8 Tips For an Overwhelmed Working Mother To Run a Near-Perfect Home

Last Updated on February 8, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
There’s nothing such as a perfect home, hence the topic “tips for an overwhelmed working mother to run a NEAR perfect home”. But who says things have to be complicated for a working mother? Alright, let’s face it. For example, if there are two kids and probably a baby to deal with, a house to take care of, a report to write for work, and a whole lot of things to do, plus an overbearing boss. The tips below won’t take away all the work but will reduce the stress and help you understand how to manage your time and spend more amazing and valuable moments with your family.
Tips For an Overwhelmed Working Mother To Run a Near-Perfect Home
1. Prioritize:
What is a priority and how exactly can we do that?
Now think of all the things you have to do all day as a working mother. To make things easier, you can get a small notepad and write down all the things you do in a week. Take a good look at the list you have made and begin to arrange them in order of preference. You’ll get to realize how we tend to pay more attention to things that are not important and simultaneously ignore the most important thing.
Learning to prioritize your time cannot be overemphasized as a lot of things tend to get easier, as a result, time management becomes more efficient. You begin to take charge and be in control of your home affairs, by allocating time appropriately to each activity of your day. Here’s an example;
*Help Ryan with his mathematics study
*Visit Mrs. Smith, and remind her of the next month’s activities
*Write a financial report for my boss
*Fumigate the house
*Get new shoes for Jasmine
Now decide which is top of your list in order of the most important and do what needs to be done.
2. Plan your day:
This point might seem vague and unimportant, but as a working mother, it shouldn’t be overlooked. Someone said, “By failing to plan, you’re planning to fail”. 2 minutes of planning will save you the stress of an unplanned day. From cooking the meals, helping the kids with their studies, working on a file, and sending an application. Planning helps you to keep track of your activities and not miss the important details of your day.
3: Prepare ahead:
Prioritize and plan your day and week depending on how you want it, and then prepare for it. If you plan to make a pot of stew on the weekend, then get your tomatoes during the week and refrigerate. Preparing ahead saves you the stress of the last-minute rush, helping you to organize your schedules.
4. Give your kids a sense of responsibility:
For working mothers who have kids from 7-8 years and above, this is a very vital tip. It’s never too early to start grooming a child to face the world ahead. Little things make the most difference. Have your kids start helping you around the house. For starters, they can help to start arranging their beds, picking the toys, disposing of the garbage, and a whole lot more. It also helps the children start taking account of their actions and have a sense of discipline and responsibility. This top kills two birds with a stone. You get the house clean and you train your kids!
ALSO, READ The use of positive words around your child
5. Get your partner to help :
Except for single or widowed mothers, tip 5 is essential. No doubt, running a home is a lot of tasks for a working mother thereby getting your partner to help greatly lessens the stress. There is no laid down rule for this tip and it is unique and different in each household. Sit with your partner and discuss what needs to be done and how. Communication is the key.
6. Cook healthy meals:
Why is this an important tip for running a home? When you cook healthy food, you have healthy kids making you spend less on drugs and medical bills. As a working mother, you don’t have to break the bank to make a healthy meal. A little planning and money save the stress. Check for fruits in season, purchase, and refrigerate. Do you know a way to preserve fruits? Learn. Go on the internet and learn how to make Jam, mango puree, and a whole lot of others.
Also, ensure your home and its environs are neat, helping you to avoid certain diseases and outbreaks. You can also cook food in bulk and store it in the refrigerator. This would help prevent your children from getting used to JUNK
7. Spend valuable time with your family:
The family that plays together stays together. Running a near-perfect home involves spending quality time with your family. Spending happy moments with family helps to build trust and keeps the bond stronger. As a working mother, it’s essential to make time for your kids and spouse Spend time together doing something you love.
8. Expect emergencies:
A near-perfect home would be an illusion if you do not expect emergencies, things you didn’t plan for. Your kid may just catch the flu or cold. Your teething baby will keep you awake all night. Your spouse may travel for the week and you may get a fever. Be rest assured, that it’s still part of a near-perfect home. Planning your schedule and preparing your home will help you take care of the home effectively even when you have unexpected expenses or an impromptu development.
As a working mother, you must understand that your health matters in running a near-perfect home. How often do you take time out for yourself? Indulge yourself in luxury, be it a massage, shopping, or a foot bath. Just do what works for you. Learn to focus on your achievements, not your setbacks. And do not forget, the tips above won’t make you a perfect working mum, but near perfect!
ALSO. READ Familial Factors Affecting Childhood Development and Growth.
Originally posted 2020-08-30 21:43:38.

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