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Thank You For Your Prayers
Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Thank you notes for prayers and support during illness
Judy, I love you. Running errands for my family and yours may appear to be a minor task, but it is not in my opinion.
You weren’t doing it for money or a reward; you were doing it to help me. That is very selfless of you, and I am honored that you chose to do it for me.
Lexie, my doctor told me today that someone paid for my entire medical bill for my illness about an hour ago or so, and I know it was you.
Thank you kindly. I’ll definitely repay you once I’m better. Until then, please accept my heartfelt gratitude!
Hello, Danny. I understand that my loan request was made on such short notice, so thank you for responding so quickly.
If I continue to rack up expensive medical bills, I know my medical insurance needs to be increased. As a result, I’d like to express my gratitude for your financial assistance. I’ll never forget it.
Darling, you have been a wonderful source of support for both the kids and me during my illness, and I am grateful.
Hello! You are incredible. Thank you for everything you did for me, including the food, visits, prayers, and jokes while I was in the hospital. Thank you so much!
- As the days passed while I was in the hospital, I prayed to be released into the warm embrace of my people. I’m glad I’m finally out. Thank you very much.
- With your assistance, I was able to shake off the dust of illness and the bugs of illness. Thank you for your patience.
- Illnesses are not something that can be passed down through family members. Only good health can be wished for. This is all I have to say: Thank you for taking such good care of me during my illness.
- There is nothing better than perfect health, and I wish you this even though you were by my side when I was sick. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for me.
- You made love a reality. You proved it to be true by being there for me in sickness and pain. Thank you very much.
- When I was sick, I had the best time of my life. You were there for me through it all. Thank you kindly.
- It’s good to be back home. I miss the flowers, the routines, and everything else that makes the house perfect. Thank you for your assistance in hastening my recovery.
I didn’t need the flu; I needed you. I didn’t need the pills; I needed your love. You never denied all of them to me. Thank you for being a part of my recovery.
- The longer I struggled with illness, the more it overpowered me, but the moment I received your wishes and expressions of love, my healing began. Thank you for your prayers and concern.
- Your healing messages did exactly what you instructed them to do: they restored my health. Here, I am complete and perfect. Thank you very much.
- The colors of pills are white, red, green, blue, and orange, but the color of LOVE is CARE. Thank you for showing me the color of love while I was sick.
- Good health is a valuable asset. When one loses it, he or she loses something valuable. I’ve been restored thanks to your assistance. Thanks.
- Warm hugs, a lovely kiss, and never-ending prayers brought me safely back from the sickbed. Thank you very much.
- I wanted to give you a hug and a kiss, but sickness said no. Thank you for not saying NO; your YES, even when I was sick, brought me back safely. Thank you very much, my dear.
- The only reason I came back here so quickly is because you wouldn’t let me be alone. Thank you for assisting me in recovering quickly.
- Your best wishes were with me as I lay on the sickbed. I could feel them at all times. Thank you very much.
- I dislike injections, bitter pills, and the chemical odor that the hospital emits. Thank you for assisting me in recovering faster than I expected.
Today’s Trending 38. The more the ‘get well soon’ messages came, the more I was healed. Thank you for your well-wishes.
- For a brief period of time, the hospital environment served as my home. I appreciate your efforts to keep my stay in the hospital as brief as possible. Thanks.
- The bugs of sickness held me hostage for many days, but the memory of your warm hugs rescued me and allowed me to experience more of it for the rest of my life. Thank you very much, darling.
- I felt incomplete because sickness took that part of me when I needed it the most, but I appreciate your availability when I needed it the most.
- I am fully recovered, healthy, and ready to return to work. Thank you for all of your prayers, gifts, and concern.
- Trials include sickness, but when comforted by friends and family, the pains are quickly forgotten. Thank you for alleviating my sickness pains.
- I kept looking at the calendar while I was in the hospital because I can’t wait to hear your hilarious jokes again in the comfort of my own room. Thank you for cheering me up during those difficult times.
- I’ve finally found a reason to believe that I’m in good hands. Thank you so much for everything you went through and endured for me when I was sick.
- No matter how good the doctors’ care is or how professional the nurses are, the love from relatives is unparalleled. Thank you for your concern.
- I closed my eyes this morning, thinking about what might have happened if I hadn’t recovered from the illness, but all I see is hope because you stood by me. Thank you so much!
- You know I’m always telling you how important you are to me. You dispelled all of my doubts during my times of adversity. In sickness, you were there for me, and in recovery, you were my hand. Thanks.
- Sickness is bad enough on its own, but being alone can exacerbate even minor symptoms. Thank you for your patience.
- I was healed because you decided to help me with your prayers. Thank you very much!
If you’ve ever been sick, I’m sure people were there to show you love. It’s time to give them some love. Do what needs to be done RIGHT NOW!
Thank you so much for everything. I don’t want you to think I haven’t noticed how much more work you have as a result of my presence. I’ve noticed, and I’m so grateful to have you by my side.
Sickness is not something we plan for; it comes as an unexpected guest, but when the expected guests refuse to give up, it flees. You were my expected visitor. Thank you for keeping the unexpected at bay,
- Your love arrived, my pains vanished, your care arrived, and I was healed. Thank you for being there for me during my illness.
- Hearing about your efforts to reach out to me while I was in the hospital, as well as your persistent prayers for me, encouraged me to get better. Thank you very much.
- The more beautiful, the better. Your care was more pleasant, and my health improved as a result. Thank you for assisting with my recovery.
- The enchantment of your smile. In my time of illness, all I could think about was your radiant face and care. They are the reason I recovered so quickly. Thank you very much.
- The bones continue to grow as long as the love continues to flow. I recovered quickly from my illness because your love for me never wavered. Thank you incredibly much.
- You prayed for my freedom. You prayed for my quick recovery. I am now walking freely and have swung into full recovery. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
- You are too lovely to be missed for just one day. Your concern for me while I was in the hospital demonstrated that you are beautiful not only on the outside but also on the inside. Thank you very much.
- I couldn’t have fought the battle without your help. I couldn’t have fought off the bugs of illness without your love. Thanks.
- Finally, I’m feeling better. God be praised, and thank you for your assistance and support during this trying time. Honey, this illness is allowing me to see things more clearly. I understand what emotional support is and why it is so important.
Without your emotional support, I doubt I would have made it through the last two weeks of this harrowing illness. Thank you very much. I adore you.
Hello, this is Angus. I’m feeling much better, and I’m hoping to be fully recovered very soon.
The fact that I haven’t yet thanked you for all of your emotional support has made me feel uncomfortable.
You may be in Europe, but you were by my side the entire time. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
Timmy, I know you can’t stand a personal thank you because it’s awkward, but I still want to express my gratitude.
Everyone around me has been affected by my illness, and I have not been an easy patient for the nurses. However, you’ve been extremely helpful during this difficult time, and I appreciate it. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for the financial assistance you provided to me during my illness.
I was embarrassed at first because I couldn’t pay my own medical bills, but then I realized you were doing it out of love for me. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have you as my parents. Thank you very much.
Greetings, Miss Bond I’m writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the company’s financial assistance in covering my medical expenses.
It came at the perfect time, and I can’t thank you enough. You, too, madam, have been extremely gracious to me throughout this entire ordeal. You are blessed by God. I knew I had to write this note to thank you, Jasmine, as soon as I could use my fingers.
I’m thanking you because you’ve been so kind to me and my family during my illness. When things got tough, you checked in on them and comforted them. Thank you kindly.
Wendy, you are one of the most important people in my life. Do you understand why?
It’s because you demonstrated your loyalty and friendship during my illness by nursing me back to health. No patient is easy, and I am so damn heavy, but you saw me through. Thank you very much.
Miss Renata, I hope you heard, but I am feeling much better now. I should be returning home soon.
Before I leave this depressing place, I just wanted to express my gratitude for looking after my apartment and walking my dog while I was away. That was exactly what I needed, so thank you. 24
If my illness has taught me anything, it’s how far my friends will go to help me and my family; you helped us stay comfortable. Thank you incredibly much.
Originally posted 2021-12-14 09:42:13.

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