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 How To Be a Gentleman: 99 Things That Make You A Gentle man




Last Updated on March 16, 2025 by Joshua Isibor

When it comes to how to be a gentleman it has absolutely nothing to do with suits, ties, polished and etc… oftentimes when some of us hear “gentleman” those are what comes to our minds but it goes way beyond all that.

It’s not in any way attached to appearance as a definition. Although, appearance is major of a factor in being gentlemanly. It has everything to do with who you are your charisma, attitude, and more of how you carry yourself.

So now let’s examine some of the things that make a gentleman based on research

  1. Define who you are. Gentlemen know themselves, they do not have identity confusion and they always project their identity to anyone they meet.
  2. Maintain proper hygiene.
  3. Be mature in dealings.
  4. Grow up. Gentlemen don’t sulk or throw tantrums.
  5. Mind your language. Never be caught using the f-word or swearing.
  6. Always network with people. Be more open to sensible conversation and connect well with people. Know a bit of a lot so that you can contribute to most conversations.


  1. Find your passion and pursue it.
  2. Know what you want in all scenarios or situations.
  3. Keep to time. Learn to be punctual.
  4. Keep your word. A gentleman is a man of his word.
  5. When you promise something or someone, fulfill it.
  6. Hold the door open. This is one of the most common traits of a gentleman.
  7. Don’t owe favors. Always return it!.
  8. Keep your space neat. Clean up after yourself.
  9. Never kiss and tell. It ruins your image in front of others.
  10. Tell a good story without hiccups. You should look like a natural to those listening.


  1. Learn to give an exceptional toast.
  2. Be you.
  3. Be able to distinguish between confidence, boldness, and arrogance.
  4. Be open-minded but still maintain your morals and beliefs.
  5. Don’t judge.
  6. Know how to make a good meal.
  7. Remove greed from your dealings. Fight it.
  8. In most cases that require payment and you are with 2 or more persons, offer to pay.


  1. Know when to keep quiet or talk.
  2. Know the right time to clap and the right amount of claps.
  3. Offer to help your guest with their luggage.
  4. Learn to dance at least one classical.
  5. Filter your social media and remove irrelevant and childish information from before.



  1. Always let your partner knows you care. Be sure to tell her daily.
  2. Before proposing to your partner, seek her family’s blessings.
  3. before helping a lady with her coat, ask for her permission first.
  4. learn and exhibit table manners.
  5. Be diligent and pay attention to details.
  6. Being a gentleman is also a matter of character so you must respect your elders.


  1. Chivalry should be your focus.
  2. Maintain a positive attitude.
  3. Always make reservations for the restaurant if you eating out with a friend.
  4. Guard your reputation and name In a society very jealously.
  5. Be mindful of your choice of words in any form of communication.
  6. Walk confidently with a bold demure.
  7. Strive to be better daily by learning, observing, and studying but avoid idolizing


  1. When having a conversation, maintain eye contact but don’t not stare.
  2. Always be willing to offer help to those who need it.
  3. Learn humor.
  4. Mind your liquor and know your gauge.
  5. Be mindful of what you listen to. Since most times we tend to reproduce what we hear
  6. Keep good company
  7. Quickly admit when you are wrong and apologies. Apologizing doesn’t make you weak. It’s actually a strength
  8. Learn to say the magic words “please” ”excuse me” ”sorry ”” thank you” “pardon me”
  9. Wish the success of others
  10. Don’t pick unnecessary fights
  11. Learn to do things for others without expecting anything in return
  12. Be flexible and open to change
  13. Take alone times
  14. Easily forgive others. To err is human and to forgive is divine
  15. Make breakfast in bed oftentimes
  16. Don’t ever send more than two texts in a row to some person
  17. Don’t call more than twice in a row. Instead, just leave a message
  18. Never pick your nose in public
  19. Always smell nice, use a deodorant
  20. Make your handshakes firm
  21. Don’t pretend inability. If you can’t do something, don’t say you can
  22. Don’t wear dusty shoes. Always clean your shoes.
  23. When going on a date be very polite
  24. Be quick to offer your jacket if a lady looks cold
  25. Be a good guy even behind the scenes
  26. Always show up at an event like birthdays, weddings, baby showers, etc. with a gift
  27. Share your ideas with those around you except for a good reason
  28. Don’t wear wrinkled or rumpled shirts
  29. Be gracious
  30. Be humble
  31. Offer your seat to ladies especially the pregnant
  32. In every aspect of your life strive for excellence
  33. When intending to go for an event, if you can make it let them know beforehand.
  34. Lead by example
  35. Have high standards and values
  36. Always keep your and don’t pick on little issues
  37. Be authentic and genuine
  38. Respect peoples space
  39. Don’t be polygamous in a relationship. Keep to one lady at a time
  40. Don’t intentionally hurt people’s feelings
  41. Encourage people especially your partner to pursue their goals and dreams in life
  42. Be a good listener
  43. No one or two sports and be good at them
  44. When going out on a date, put everything into thought
  45. Encourage people to be better
  46. Send flowers and chocolates to your significant other often
  47. Pull out the chair for a lady
  48. Compliment your lady when she is looking nice
  49. Stand when a lady approaches or is about to leave a table
  50. Always keep your room tidy
  51. Take responsibilities
  52. Learn to prioritize things and keep the ones important to you
  53. Be reliable
  54. Always look sharp
  55. Check up on a friend after they leave your place to ensure they got home safe
  56. Embrace loyalty
  57. Open the cab door for people regardless of their gender

Wrapping Up


ALSO, READ The Major Importance of communication in a relationship

Originally posted 2021-09-07 21:58:12.

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