Love & Dating
How to Make A Man Chase You (13 Strategic Ways)

Last Updated on March 23, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
Sometimes, we get attracted to the opposite sex, and we even want to ask them out ourselves because of the level of attraction. Some bold ladies will do that, while others won’t. You might feel awkward approaching a guy, but the truth is, you can’t even control your emotions.
You like a guy so much, and you are wondering how you can get this guy to notice you and chase you. Right in this article, I will show you simple but strategic skills on how you can get a guy to chase you without letting yourself down or feeling desperate.
13 Strategic ways to make a guy chase you
1. Be a woman of substance
Men love women of strong will and great value. They are attracted to beautiful women but are glued to independent women who can stand on their own. They can’t resist hardworking and intelligent women; this category of women is valuable.
The fact is that men actually seek what will benefit them. They seek women who know what they want and are straightforward with their values. If you want him to chase you, become the best version of yourself.
2. Keep your emotions intact
Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you. Be in control of your emotions, don’t make it too obvious that you love him that much. Men seem to take advantage of what they have when it’s too available.
Sometimes, you might feel the urge to give in easily. Perhaps you are getting old, and time is not on your side. Just be calm and take your time to study him. It’s worth the wait, no matter how long it takes.
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3. Stop chasing him
Let him do the chase. Even when you feel overwhelmed, your emotions might be too high, and you feel you want to explode. It’s normal, but don’t push him too hard. Let him do the chasing; that way, he will value you. Men value what they work hard for; if they get you easily, they will take you for granted.
4. Encourage and boost him
Try to encourage him and boost his confidence. There might be times when he is down or going through tough moments. Encourage him and let him know you will stand by him even in difficult times.
Your actions and care towards him when he’s down show you are not scared of challenges, that you really care, and you will always be with him.
5. Give him space
If you want a guy to chase you, give him some space, and you will see how he comes running to you. Practice this; it works on men. When you are too available, he will distance himself from you. Just be on a low. When you stay away for some time, he will begin to miss you. Once this feeling comes, he will definitely come for you. This is a proven strategy to make a guy chase you.
6. Flirt with him
You shouldn’t allow him to do the chase alone. Flirt around him, too; you could try some romantic body language just to get his attention and make him chase you.
A little flirt won’t do any harm, you can flirt with your eyes, texting, or calling. Men also love it when you flirt around them, it shows that you are also interested in him.
7. Don’t be scared to walkout
Even if this guy doesn’t respond positively, don’t be scared to work away. Not every guy you are interested in will be attracted to you.
If he is not into you, don’t be so worked out because he didn’t respond or force yourself on him. Keep your self-worth and respect, take a walk and look elsewhere.
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8. Make him feel you care too
Be nice and care for him, too. If you really want him to come after you, showing him little care and attention is a good start. Let him know you care about him enough for him to chase you.
He can only take the risk of chasing you if he notices your care and concern for him. You can only go for someone who wants you, not the other way around.
9. Become a treat to his eyes
Physical looks also create a good impression. You don’t expect him to go for a lady who can’t take care of her looks. Take your time to appear beautiful and nice. You must not look stunning, but be clean, classy, and presentable.
If you want him to chase you, you have to consider your looks. This guy wants you to appear beautiful in his eyes and also to others. That way, he will be geared to woo you.
10. Seduce him cleverly
Another good skill to apply to make a man chase you is seducing him. This should be done cleverly. You don’t want him to look down on you, or see you as a desperate woman. Seduce him like the smart lady that you are. Your seduction will get him on and he will be head-on heels in love with you.
11. Be real
Pretence will ruin your plan. Leaving a fake life just to impress him is actually a waste. What do you think will be his reaction when he finds out? Be real and come out plain. Let him see the real you, that way he will appreciate you.
Leaving a shadow life will only complicate issues when he eventually finds out. So don’t be boastful or proud, be free and be yourself.
12. Show confidence to make him chase you
Confidence boosts courage. It tells who you are and shows you are not afraid to face what you are. Confidence is a very good trait every woman should possess. Every guy gets stormed by a woman with confidence; it’s like an attractive force that gets them hooked on women.
You are confident doesn’t mean you are proud; it means you are too full of yourself. Confidence spells out your strength, self-esteem, and worth. The moment he storms into that room, he feels your confidence and strength in you.
13. Stay busy
Don’t hang around waiting for him to come and woo you. Keep yourself busy, get a job, hang out with your friends, and let him see the other part of your active life. If he sees you are busy, it shows that you are useful and worth fighting for.
Men hate lazy women, don’t fold your hands waiting for a man to chase you and get you busy. Have a life aside relationship, build your career.
Having a man chase you is great, but let him be worth your attention. If you really want him that much, apply these strategies, and you will get him to chase you without feeling desperate.
ALSO, READ How to Cope With Environmental Stress
Originally posted 2021-12-03 11:08:19.

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