Personal Improvement
Where Can I Find Happiness? (18 Ways)

Last Updated on November 13, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Everyone wants to feel happy, and we all have different ways of making ourselves happy. Happiness is the emotion of being happy and joyful. You can’t underestimate its power.
When you are happy, you are fulfilled. Even if it’s for little things, you draw strength from happiness. A happy man is a man of contentment.
Being happy doesn’t mean you have much, but you are content with what you have. Happiness does not come from your possessions, a particular person, or what you receive. A lot of people struggle to be happy and stay happy; they believe they can only be happy if they acquire and achieve all they wish for. They lack the true definition of happiness and the genuine source of happiness that keeps you happy for a very long time.
Are you distressed and looking for what will make you happy or where you can find happiness? Just ride with me while I show you how you can be happy and stay happy.
Proven Ways on How You Can Be Happy
1. Choose to be happy
True happiness comes from your choice to stay happy. The only way to have joy and fulfilment is to be happy despite the challenges and criticism. Choosing to be happy means you shun everything that would deprive you of your joy and decide to be happy. That alone is a bold step to get rid of sadness and depression that can occur when you are not happy.
2. Be with others who make you smile.
Hanging out with people who make us happy, especially family and friends. These people can also be a source of happiness, having our loved ones around us makes us happy because we know they care about us.
3. Hold on to your values.
Values are what we believe; they define us. Holding on to your values makes you feel better about yourself. These values are the standards and principles that you work with. If you change them for others, it reduces your personality, which can take away your happiness.
4. Appreciate what you have
Whatever comes your way, accept and appreciate it, even if it’s something little. Don’t push them away; keep them close. Be content with what you have. Take your time to appreciate everything around you, including your friends and family. Value what you have, and you will be happy.
5. Imagine the best.
Try imagining the best for yourself, thinking of what you want to achieve, and being a positive thinker. Many avoid this because they don’t want to get their hopes up. Even if you never achieve your goals, it is a good step toward accomplishing them.
6. Do things you love.
Whatever you love to do makes you happy. We all have what we engage in that gives us the vibes we crave. For example, you can go for a ride, watch a movie, hang out with friends, or get involved with anything you love to do.
7. Find purpose.
Another way to find happiness is to discover your purpose. Know what you want to do or what you are passionate about. Some people are good at helping others and providing other humanitarian services. Find your purpose and do likewise.
8. Listen to your heart.
You alone can ascertain what makes you happy, your loved ones might think you are good at something, which is probably what turns you on. So, to find that happiness you want follows your heart.
9. Push yourself
Stop blaming others for what you are going through. You might think you can’t do anything alone, but you will see how far you can go when you identify your strengths and potential. Push harder, and you will attain that height.
10. Be open to change.
Be open to change. Change is the only constant, so be open to accepting something new, learning something different, and applying new ideas.
11. Offer help to others
Another good way is helping those in need. Helping someone who is handicapped or the less privileged gives a sense of happiness. Give people your support and show care or listening ear to those around you.
12. Be the smile you want to see in your world.
Instead of expecting smiles from people, be the smile people want to see, and you will see them smiling at your back. You will be happy, and they will feel the same way.
13. Make someone else happy.
Just as you want to be happy, others are looking for happiness, too. So why not make others happy? By giving someone a hand, you will also be fulfilled. Do something unique that will make others happy.
14. Expect Less
Research has shown that happy people are very content. If you expect less, you tend to be happier.
If you expect too much, you become stressed and emotionally down. People who never appreciate the little things have always had problems.
15. Enjoy Your Work.
A well-paid job doesn’t give you fulfillment and happiness. Enjoy what you do, and go for the job that gives you happiness and fulfillment. It need not be that lucrative as long as you find joy in it.
Most people working in big, established companies begin to find jobs so demanding and stressful that, despite the pay, they even lose their joy.
16. Live For Today
Planning for the future is necessary, but you shouldn’t live your life always planning. Just live for the moment and enjoy what you have. When you are always planning you get stressed and bored. Appreciate the moment and enjoy what you have.
17. Don’t compare yourself with others
We are unique creatures, and we have potential. You can never find your kind elsewhere. If you keep comparing yourself with others you will never see anything good in what you do or how outstanding you can become. Be yourself; you are you and not someone else. Do what you can and value it. Enjoy your achievement and success, avoid competition, and show off.
18. Stop Worrying
The main cause of unhappiness is worrying. If you want to be happy, stop being paranoid. Worry causes anxiety and fear. Shun the negative thoughts and be positive.
Final Thoughts
When you find happiness, never let anything take it from you. Your happiness is your strength; if you lack it, you will lose your purpose. You can only persist when you are happy. Your fulfilment comes from what makes you happy.
ALSO, READ Depression in a Relationship, Causes And What To Do
Originally posted 2022-02-21 11:21:43.

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