Marriage & Divorce

Last Updated on February 22, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
Marriage is an eternal bond ordained by God himself, Genesis chapter 2 verse 24: therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and they shall become one flesh.
In this part of the world, marriage is seen as a necessity and mandatory for all. It’s every young girl’s dream, and many look forward to it.
It becomes a problem, especially for the ladies when the guy they intend to get married to keeps postponing the marriage. The lady gets scared and loses hope in getting married just because the guy postpones the marriage, which might also be a sign he doesn’t want to marry her. We would be looking at some reason why he is postponing the marriage.
1 Financial issue:
This is one of the major reasons why he might postpone the marriage. Most men compare their budget with their income and are scared of a financial crisis, so they want to make more money to give their woman a befitting wedding.
It is every young man’s dream to be very rich before marriage. However, your partner might be going through some financial crises, and fear may arise, leading him to postpone the marriage.
2 Benefits of Cohabitation:
most couples practice cohabitation; that is living together, some men have gotten so used to that kind of life without much responsibility and don’t want to move to the next level, where more responsibility awaits them.
3 Enjoying the single life:
most men tend to postpone marriages because they enjoy being single, they could go to the clubhouse and flirt with any girl of their choice, and they know once they are married they won’t be able to do all this so they want to enjoy being single more.
4 Unsure of Compatibility:
this tends to happen when the lady starts showing some weird behaviour and exhibiting some kind of character, they start having second thoughts about the supposed marriage, and to be sure they postpones the marriage to be certain if this is the woman they want to spend the rest of their life with.
5 Scared of commitment:
generally, as humans we find it hard to be committed to something, our tastes tend to change, the same for men when it comes to marriage. They are scared that if their taste changes after marriage and then I hurt her, this and other thoughts go through their minds.
6 Scared of responsibility:
humans as a whole, are scared of taking responsibility at a point in time. For the men these few thoughts might go through their head; what if am not a good husband, what if I can’t look out for my family, will I be able to provide for their needs?, will I be a good father to my children?. These and so many others go through their mind, and some have to postpone the marriage, just to be sure they can handle marriage.
7 Family issues:
This is when your boo’s family is against your union. I had a friend who fell victim to this, she and her boyfriend have been dating for a year and a half. when he proposed, I was happy for her, I should get ready for asoebi I thought to myself and silently prayed for mine.
She had told me she was going to her soon-to-be in-laws for introduction stuff and all, so I wished her good luck. Babe came to my apartment the next day crying. I asked what happened, and all she could mumble was that his parents don’t like my tribe. Despite so many attempts to reach out to the guy’s family, all proved abortive, and they had to end up splitting.
Some other minor reasons why he is postponing the marriage are:
8 The opportunity to have sex whenever he wants.
9 He is scared of the changes and compromises that come with marriage.
10 He is scared of divorce.
11 Personal trust issues.
In conclusion, most men don’t postpone marriage because they want to hurt you or make you feel bad, rather they do it because they want the best for you. So when your guy postpones your marriage, ask him why. talk about it together and find a way through it.
ALSO, READ How to plan your marriage during courtship
Originally posted 2020-11-23 12:05:16.

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