should undergo this test. It helps to detect any chromosomal abnormalities, that may cause a miscarriage.
3. Ultrasound
An ultrasound test makes use of sound waves to produce images of the internal organs. The doctor may recommend an abdominal scan to get images of the uterus.
4. Hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy is a test whereby the doctor inserts a small telescope, through the cervix into the uterus. He examines the openings of the Fallopian tubes and the wall of the uterus to check for any underlying effects or alterations.
5. Sonohysterogram:
During this test, a doctor injects fluid into the uterus through the cervix. It’ll enable him to identify any issue in the lining of the uterus.
The outcome of your test results determines the medical advice and treatment that will be given by your doctor to ensure that your next pregnancy is safe and healthy. You can always have a safe and healthy pregnancy if you are in a state of peak health and have a sound mind.
1. 3 Expert Tips For Successful Pregnancy After Two Miscarriages
2. All About Pregnancy After Miscarriage | Parents
Originally posted 2021-03-01 08:49:49.

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