Personal Improvement
How To Make Someone Happy Today (12 Best Step To Take)

Last Updated on March 23, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
To make someone happy is to make yourself happier; either a stranger or a loved one close to us. There are important people in our lives that we always want to keep happy. But oftentimes life gets too busy and we are unable to keep with its speed. We, therefore, unintentionally ignore the people around us.
This is most common among young couples still trying to make heads of their career. The pressure from making a living and career becomes really overwhelming that, they lose track of their environment.
According to Maya Angelou, “people will forget when you said, and what you did; but will never forget how you made them feel.” Making someone happy is such a noble course. It’s something everyone should do all the time.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are to give”. This means that since making others happy generally makes you happier; you should put effort into the quality of happiness you give to others.
To make someone happy, you also have to be happy; because in all sense, you can’t give what you do not have. You cannot be sad and depressed and yet want to make someone happy.
You have to possess a certain level of joy in you and that is increased when you make others happy. Aside from that, there is this feeling of fulfillment, that comes with knowing that you are the source of someone’s joy. And that feeling is a sort of joy generator itself. Also, you get what you give in the long run if not immediately.
Because humans are individually different, these tips may not all work on the person just sort out the ones that best suit the person you want to make happy.
Here Are 11 Tips To Making Someone Happy
1. Smile To Them Often
A smile is a very effective tool for making someone happy. You do not need to be super attractive to give a wonderful smile.
Smiling to someone signifies warmth. It means you welcome them into your space.
Here, we are not talking about the sinister kind of smile; but the hearty and innocent type. Genuinely smile at the person and it will lighten up the person’s mood.
Whenever you see them, offer a smile to welcome them even before saying anything else. People’s mood, no matter how bad it is; will be lifted, a bit when met an amazing smile.
Make sure you are intentional about the type of smile, to whom you are smiling, and the circumstances surrounding that moment. This is because some people may misinterpret your smile. Also, lower your expectations; by not thinking that, everyone you smile at, will smile back at you.
According to the study carried out at the University of Wyoming, where about 100 undergraduate women looked at the photo of a woman in four different poses including
- Smiling in an open body position
- Smiling in a closed body position
- Not smiling in an open body position
- Not smiling in a closed body position
The results obtained from this study showed that; pose ‘a’ and ‘b’, were liked the most. This means, regardless of the pose she used; the pictures where she smiled, still had the highest likes.
Not only does smiling to someone elate their moods, it makes them like you more, and also leaves a positive picture of you in their minds.
Don’t limit smiling by the amount of time spent together with the person. Even if it’s just a couple of seconds, still smile at them.
ALSO, READ 25 ways to make someone feel better
2. Show A Sense Of Humor In Conversations
If you want to make someone happy, you should be able to make them laugh; or at least, smile. When the person has a bad day, he/she will want to communicate with you.
Because you help them relieve their stress by elating their mood and make happy. Due to your ability to chip in humor when having a conversation with them, they are happier with you around.
3. Be A Good Listener
If you want to make someone happy, learn to listen to them. Even if the topic is not interesting to you still listen. Don’t show disinterest in your attitude during the conversation.
It may not even be so important, but they just need to get it off their chest. Also, the person may not necessarily need your input or advice; your attention is the only help they need.
When they are able to talk about what is bothering them, they are less bothered. Therefore they become happier.
4. Always Be Positive
If you want to make someone happy, be the bringer of positivity in their situation. If the person is down or facing a roadblock; be the one to bring a ray of sunshine.
Always show up with happy, open, and good vibes. Good energy tends to spread to others; thus, the person becomes happier. Even you will be happier and in the end, it is a win-win.
5. Offer A Sincere Compliment
You don’t really have to know a person to give a sincere compliment. It could be a stranger off the streets, your next-door neighbor, or even your spouse.
Everyone loves compliments either from the person they know or know not. A simple ‘hello, you look rather splendid today’ can go a long way in brightening the person’s entire day.
Don’t be stingy with compliments because we all deserve a bit of it. If you see someone putting in effort into something, compliment them. Or if you notice someone has started showing a form of improvement, compliment them.
So offer a compliment today to make someone happy.
6. Show Care If The Person Is Sick
If you are not a doctor, so you can’t possibly treat them medically; but you can treat them emotionally. Show them that you care. Regardless of whom the person is if you want them to be happy; care for them.
If they are hospitalized, bring them flowers and a stuffed toy. Give them a get-well-soon card and that will make them feel better.
If you can, hold their hands and reassure them that they can do it. Tell them it’s just a phase and that they will pass through it, and come out stronger.
7. Say “I Love You” Even When The Person Is Mad At You
This works best for romantic couples, friends, and family. At that moment when your mum is so angry at you and she looks like she is about to puke fury, tell her you love her and see her reaction.
Tell your partner you love them, especially when you are angry with them. If your spouse offends you, tell her regardless of what she has done you still love her.
Sort out your issues and enjoy your relationship. Don’t allow fights, disagreements, and pressures to drift you apart from your loved ones. Reassure them that you love them despite what’s going on around you.
8. Do The Surprise Thingy
This is not just for your spouse, but for anyone you wish to elate his/her mood. If you want to make someone happy, surprise them with a gift.
If your boss in the office has been feeling down lately; check the calendar to see, if their birthday is coming up soon, and throw them a surprise birthday party. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; the thought behind it is what matters.
You can also Surprise your parents with a gift without any special occasion. It doesn’t have to be father’s day or mother’s day or their birthday. Just show them a sweet gesture and they will be very happy about it.
9. Don’t Hold Grudges Against The Person
Be quick to forgive; because, it’s the divine thing to do. If the person offends you, don’t hold grudges against the person, rather sort it out. Also if the person says you offended him/her, don’t take offense and start being defensive.
It’s true that the person may be wrong or even misunderstanding the whole thing. But, you have to be the bigger person, and let go by apologizing and making amends. Don’t judge based on your own feelings alone; rather, hear their own part of the story.
10. Get Down And Help When Someone Drops Something
This is such a sweet gesture. You will truly understand this if you are at the receiving end of it. It will make you smile. So imagine giving the same experience to someone else? It may be books, groceries, tools, and so on. Just lend a helping hand.
11. Warmly Embrace People
There is no telling of how much people are going throughout there. So, if you have the chance give someone a warm hug to make them feel comforted.
Hugs tend to relieve stress and meddle with the negative thoughts, which could be going through the person’s mind. So, if they don’t pull away immediately, hold the hug for a bit longer and pat them on the back while at it.
12. Encourage And Appreciate Them
We all want to be acknowledged, for what we do no matter insignificant it seems. And when we do get this appreciation, it just brightens our mood.
If you want to make someone happy, offer appreciation for what the person is doing and encourage them to do more. Let them know you see what they are doing and care about their growth. Tell the person you believe in him/her and you are sure they can do more.
Be caring and kind for no tangible reason to the person even if he/her is a stranger
- When you visit a restaurant or bar and you are served, ask the waiter/server if he/she has eaten. This will earn you a grateful smile.
- Randomly buy your neighbor or colleague a bouquet of flowers.
- Ask your spouse, friends (close or not), and your domestic staff about their welfare. Ask how they are doing.
- When you see an elderly struggling with a heavy load offer to help carry it.
- Randomly gift people around you.
If we can genuinely offer to make someone happy, we have truly made the world a better place. And don’t forget it doesn’t have to be your spouse or relative. Also, be careful of your mental health when trying to make someone happy. So you don’t end up losing yourself in the process. Understand that there are boundaries and respect them.
Another thing to take note of is that not everyone will be receptive to the love and care you offer. Some may be very receptive while some may be antagonistic to it. Some may even fight you for it; therefore you should consider these three things
- Your position In the person’s life
- Their position in your life
- And lastly, the situation surrounding your relationship.
Good luck on your quest.
ALSO, READ How To Speak With Confidence (Experts Advice)
Originally posted 2021-12-03 11:15:14.

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