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Could Porn Be Healthy for a Relationship?



Could Porn Be Healthy for a Relationship?

Last Updated on February 6, 2025 by Joshua Isibor

The general consensus among people in a relationship is that porn plays a negative role in the connection they have with their partner. Some view it as an intimacy killer, others will go as far as labeling porn viewing as cheating.

Interestingly enough, adult entertainment can play a positive role, especially if two people make the conscious decision to enjoy it together.

Watching porn together can add some freshness and spice to your relationship. You can start experiencing that spark once again – a great surprise for those who already feel their intimate life has become habitual.

So, what are the biggest benefits that porn can bring to the table? Here are some of the positive effects it can have on a monogamous, committed relationship.

Building Sexual Excitement Together

Watching something naughty with your partner provides a great opportunity to get turned on and properly aroused for what’s about to follow.

Building anticipation is an important aspect of having massively enjoyable sex. Your imagination is a powerful tool – use it to get yourself in the mood for something erotic and highly satisfying.

Watching together will feel very naughty in the very beginning. It will be a new element added to your erotic routine, an element you can use to bring back those butterflies. Remember how excited you used to get about sex in the early days of your relationship? Building sexual anticipation through erotic material that you watch together will often replicate those unforgettable sensations.

A Chance to Explore Fantasies 

While talking about sex is imperative in a healthy relationship, many people still feel uncomfortable about it.

Watching porn gives you a chance to show your partner what you enjoy and fantasize about. Erotic films are especially great for niche kinks and fantasies that many people will feel awkward discussing in an open manner.

Make sure there’s no judgment in the bedroom and try to keep an open mind when viewing such films. If you like what you see, the two of you will eventually get an opportunity to explore something new in the bedroom, as well.

Porn can be paired with sex toys to allow for the safe and effortless exploration of fantasies. Are you dreaming about a double penetration experience? Enjoy it with your partner and a male pornstar dildo. That’s the perfect way to try something new without guilt or worries about hurrying your partner’s feelings.

Opening the Communication Channels

Showing a partner what you like is the first step towards opening conversations on the topic of sex.

Porn can get you speaking about things you’ve previously found yourself incapable of sharing.

The mere act of choosing adult entertainment together will get you talking about stuff you probably don’t discuss too much. Eventually, you’ll find yourself more open and more at ease with conversations previously deemed embarrassing.

Talking about the things you see can benefit your communication during sex, as well. It’s very important to find yourself capable of sharing erotic information with your partner. Speaking up during sex and pinpointing the things you like or dislike can lead to much more pleasure and excitement for both parties involved.

There’s Great Porn for Everyone

The best thing about porn is that you have a massive range of options to explore.

There is ethical porn, queer porn, and even porn with intricate storylines that will take you on a wonderful journey. 

You don’t have to stick to mainstream porn if it’s not your thing. Branch into the world of niche productions and you’ll probably discover so many exciting erotic films to watch with a partner. Don’t settle for mediocre choices that you don’t really enjoy. In time, you’ll discover your preference and the kinds of film that float your boat the most.

The Importance of Watching Porn Responsibly

Porn can easily change relationship dynamics for the worse. It’s very important to discover the fine balance of using porn as a form of stimulation and not as a substitute for partnered erotic experiences.

Another important aspect of watching erotic films with your partner is understanding the fact that what you see on the screen isn’t a realistic depiction of human intimacy.

Porn tends to be very exaggerated. Many actresses are shown enjoying activities that most women wouldn’t be too keen on. Roughness and a focus on male pleasure tend to be a running theme in mainstream productions.

Perceiving porn as a fantasy, as something sexy you can use to freshen things up is the best way to go. Don’t try to emulate the activities shown in a film. Attempting to achieve the same dynamics will only lead to disappointment.

Instead, use porn as a source of inspiration. It’s great for a sexy warm up and it also deepens communication. Still, try to have realistic expectations. Also, make sure you’re not overly reliant on porn for stimulation. If you find yourself glued to the screen instead of to your partner, you’ll definitely need to dial back on the multimedia stimulation.

ALSO, READ How to Get Your Partner To Open Up to You

Originally posted 2024-04-04 19:01:55.

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