Love & Dating
Dating Guidelines For Shy Ladies

Last Updated on February 21, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
Everyone knows that in a social setting, extroverted ladies have more advantages over shy or introverted ones. They can just walk up to anyone, strike up a conversation, and get talking. Yes, it’s that easy for them. But hey sis, I got you. It’s ok to be shy and take the time to open up to a guy. Even though you’re shy, you still have your strengths and can put them to good use.
Now, there are some strategies you need to follow if you want to be comfortable in the dating and relationship game. Read to the end, and thank me later.
These ten guidelines I’m going to give you will work if you stick to one general rule: “Be ready to step out of your comfort zone“. That’s rule number one. You just have to do… Shooting shots never killed anyone. You only live once, make it worthwhile.
The 10 Dating Guidelines For Shy Ladies
1) Develop your Interest in a guy:
Know what you want in your dream guy. I know you must have thought about it, almost everyone has. Most girls jump into just dating anyone, and later on they realize it’s not their type. Do not settle for a mismatch!! You have to know who you are and what you like, the qualities that match your type of person. This is important so you do not pour all your energy into the wrong person.
2) Be Real with yourself:
As easy as this one sounds, it is the most difficult to be done. Sometimes we don’t know when we change from being who we are just to impress. You might want to come off as chatty, flirty, or lively to that new guy you met, which can be uncomfortable. Let him know you’re shy so he does not misunderstand you. Just be yourself and do you. You will do a better job at that. Being fake doesn’t last and when the truth is revealed, it can end the relationship.
3) Give off the right vibes:
In a social gathering when you’re not with friends, it can be difficult to start a conversation with anyone. You don’t even have to. Just give off the right signals through body language. Look like you are open to a conversation. The wrong body language can make you seem unapproachable. You would not want to fold your arms or never play with your fingers. Relax your body and smile. That guy in the room will walk up to you to say Hello. Be nice to respond politely and happily.
4) Surround Yourself in a familiar environment:
This is when you are asked out on a proper date. Girl, if you know you don’t like clubbing, say so. He’ll appreciate this more rather than for you to be uncomfortable throughout the date. If you like the movies, restaurants or the beach, go for it. You will be free and open to a conversation on as many topics as possible just because you’re in a place you like.
5) Express your feelings; show interest:
Don’t let him mistake your shyness for lack of interest. Having the guy do all the work is not nice. If you like him, just say it. Express and talk about how you feel. It’s not easy but you can try. If you do this, he will appreciate you more knowing your shy nature. Keeping your feelings bottled up every time is not advisable. It can be depressing sometimes, just spill it. The pain of rejection is only temporary.
6) Dress up and Go out!
We both know that your dream partner would not be installed from the Google Play Store. He’s out there and it’s left for you both to find each other. How will you do that if you sit at home all day eating chocolates? Dress up, wear some makeup, fix your hair and go out for a drink or something. Take baby steps to approach guys or even open up to others. Go out and analyze your environment and study how some people engage in conversation.
7) Try online dating:
This is a win-win. It’s like having a real but virtual conversation with him. Expressing yourself here is as easy as ABC. You’ll feel more comfortable opening up to a potential partner in this setting and you can certainly overcome your shyness. You should take the bold step to face time too when the time comes.
8) Emphasize your strengths:
Shyness can be a weakness and that’s okay. But, most shy girls have listening skills. They are the best listeners since they don’t do much talking. I can bet you listen well too. Everyone needs a listening ear in a world that doesn’t stop talking. Ask questions to prove that you are paying attention and share related stories you have on the topic of conversation.
9) Make Eye Contact:
Continuously shifting your gaze from your date’s eyes shows a lack of interest in the conversation. Eye contact is something more important than actual words, don’t avoid it. If you feel uncomfortable sitting across from him, try sitting next to him. At least, the eye contact would feel normal.
10) Be open to possible conversation topics:
If you have a hard time staying in a conversation, ask him about his likes and hobbies. People like talking about themselves. Don’t just dive into any topic hoping they will like it. The one thing you should avoid is “Awkward Silence”. Learn to always have something to say, it’s a skill. Preventing awkward silence will help you avoid looking insecure and incapable of socializing.
So there you have it, ten tips or guidelines for dating a shy or introverted girl. Embrace your shyness and use it to your advantage. You have to make the effort because a good shy man might be out there making the effort to find you too. Also, do not put pressure on yourself. Be at ease. If a date does not go as planned, don’t sweat it. You are still on track to finding Mr. Right.
Originally posted 2020-11-12 22:18:22.

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