Text Messages

Last Updated on February 25, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
These are powerful love letters that you can send to your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Love letters can be sent through text messages, printed as a love card, or Via email. You can also copy and paste these love letters and edit them to make a love card for your partner on Valentine’s day.
Sending a love letter is a way of expressing deep emotions and letting your partner know that they mean the world. love letters really work if you’re are having a long-distance relationship.
Dear ……….,
You mean the world to me and I care about you so deeply that it hurts for the short time that we are not together each day. My every thought and breath, I draw from you and I truly do love you.
I love you and you are my world. You are the sweetest, most precious woman in my life. All my life I prayed for someone like you and I thank God that I finally found you. Love, promise me that you will always be mine. I know in my heart our love will never die. You will always be a part of me and I am a part of you indefinitely.
I don’t find enough words to describe how I feel about you. You possess all the color and beauty of heavens, lush and satiny. Do you know how much I hunger for your gentle touch and the warmth embrace of your body?
I love you; you are my every heartbeat and my every breath.
Love u always,
Hello sweetheart,
How are you this morning and how was your night, Did you dream about the both of us? I just want to tell you that no matter what, I will always love you and be there for you, Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I’ve never been so certain of anything in my life like I am right now. I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I’m walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete. I know People might say we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn’t mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship might think that we’re saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don’t know how we feel about each other. There’s nothing foolish about the things I’ve told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and for you I would do anything, I love you so much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great person, outstanding mother and loving wife. I LOVE YOU!!.
My lovely wife,
My dearest love, today I sat and thought of only you with every breath I took. Today you are so far away and I’m not being able to hold you, kiss you or even able to tell you I love you every day, I miss you and can’t wait till I come home so you can be able to wrap your arms around me and hold me so close to your heart. Days go by and nights get longer. It makes me stronger and stronger. I just want you to know that I will be here as long as it will take; one thing I want you to know is I love you and you will forever be in my heart.
I love you so much. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You have always stood up for me and been there when no one else was. You are the sweetest lady I know. I never thought I could love anyone this much or be as close to someone as I am to you. You are my heart, my soul, my world, and finally, I found my other half. I always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought never would get filled. But guess what? You filled that hole. You were the other half of my heart I was looking for all these years.
You have changed me so much. You made me realize that I don’t need anyone else’s approval for anything in life and that as long as you are happy, that’s all that matters. You almost taught me to live life to the fullest. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. I want to be with you forever. I never want to lose you. I know our love is real because otherwise, we wouldn’t have made it this far. I love you with all my heart and soul and nothing will ever change that. Don’t you ever forget that either.
I really don’t know how to put into words exactly what you mean to me, but I have many times seen the love you have for me. I don’t think that any other woman could be as loving as you. I know now that it doesn’t matter to you what situation we are in, you will still be there. I know now that we can do anything together and I know that you will be there to save me and to help us fly. I’ve never experienced the kind of love that we both share and I never thought that I could find someone who can put up with my family. I truly believe that God Himself brought you down from the glorious heavens above to be forever my Wife. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you and I will love you and only you as long as God keeps us alive thanks honey for you kind and understanding do have a nice day.
Love, always and forever.
Hello Sweetheart,
I have been thinking about you as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we’ve spent emailing. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I’ve known you forever and I honestly can’t imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you and that our love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you’re the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I’ve truly been blessed by finding you and I’ll never let you go.
Dear, I believe that good things come to those who wait, but my wonder is why does it take so long for those good things to arrive? I can’t just stop thinking about you! I don’t know how to express my feelings to you in words. I want you to know that since the day we met I’ve fallen deeply in love with you. There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into my life, and how you make every day so special. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. If only I can do this in person while gazing into your eyes to tell you how much you mean to me would have been in a more perfect way. But I have to let know in a letter such as this that I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today. You are the love of my life. I love you, and I always will until the day I die. Hopefully, when that day comes, I will still have you by my side and yours will be the last face that I see.
Hugs and sweet Kisses.
Good day my love,
You have made me the happiest man I have ever been. You are sincere, caring, loving woman, and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. I am so thankful and blessed that you loved me as much as I loved you and that you made me your husband. You’re my wife for real I assure you.
Ever since you walked into my life I have been smiling. There hasn’t been a night when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face and it’s all because of you.
Our life together is already amazing and together it will only get better and better. I will forever be grateful that you came into my life and made all my dreams come true. Together we’re perfect and I will enjoy spending the rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can say. I love you with my whole heart. I have never trust anyone the way I trust you. Sometimes I even doubt myself but I know I will never doubt you because you are my true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or let me down in any way.
Thank you for everything honey. I pray to God every day to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.
Yours lovely,
My Love,
I do not know how to express the conflicting emotions that have surged like a storm through my heart all day.
Valuing a relationship is not merely done by seeing each other everyday. What counts is how much in our busy lives we remember each other.
I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have come into my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to sleep next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms. I want to wake to see your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you are everything to me now. What more can a man say to the woman who opened her heart to him, allowing him to feel the warmth of her love across the great distance that separates them? You truly have no idea what I feel for you.
The feelings that I’ve felt for you all along begin only this time, I am free to act on them without fear of upsetting anyone because you take the time to write me and make me feel appreciated for my effort to contact you first.
I only know that first and foremost in all my thoughts has been the glorious confirmation you gave me without effort, unconsciously, of course of all I have ever thought of your mind and heart.
You have the greatest soul, the noblest nature, the sweetest, most loving heart I have ever known, and my love and admiration for you have increased so much since we’ve known each other that it still amazes me.
You are more wonderful and lovely in my eyes than you ever were before, and my pride and joy and gratitude that you should love me with such a perfect love are beyond all expression.
Love Always,
My love,
Thanks for your SMS and how are you today? I was so happy to read your message and can’t wait to meet you to feel your warm hug and kiss.
My love, words can’t even express what you mean to me. I was so lost, before I met you and then when you came into my life everything made sense. I’ve waited so long to wake up each morning with a smile on my face until now.
You are perfect in every way, I’m so glad you gave me the chance to be a part of your life. I don’t think sometimes, you realize what an amazing person you are. But you have no idea, about the wonderful qualities that you hold, that I see in you. I tell you everyday how much I love you, but you’ll never know just how much I do and how I feel inside. I never knew I could feel like this so soon, and have so much love for one person.
You’re my everything baby. You mean the world to me, you’re my every thought, my soul, my love, my everything.
Lots of love always….
Big hugs and kisses.
My love thanks for your message and how was your night I guess fine as always. I really miss you so much. Honey as soon as I get to the states I will be coming over to meet you so we could plan our self together. Sometime in a life time we meet people we have no expectation of meeting. Sometimes you meet people and your whole world experience reforms. I met you and started realizing the reason why I have to stay longer. There are times I search for who cares and loves me but I never see until we met each other I can not say much but to thank you for making me part of you.
My heart accelerates at the speed of light, every time I breathe, I hear the rhythms of your sweet name, so melodious and charming. Every time I breathe I notice the inclination in the level of love I have for you. Maybe it’s because I keep you in the most integral part of my heart. Sometimes I try to stop loving you but I realize I can stop breathing, because even if I do my brain will never cease in passing the impulse of you to my soul because my love for you is burning out of control. I even sent my Rev Father an email about what is happening in my life and he told me that you and I are lucky to meet, we were sent by God and we will get married, I became more happy, he said he will like to speak with you some time. As for me I realized that when I found you a new me was made.
Lots of love and kisses always.
My pretty Angel,
I am so happy to hear from you just as the sea was calm today. When you’re in a long distance relationship, all you can rely on is letters, cards, emails, and telephone calls . I see my self falling greatly for you because you take the time to write me and make me feel appreciated.
I want you to know that since the day we met I’ve fallen deeply in love with you. There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into my life, and how you make every day so special. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today. Honey, I need to let you know that I’m so much in love with you. You are a very special woman to me and this I think you should know. I am so thankful you have come into my life.
Thank you, my sweetheart, what more can I say to you, allowing me to feel the warmth of your love across the great SEAS that separates us? You truly have no idea what I feel for you.
I am trying to put this feeling into words, but I’m failing miserably. This feeling of being both scared and at peace, of having both butterflies and a sense of calm, is a feeling that I have only dreamed about. As the days continue to pass, my love for you will continue to grow. I never thought I had the capacity to love anybody as much as I love you right now. My love for you will continue to mature, growing beyond the realm of my heart. It seems that you have become the fiber of my soul, the very reason for my existence.
I have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no actions could even come close. I’m So crazy about you baby.
Hello dear,
How are you doing? hope you are doing fine? Thanks so much for the mail. You look so pretty in the picture with such a nice smile. I believe now that since I have known you I will never let you down in any way ok. I believe in true and honest love and that is what we share together.
Below are words I learned about love from my mom when I was growing up and I will really want you to read them carefully because these are words I have lived all my life on and it has really made me a better man today ok
What my mother taught me about love !!
Marry for love:
The most important thing I’ve learned from my mother is that the fairy tale of love can be real – that after years of loosing my father, she can still light up the room for you him before she also died.”The most important thing my mother have taught me is to make sure to only marry someone that you really, truly love.”
My mother taught me to work as hard in a relationship as you would at anything else you truly love. Even the best relationships still need to be worked on no matter what. She said if you love one another it will be worth it. Never give up. My mother have been through it all and no matter what for years she was still in love with my dad till death. So, I would have to say that she taught me that love truly can conquer all! My aunt always says “Marriage vows are sacred, far stronger than any bumps or potholes along life’s highway.
My aunt always tell me before she died that Communication is important. If something is bothering you about the other person, talk to them about it. Don’t let it eat at you and hope that they are going to change. How will they change if you don’t tell them. And my mom will say never argue about the petty stuff and never let the petty stuff argue you.
I have come to realize that two people are not the same and your partner should be treated as you would want to be treated. If you made a mistake in your relationship remember, problems come and go. In order to build a strong relationship, one must be willing to forgive one another and move on. When you can do that you know you have found a true soul mate.
I’ve learned to leave the past in the past. Forgive others for things that have been said in the heat of an argument. Approach each other to apologize. Don’t wait for the other one to do it first.” If you love someone enough you will love the good and tolerate the bad.”And I have learned that love endures through all the good and bad things that may come about in a marriage.”
To be open and honest with the person you’re with. Lying about things only means you have something to hide, and it only makes things worse for everyone I would have to say being honest. Without honesty in your relationship it will not work. Lies have a tendency of catching up with you.”
Do you know it takes two to make a relationship work, both parties have to be willing to support the other and give of each other in a loving manner? When things get tough, help each other get through the rough times. My late mom taught me how to work out solutions for every problem – together. Is the best Secret of the soul .
Ponder the words of Torquato Tasso, “Any time not spent in love is wasted. “Sweetie I will say again that I am very glad and proud that I found you and I will always remain honest with you till the end of the world. Thinking of you makes me feel very good.
My dearest love, today I sat and thought, with every breath I took, of only you. I remember when we first met online like it was yesterday. Two people in two different worlds, I just had my daughter and was all alone, not knowing what life had in store for me or her. And then an opening of the door of trying online dating, there you came, a woman with a heart the size of the heavens above. One day lead to the next, getting to know each others bether and we became lovers! Of which we want to spend our lives together as one happy family.
Today, I’m so far away and I’m not being able to hold you, kiss you, or even able to tell you I love you every day in your face, as we go through the hardest thing we have ever had to go through since meeting each other. Yes, I miss you and can’t wait till I come home to be able to wrap my arms around you and hold you close to my heart. Days go by and nights get longer. It makes me stronger and stronger. I just want you to know that I will be here as long as it will take for me to be home; One thing I want you to know is I love you and you will forever be in my heart.
Love you forever,
Dear ……..,
Ever since you walked into my life, I have been smiling. There hasn’t been a day when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it’s all because of you. Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am. Now I have found the person I was looking for. My heart told me that my Queen Charming was there when you first said hello to me over the phone. I didn’t have to think twice when I asked you to be my lover and my best friend. I knew that you were Mrs. Perfect. I don’t think that there is, or there could be, anyone better than you out there for me.
I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you. Sometime I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or never let me down in anyway.
Thank you honey for everything. I pray to god everyday to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.
Always and Forever Yours,
Dear Babe,
I know that the next week or so will be very hard on our relationship for us not being so close to one another. I’ve been thinking of it a lot these past few days. The more I think about it, the more I know I have made the right choice. I once told you that if you really loved someone, then everything would work out just fine, that if our love was strong we could make it through anything. I have realized that is what true love is all about.
I want you to know that while I’m over here, I will be completely faithful to you. You will NEVER have to worry about that. You have completely taken my heart. It’s funny, because I told myself I would never fall in love again. Yet when I was least expecting it I fell the hardest. I have finally found my partner in you. No matter what we may face, I will NEVER give up on our love. I know that God brought us together. No doubt about it, we were just meant to be. I love you, I will love you forever.
Love u always,
Missing You
Its Another day without you by my side. Sometimes I do not have a clue about how I will be able to pull through this, or where I will get the strength to make it through the empty days and lonely nights. The day I will return home to be with you, is all that keeps me going, it will be heaven, and then I will be complete again.
I love you so deeply there are no words to explain the tremendous tidal wave of emotions flowing through me just from the sound of your voice, the mention of your name, the vision of your smile or thoughts of you.
Today I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, as my love for you grows with every passing hour. I love you more than “Love.”
Forever faithfully your Man with pride
Undying Devotion
Hello baby girl,
How are you doing this morning and I hope that you slept well last night sweetie? Baby, I can’t begin to explain how you have enriched my life. These past weeks have been one blessing after another. I sit and think that it is so hard to believe that just a few weeks ago we were two lonely dreamers in a chat room. I knew from the first moment I spoke with you I loved you. And, when I spoke to you I knew I would forever be by your side — forever your partner and forever your love. And, now forever your wife. I know I don’t express it nearly as often as I should, but baby, don’t doubt me. I love you more now than I ever thought possible. And that love grows each and every day. Every time you smile, speak, and every time you have that look in your eyes. I am yours, you hold my heart. I love you, and thank you for making me the luckiest woman on earth.
You are my everything. Thank you for loving me the way no one can. You understand me and you know just how to make things right. You will never know just how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You saved me from the worst, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an option and making love is always as sweet as the first time. No matter what, there will never be another for me and I will always keep you safe. I love you for all eternity. Again, thank you, Baby.
Love u Always,
You Are My Sunshine
Dear ……….,
Only you can make me feel like time STOPS when I’m with you. Only you can make things better when it feels like the end. Only you can be the one to smooth my fears away. For this I’m grateful and I hope you never leave. I love you. My Dearest, life can be cruel but when it all comes together there is no moment as sweet. That is how I feel about you entering my life. You have rekindled the flame called love in me. You have given one more reason to look forward to tomorrow. Now, you are a significant part of my life and I look forward to the day when we can make it permanent. I love you so much. I love you for your kindness, for your caring and giving nature, for your beauty – both inner and outer, and most of all I love you because you are you. The fact that you show me who you really are and not what you think I may want. Sweetie, let this letter be a testament to my true feelings for you. The whole world can see and know how I feel for you. I love you,
Dear …….,
From the day we met, I knew that you would hold my heart in your hands and you more than do that – you completely own me and every part of me. When I think of you, my heart is so full of love and passion for you that I can hardly contain myself. I think of spending every minute of every day with you and holding you so close to me. Whenever you think of me, please know that no matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives comes between us, you are and always will be the love of my life and I will never love anyone, but only you. I thank God everyday for letting me meet you and falling in love with you, because I know that it would never be as perfect any other way. I love you with all that I am.
Love u always,
Dear Love,
My days and especially my nights are so empty without you! I look forward to waking up to the softness of your skin against mine, your hair gently brushing my cheek. I can feel you breathing as if you were here with me at nights. Imagine you as you dream, gently “waking” you to the soft caresses of my hands and your body yielding to me. I love you so much baby and you don’t know how much I really do miss you. You’ve opened up a door I thought I locked a long time ago. Until we can be together again you are always in my heart and on my mind. Think of me always and dream of me often, because I’m doing the same over here. I love and miss you so much sweetie Pie.
Love u always
I love you from now until death do us part. Right now, I am so far from you and it is killing me sweetie, but I know in my heart that we are doing the right thing. And, I am trying to get things straight so we can live together forever and spend a lifetime together. I don’t want to lose you for anyone else or anything that anyone has to say about us. I want you to know that I love you from the deepest part of my heart. My love for you is unconditional. The love for you is so strong and the most powerful feeling that I have had in a long time and I am just at a lost for words when it comes to you. I just wish that their was another way that we could be together without living so far apart right at the time being. I want you to know that I love you and always will and there is nothing that will ever change that about how I feel. I love you so much sweetie.
Love u Always,
Dear ……..,
I can be myself when I am with you. Your idea of romance is dim lights, soft music, and just the two of us. Because you make me feel like I have never felt before. I can tell you anything, and you won’t be shocked. Your undying faith is what keeps the flame of our love alive. You and me together, we can make magic. We’re a perfect match. Thinking of you fills me with a wonderful feeling. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead. You never give up on me, and that’s what keeps me going. You are simply irresistible. I love you because you bring the best out of me. I love your terrific sense of humor. Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat. You’re the one who holds the key to my heart. You always say what I need to hear. You have taught me the true meaning of love. Love is, what you mean to me – and you mean everything. You are my theme for a dream. I have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you. And, of course, I love your intelligence, ’cause you were smart enough to fall in love with me.
Love u Always,
Your Love
best love letters
You Are My Everything
Dear Precious,
You’re the best lady ever and that’s all there is to it! Whenever I’m talking to you, I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole wide world. There’s nothing that I need to hide from you, nothing I can’t tell you; there are no uncomfortable silences, no secrets, and no reason to suspect anything unusual. Our relationship has none of the qualities that make other relationships fail – it’s almost too perfect, but just right at the same time.
We complement each other in everything we do, making each other stronger. You’ll never forget to let me know just how much you love me and I never forget to let you know just how much I love you as well. You’re the love of my life right now and I really think you’re my soul mate.
When I think of what our lives could be like together in the future, I get butterflies and chills all over – it’s just so exciting! I think something like this does happen to everybody; I’m just so lucky it’s happened to me.
You’ve filled all the cracks in my soul and you’ve made me a better person, Baby. If it weren’t for you, I honestly don’t think I would’ve made it to this day. I love you with all my heart and soul, Baby; you know that, and Baby, don’t believe for a second thought that anything could change it. My happiness is prolonged only because of you.
You’re basically all I think about, Baby; when I’m not thinking about you, whatever I’m thinking about has to do with you. You’re my everything, my existence, my love, my mental status, everything, and I want to thank you for being the person you are. No matter what people say, Baby. I love you!
Love always & forever,
I love you more than words can say; my heart will always belong to you. You know me and you’ve been through a lot for us, but always and forever my love for you is very strong. Though I’m far away in a place so violent and where no one has a heart, I miss you more and more every day. I dream, think and imagine the times we are going to have spending ourlives together as couples and the happy days you and I are going to share, which are all now dreams and imaginations. But of which it is going to come through and just remember one thing: I will always love you and There is only one good thing about being away from you, and that is the feeling I get when I see your beautiful pics and talk to you. It is the love I have for you multiplied by the !!!!weeks!!!!!! we have been apart since we’ve known each other. I love you. I wish there was a word that could describe how much I love and miss you, but maybe it’s better that you don’t know. You would see I do love you more. I love you more than I can understand. I’m so crazy about your love sweetie and I miss you so much.
Love always,
My Life With You
Dear Michael,
I know this may sound cliché’ but to be honest you changed my life. From the moment I saw you I knew you were a gift from God. You constantly shower me with unconditional love and you always understand my shortcomings without criticism. Just looking at you is enough to make me happy. My life is now full of promise, every day is worth looking forward to, and it’s all because of you. You made me become a better person. I never thought I could love someone the way I love you now. I know you hear this all the time, but I want to tell you again and again that I truly love you and my life would never be the same without you. You make my life complete. I know we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn’t mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship might think that we’re saying too many foolish things too soon, but they just don’t know how we feel about each other. There’s nothing foolish about the things I’ve told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and for you I would do anything, I love you and !!!!!!!!!!!!! so much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great person, outstanding father and loving husband. I LOVE YOU!! I miss you every day.
Love u always,
Missing You Endlessly
Dear Bryon,
Baby, I know that we’ve not been together since we’ve met, and it seems like forever. Yet, you say your love for me is as strong, of which I am so grateful. I wish I was right there with you now, so it wouldn’t be so hard for you to believe. I can’t help but to love you with every beat of my heart, and with every ounce of my soul. You are the absolute best thing to ever happen in my life, next to our !!!!!ou Kids!!!!!!!!. And, you are the most sensitive, caring, tender, considerate, loving woman I have ever met. You are simply amazing. I would never dream of letting you go, and I wouldn’t be able to live another breath in this world if I didn’t have you on my side, as my wife, lover, and friend.
I know we believe that good things come to those who wait, but my wonder is; Why does it take so long for those good things to arrive, and why does the wait have to come with all these obstacles of hard and testing times? All I have right now are my dreams of you, so I close my eyes at night to dream of us, and wait for that precious day when I can wake up to my dream come true — YOU!! Stay strong, Baby, and I will always love you, and I will wait as long as it takes. Because my love for you won’t change in a year – or – twenty, not even a lifetime. It is you and me, Baby, forever. Thank you for loving me; I have never truly lived until the day I received your love. I just can’t wait until I get the chance to live again when we are together. I love and miss you so much baby.
Love u always,
Having Your Love
Thank you for loving me no way any one has ever tried. Thank you for knowing all the little things that mean so much to me. Thank you for understanding that you and I need to take time together for talking and just spending time together. For everything you are, and mean to me and everything I am becoming because you are in my life… thank you!
Having your love has been the best thing that has happened to me. I have never felt so much love from one man. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you – I just wish I was there with you to show you how much I love you. The way you show your love for me is so true; I feel so loved! I need only to think of you, of us, our love, hopes, and dreams. I want to spend my life with you, loving you and receiving your love in return. I long to watch you being under my arms and feeling your touch. Everything that keeps us apart will soon be gone and we will have each other always…….., thank you for loving me the way you do.
Always and forever yours,
Until The End Of Time
Dear Baby,
Ever since you walked into my life I have been smiling. There hasn’t been a night when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it’s all because of you. Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, and faithful. I wanted someone who would accept me for who I am. I know that I’ve found that person in you. My heart told me that my princess was there when I first said hello to you over the phone. I didn’t have to think twice when I asked you to be my wife. I knew that you were the perfect match for me. I don’t think that there is, or that there ever could be, anyone better than you out there for me.
I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you. Sometimes I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or let me down in any way.
Thank you for everything, honey. I pray to God every day to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.
Always and Forever Yours,
Dear Honey,
Here is my chance to tell the world how lucky I am to have found an amazing man like you. For the past weeks now, I felt like I was meant to be alone, as if my someone took a wrong turn over a bridge before I could meet them. Then came you suddenly online that faithful day, my eyes went from clouded storms to small blue beacons. I was so sad, and you took away all that pain just by smiling and talking to me.
I am so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Your love has made me love my life. Everyday seems like a blessing since I’ve met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with such a talented, beautiful and brilliant lady. I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love with me. It is a truly wonderful gift.
I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you, but I wanted us to get acquainted to each others first. I’m so glad we both didn’t give up. I cannot imagine what my life would be without you. Falling asleep with you under my arms every night and waking up seeing you beside me each morning is how I want to spend the rest of my life. You are my everything! I love you so much. Every day that goes by, every time we talk, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I know there will never be anyone else for me, for everyone would pale in comparison to you and what you make me feel. Thank you, Sweetheart, for healing my broken heart. Thank you for making me believe in miracles. Thank you for coming into my life!
I will love you always,
Love letters for boyfriend
Dear Martin,
I love you; there it’s simple but so true. I miss you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you; I love you more than anything. You are my world, my life, my reason to live. It was so cute the first time you said I love you, because I know you where trying so hard to let it out, but you weren’t sure when would be a good time it say it. You are so cute and romantic and I love all the things that you have done and that you do for me. The miles between us, will not destroy us, we both know we are strong enough to make it through. It was you who pulled me out from my dark less loving life and made my life worth living, because of your love. You held me so close with your words that captured and seized my heart and you said it would be fine and I believe you, it will be! I love you, ………, and always will. I can’t wait to Home with you sweetie! I miss you so much.
Love u always,
My Dear Choco Milo,
I love you because you make me look forward to each day. You’re my everything, a dream come true. There are no words to express what I feel for you. There are no songs as beautiful as the music that fills my soul when I hear your voice. There are no roses as lovely as your smile. Nothing moves me like you do. There are no days brighter than the days I spend talking to you on the phone. You’re my light in the darkness. There could never be words strong enough to express my love for you. I love you with my body, soul, and mind. You’re my everything. Our life together is already amazing, and together it will only get better and better. I will forever be grateful that you came into my life and made all my dreams come true. Together we’re perfect, and I will enjoy enjoying spending the rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can say.
I love you so much
love u always
Words From My Heart
Dear SugarPie,
I am writing to you this letter to show appreciation of all the things that you have been to me and you have shown me. You are a true gift sent from God and I know that! You have loved me for who I am and what I am. You have accepted all of me. Unconditionally you have been there for me 24/7 through thick and thin.
I have previously thought that I have been in love, but then you came along, took my hand and show me further into what love REALLY is. I have so much to thank you for and as far I can’t stop loving you, nothing can stop us to be together. I believe this to be true. When I look towards our future, you are always pictured there. I worry and I care for you. This is meant to be, James. I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind.
We are both birds of free spirit, but we fly together forever. It is you who I am so sure of spending the rest of my life with, to marry, to have children with, to love and to cherish forever and eternally.
I know that we are not sure what the heavens want for us and what God’s plans are for each of us individually, but I have all of this faith in us. I have faith that God will do the best for us and what would be best for us is our eternal love. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you amazing love, the way you have shown me. I want you to know that I care about you more than I care for myself. You are my number one and only, foreverly you will always be sweetie. Thank you so much for your love.
Your Forever Man
From My Heart
Hi, Baby Bear. You’re always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way. You’re my baby, and will forever be my baby. You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you righteously deserve. Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You’re my theme or a dream! Every moment we share together we grow closer.
I’m simply hanging by a moment, waiting to see you, so you can I can hold you so tight that all else fades, I thought that being away from you, you would fade away from my mind, but still, everyday I wake up dreaming of our time we are going to spend when we are together. I will never forget you. I hope you still think of me too.
I love you with all that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my love for you then it’s forever and a day. I can’t wait to be with you, see your smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people call crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you.
Love u always,
All I Want To Do
Dear God’s Gift,
I know I can’t give you the whole world, but I can promise you I will always love you. My heart is yours, and even though I know I’ll make mistakes, I will never break your heart. I’ll be right beside you as we chase our dreams together, and you will never have to wonder if I still care. I think about you all day long and when I’m not near you my mind is consumed with thoughts of being close to you again. When we talk I feel like everything in the world is right, and I know I don’t have to ask God for anything because as long I have you in my life I have everything I could ever want. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me. I Thank so much for coming into my life sweetie.
Thank you for loving me no way anyone has ever tried. Thank you for knowing all the little things that mean so much to me. Thank you for understanding that you and I need to take time together for fun, making love, talking and just spending time together. Thank you for everything you are and mean to me, and everything I am becoming, because you are in my life… thank you!
Love u always,
Dear …….,
What a wonderful beginning to a new day! It began late in the previous days — me finding you online, chatting online, confessing my love, and then it happens all over again. The feelings that I’ve felt for you all along begin to resurface. Only this time, I am free to act on them without fear of upsetting anyone. Even though we are apart, my heart will always be with you. As long as we have the memories of the love we are going to share when we are together. As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we are still in love, each day is never a waste and the waiting will prove to be worthwhile.
I love you more than words can say. My heart will always belong to you. The two of us have been through a lot together, but my love for you stands as strong today as it ever has. Now that I’m far away in a place filled with no one else like you, I miss you more and more every day. I think back on the way we started talking to one another baby and I keep getting sweet imaginations of the happy days you and I are going to share together as one, but those times are memories stock in my head sweetie. But, just remember one thing: I will always love you.
Love u always
Dear ………,
Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I’ve never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I’m walking over clouds just thinking about you. I just wanted you to know how truly I deeply love you and how much I deeply care for you. We’ve been together for almost weeks now and nothing could change the way I feel about you and us as a couple. You are my one and only. I don’t think there could ever be enough words in this world that could really capture how I truly feel about you. I love you so much; I just don’t know how I could ever explain it. But I do know that the one person I can count on always is you. I hope you knew this and if you didn’t, hopefully you’ll know this now and forever. I love you very much.
Love always and forever,
deep emotional love letters
I Belong To You
Baby, This few period have been with you
I have learned how to love, smile and be happy
But, at last! You haven’t taught me how to forget you
Now, I am finding it hard to live without you.
you make me feel so happy,
just when you say my name,
and every time I call you
I can tell you feel the same.
You still love me ………..,
And, yes, I love you too,
and its just the way you make me feel
when you do the things you do.
It’s true if you could only understand
how much I really want you,
………….., as my woman forever.
I love you & I am missing you so much.
Kisses!!! and Hugs!!!
You Amaze Me
Dear SugarPie,
You are an amazing woman who takes everything I am insecure about and makes me feel handsome. It’s been so long since we’ve met online and we have not been together in person, but that does not makes me stop loving you and kept imagine how lovely, sexy, romantic your hands and lips are, when they will tangle with mine, when we are together. Anyway, I’m sure I will be fine. I’m just so excited and nervous all at the same time, because I have you in my life as my lover and friend!
Though we are apart day by day, I think that it brings us closer together because it makes us think about each other. I pray me and you together will last a life time, because I want to have a family and spend the rest of my life with you. I seriously think and know quite alright that you would make a great wife, mother and friend. If you think of us just remember to “let us burn!!” I love you with all my heart and I miss you so much right now. I can’t wait to be home with you sweetie.
Love u always,
Dear Sweetie,
I am writing to you to tell you how much you truly mean to me. This !!!!!!!last month!!!!!!!!! has been one of the best !!!!!!month!!!!!! of my life and it’s all because of you. I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile, your magical eyes, and the sound of your voice. I love the warmth I feel when I’m talking with you. I can’t stop thinking about you now that we are apart. I need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I’ve always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share with you. I love you with every beating piece of my heart. Every train of thought turns to you. You are the most wonderful, smart, talented, beautiful woman I have ever met and I thank God every day that you’re mine. I love you more than I could ever explain, more than I even understand. I hope that we last forever. I hope you are the man I marry. I love you, you are my baby.
Love u always,
Dear SugarCake,
Having your love has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, wonderful woman?
Everything about you is just so perfect. I know you are not without imperfections, but in my eyes, everything you do just seems so flawless. The way you express your love to me is so awesome!! I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt away. I want to spend my whole life with you, loving you and receiving your love in return. I long to hold you and feel your sweet caress.
The miles that lie between us will soon disappear, and we will have each other always. I don’t care what others say about you and me. All I know is that I love you, and that will never change. …….., sweet, …….., Thank you for loving me, the way you do, I couldn’t ask for more in a woman!
Love u always,
love letters for girlfriend
To The Person Who Makes Me Happy
Hello Baby,
First of all I just want to thank you for coming into my life. You took me by surprise, I wouldn’t ever think that I would be as lucky to have you, but now that I have you I don’t ever want to let go. You have brought so much love, joy, and happiness that no other guy has ever shown me. I love you so much!!
I just wanted to let you know how much I do love you and how close we have became in such a short period of time. We may not have known each other long but our love is strong and it means everything to me. You are the one who always makes me feel better about myself and makes me laugh at all the crazy stuff we talk about that no one understands but us. I’m glad I found you and I hope we spend a lot more happy times together in the future. Thanks just for being here for me I love you more than words I could say.
Thank you for believing in me when I could see no light. Thank you for picking me up when I fell and for kissing the tears off of my face. Thank you for giving me the freedom to tell you how I feel without feeling scared of your reaction. Thank you for your respect of my thoughts and feelings.
The fact that STILL I cannot find the words to describe exactly how my heart feels when I am with you, infuriates me. However, even if I had all descriptive vocabulary embedded unto my brain, I am sure that there still would not be a word that would fit exactly right.
Loving you until the skies fall down,
My Heroine
Dear Honey,
Secretly you have taken each broken piece of my heart from all those before you and put it together like a puzzle. My troubled times were those of which my heart was not put completely together, but once the last piece was placed, that was when I realized I can’t live without you.
You are a great lady and I just can’t imagine a day without loving you. Even though you are not here; I see you, I smell you, I feel you, I miss you. Every time I close my eyes I see your beautiful face. I don’t know what to do; all I know is how much I am in love with you. And every day I’m going to continue to pray that I will be home to be with you soon, and fulfill all the promise’s that I’ve made to you and make sure it comes true. Until then, just know that I’m here for you and love you so much, that I miss you and this love that I feel is nothing but unconditional. I can’t wait to be home with you baby, My Love I Miss You So Much.
Love u always,
Love Of My Life
Dear Sweetie,
I want you to know how much I love you. You mean so much to me and I want so much to make you as happy as you make me. Each passing day has me falling more in love with you. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me. Most of the time you don’t even realize it. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you. You have given me a new perspective on so many things. I will always treasure our love and keep it safe. You make me feel special, like I’m your one and only. You make me feel like I’m a star in the sky lighting up your life. You make me feel safe when I’m near you, wrapped up in your arms. You make me feel like an angel from heaven because you never stop telling me how much you love me. You’re always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way. You’re my baby, and will forever be my baby. You’ll will always be the love of my life.
Love u Always,
Love Comes In Many Ways
Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend. Weeks later I am leading my life with you as your lover, which I could never thought of this very time weeks ago.
God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. But I hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can’t handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our love for each other is way far stronger than any oceans can come across.
I am writing you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real that I can’t find any words to describe my feelings for you. At the same time I would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks. My love for you has grown so strong that I can never imagine a life without you now.
I will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be. My heart will always yearning for your love and care forever. I love you always.
Missing you,
Mi Amor, Mi Vida, Mis Suenos
Dear ……..,
My love, my life, my dreams, this is what you mean to me. For !!!!!! Days !!!!!! now, you have been the motivation behind every breath I take. My whole life ruled by thoughts of you – of us.
The day that I met you was the day my life and thoughts on relationships changed forever. To fall in love with a woman who I can just be myself with, who brings out a part of me that I always knew existed but could never find, is just the most amazing feeling I could ever have. The feelings and emotions that you are able to evoke from me are for you alone – a part of me that I want you to have, something that no one else in my life has ever received before.
I have so much to thank you for, so much more yet to give you, so many moments of my life yet to savor with you beside me. You are my love; to me, you ARE love. Baby, I love you, more than I could ever impart to you with words.
Por Siempre,
The Sparkles Between Us
Hi, My Love,
How I miss you so much. Yes, I love you very much – since the very first day we’ve met. I knew it! That we are meant for each other. It was as if sparkles of lights were dancing between us and we couldn’t stop and couldn’t contain ourselves by enjoying talking to one another. Our heartbeats beat as one since our hearts have been already been united by a union that only eternity can sustained. Every detail and movement in our body counts, every breath is significant since we have decided to live as one, to breathe as one. We’ve both spoke a language of silence that only the two of us could decipher. And since that day my life has taken its twist.
Now that you are already part of my life I thank the Almighty for blessing me with such a very wonderful creature. You have changed a lot of me. You fired up my dry spirit and brought fresh water to my thirsty heart and soul. Your words has ignited a certain passion in me that has never been there before. Your love rekindled my dull moments and lights up my day.
Oh, my Luvz, how I wish that you are here with me. That we are not separated by distance and necessities of life. But even though we are distance apart, in my heart, soul, and mind you are always here, alive, breathing, and touching my life.
Luvz, there’s no word that can describe how much I love you since you have already conquered that whole essence of me. I can’t wait for the time I will home with you and leave no space for the time we have been apart. I love you, Luvz. In my heart you will always be.
Love u always,
My One True Love
My Dearest ………,
I love you more and more with each day passing. And it eases me to know that as tomorrow approaches, that I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be more than today. My love for you cannot be measured by words alone as “love” does not fully express my true feelings for you. When I think of our love it reminds me of the miracles of life that only God can produce. Like the beautiful sunsets and sounds of Mother Nature that soothe our hearts and remind us of something bigger than we can imagine, where two hearts can intertwine and become one. Like two birds in love that fly in harmony and appear to dance with the grace of Gene Kelly and the innocence of a child. You and only you have given me so much hope and have made me realize the true meaning of life. The true meaning of how a man should treat a woman and the true wonders of why we are here. …………, please accept my heart as your own forever and listen to the rhythm of two hearts beating as one. This is my will and my reason to live, for without you I would crumble to dust. I now know that dreams of that one true soul mate are truly real and until now were only a fairy tale. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to realize that not only is there a God, but he works in so many beautiful ways. Thank You So Much For Coming Into My Life Baby!
Love u Always,
love letters for her
{Aren’t We Lucky, It’s Just You & Me}
Dear Sweetie Pie,
I am so thankful I met you! You are the most important person in my life. I never thought I would find someone like you to share my life with, and now I don’t even want to imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love the way you make me laugh, how we tell each other everything, how we do everything together. Wherever you are is where I want to be. When we are together talking I feel like it’s just you and me, there’s no one else on earth. It feel like we’re the only ones here. I fall madly in love with you more and more each day. If there’s one thing in this world I know, it’s that I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU!! And If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have whispered them to you the first time we met. The best thing that I can do is to show you now. I love you so much, Sweetie. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted. I never thought that someone like me could get so lucky!
I love you more than my life, more than my world. I love you more and more each day and that is the most wonderful feeling any man can ever hope to experience.
Love you So Much,
Thoughts On My Mind
Good Morning My Baby,
How are you doing? I went to bed last night and I woke up this morning and kept thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep thinking about us and what this relationship means to me. I keep thinking about these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship is my future; it’s what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience this crazy love forever and ever, and I really think I’m going to get to. I want us to walk through new houses picking the one that would be just right for us. I want to see you walk around our house in a big t-shirt with your hair down and catch me staring at how gorgeous you are. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and then I have to get even closer, if it’s possible, to you to keep warm. I want to see you laugh like crazy at me when I do stupid stuff. I want to rub lotion all over your body because you laid out in the sun too long.
I want to go through the experiences of parenthood with you. I want to see you and me chasing our kids around the house, all of us laughing our heads off and having fun. I want to hold you when you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want to fall asleep every night with you in my arms. I want you to fall asleep on my chest listening to the beat of my heart and know it beats for you I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to see your bad morning hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the sunset, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously have for each other.
I want to see you walk down that isle and I want to take your hand for the rest of my life. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be fifty years old and still make out with you like a little schoolboy. I want to cook a meal with you and us totally ruin it and end up doing take out. I want to sit there talking to you for hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won’t talk at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we’ve never been and experience them together. I want us to go skinny-dipping in a hotel pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because we’re laughing so hard.
I want us to go and pick out the hot tub we want with the biggest grins on our faces the whole time. I want the sales rep to get embarrassed when we sit in them and make sure we have enough room to do the things we want to do. I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don’t share a love as we do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling on the ground laughing at me. I want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the bedroom, or the kitchen counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an office desk, or the shower, whichever one we feel like at the time.
I want it to take your breath away every time I say, “I love you” because you know it’s coming from the heart. I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream; well, I’ll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you forever. I couldn’t really express in words what I’m feeling right now so I decided to share with you SOME of the images and thoughts that have been running through my head.
I just want you to know that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until I met you. I really am crazy about you, everything about you.
Love u always,
Originally posted 2021-02-09 00:47:08.

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