Love & Dating
How To Handle a Cheating Girlfriend

Last Updated on November 12, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Being cheated on can be so devastating. You will tend to question your sanity and even start doubting yourself. Anger, embarrassment, hatred, mistrust, heartbreak, betrayal, and low self-esteem are some, if not all, the emotions that come with it.
Time heals all wounds, as they say. At first, it feels like you can’t move on, and your heart feels like a sword pierced through it, but I am here to tell you that it will be okay immediately, but soon.
There are right and wrong ways to break up with your girlfriend, forget everything, and forgive her if the love is strong enough. Who knows, your relationship going forward might be more rewarding.
Here Are Tips On How To Deal With a Cheating Girlfriend
1. Confirm Your Suspicions
Don’t just jump to conclusions if you get your information second-hand; it is probably a half-baked truth.
Gossip has never improved a situation, no matter how much you trust the source. You can handle the situation like a boss with the right Intel.
Some people like to take advantage of one’s trust. Those who cheat will likely play on that small part of you that wants to believe them and ignore all red flags. To be beyond all reasonable doubts, get evidence if possible, and catch her red-handed to avoid denial. Above all, trust your instincts.
2. Question yourself
If you have a Cheating girlfriend, sit down and ask yourself some questions. In this scenario, you have to be very honest with yourself;
-Has your girlfriend ever cheated before now? Some people see cheating as a lifestyle that cannot be controlled; they find it difficult to be loyal to one person. If the problem isn’t coming from your relationship and has to do with fidelity issues from your girlfriend, which isn’t personal, it will be easier to accept and let go.
– What made your girlfriend cheat? Reasons for being unfaithful mean a lot, so you can know where, when, or why it all went wrong. Although some just claim that cheating is cheating, nothing is attached. You may have been too busy and never had time for her. You must accept that you have not been the perfect boyfriend, which will hurt.
3. Keep Calm
It will look so very tempting to lose your temper and then start sending random, angry texts. Try to calm down before you do anything drastic. Also, avoid public drama or raising your hands at her; instead, go take a jog or do something else to cool off steam.
4. Avoid Making Decisions Out Of Fear
There is no formula or instructions to refer to when it comes to making right or wrong choices about your cheating girlfriend. Don’t let fear make your decisions; follow your heart. It is not wise to stay with someone because you pity them or are afraid of being single, nor is it a great idea to leave someone you love because you are scared they will hurt you again. To make the choice that feels right to you, take as much time as you need.
ALSO, READ Obvious signs your partner is cheating with a coworker
5. Reach Out To People
Stay connected to your friends and family to help you understand your feelings better or vent your anger. Let them know what happened and ask for emotional support.
6. Give Each Other Space
In the wake of finding out if your girlfriend is cheating, you tend to be very emotional. You both need some alone time to think things through, then think of what you want and are unwilling to give up.
Understand that the most important person is YOU, so endeavor to care for yourself. Avoid getting hurt more than you already are, eat your best meals, and do your favorite activities.
7. Think Of An Open Relationship
Some persons practice Polyamory. According to Wikipedia, it is the desire or practice for intimate relationships with more than one partner, with all partners’ informed consent. This means they find it difficult to stay with a single partner; consider if you could handle an open relationship if your girlfriend falls into this category.
If you and your girlfriend decide to try it, make sure you are both clear on the boundaries and expectations, but if you are not comfortable with being in an open relationship, going further might damage you.
8. Consider The Future Of The Relationship
In the end, you need to decide whether or not you can move on and forget the cheating. Sometimes, needs or desires lead to cheating. If your girlfriend has a different sexual orientation or appetite, then both of you may simply not be compatible.
Another thing that can lead to boredom is boredom. One of the vital things to a long-lasting relationship is trying new and adventurous things, but if you have tried and the interest is not there, it is a sign that things are simply not working out anymore. However, keep in mind that the issue of infidelity will lead to tension and mistrust. It will likely take a long time for things to feel normal again.
9. Get Tested
You and your girlfriend must get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) after she cheats, as they are often careless about engaging in safe sex.
Even if both of you were using protection, it doesn’t 100% protect against all sexually transmitted infections. It only takes a short time, and the peace of mind after being declared free is priceless.
10. Seek a Therapist If You Need It
Getting an expert opinion from an outsider can be the gateway to healing. If you want the relationship to continue after the cheating, go together. A therapist can help couples iron out difficult issues together.
If your girlfriend is reluctant about seeing one, go by yourself. You can still work through some issues even without her presence.
Believe in yourself; you deserve better. Don’t let anyone make you feel less important. Quoting Lucille Ball,” Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You have to love yourself to get anything done in this world”.
ALSO, READ How To Forgive a Cheating Wife Without Stress
Originally posted 2022-02-21 07:54:01.

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