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What Does It Mean To Dream About Someone?



What Does It Mean To Dream About Someone?

Last Updated on February 6, 2022 by Joshua Isibor

A Dream is an Imaginary event seen in the mind while sleeping. It is what the subconscious mind creates every time we sleep.

It is amazing how our minds wander about a fabulous world and scenes when we fall asleep.

Most dreams we have are been influenced by our thoughts and daily activities in life. It’s very important to note that our dreams are not some premonitions nor do they foretell what will happen in the future.

They are just a reflection of our subconscious state of mind. Most times, what we dream of is based on the things we couldn’t connect with while in the conscious state of our mind. Although, we can get directions from dreams too.

A dream and hypnosis expert, Claire Aristides suggests that we shouldn’t search for negative importance about the dreams we have or become scared. Instead, see your dream as a reflection of your subconscious mind. This is an opportunity for you to have access to the other side of your life and connect with your mind.

Life challenges, falling emotions, broken relationships, fear, unresolved issues, etc are majorly the cause of the dreams we have in various Life situations. We will take a look at what it really means to dream about someone.

What Does It Really Mean When You Dream About Someone You Never Met?

When you dream of somebody you haven’t met before or someone you don’t know, try to recollect everything about the person in the dream and also what happened in the dream it might be saying something about you.

When we come across difficult moments or situations in our lives we tend to say or do things without thinking. Unknowingly, You don’t even realize that aspect of your life. This part is usually reflected in our dreams.

Reflect on what happened in the past few days, months, or years and think if you have experienced any bad situation, the strange person in the dream is you. This tells you what you are doing or the actions you display in reality.

What it means when you dream of someone You are no longer friends with

If you dream about somebody you have not seen for a very long time or an isolated friend, you might become confused. Does your mind tell you to reunite with that person? Or do you miss them?

You should know that dreams are a reflection of your subconscious mind. So you don’t have to be afraid or start running around because of the dream.

If you dream about somebody you are no more in touch with, this strange person stands for the personality that you are dealing with.

When you suppress an aspect of your life for a very long time, your subconscious mind will show the person you relate your feelings to. For instance, if you are ashamed of a particular condition, you might dream of a person that is shy.

You should remember the exact thing you dreamt about the stranger, and relate these characteristics to the things around you.

When you Dream of Someone Getting Married

Dreaming about a wedding feast can be fascinating because a wedding ceremony is about feasting and jubilation for everyone.

If you dream of someone getting married it does not mean you are the person in any part of your life.

It tells you that you have moved from a particular part of life. You might be so curious about this, and it might include other people that you care about, probably a family member that is facing a difficult time. This is your subconscious mind notifying you about the problem, for you to act fast and come in to help.

If it happens to be true, then you have to work on your attitude or become very optimistic and take part in the present condition

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 When You Dream About Your Crush

Dreaming about your crush and having them in your mind when you wake up, can give you fake hopes. This doesn’t mean you guys might end up together or that they love you.

Psychologically, you dreaming about your crush is a normal thing, you don’t need to get worked up. If you are always thinking about someone or around them, there is a possibility that you will see them in your dream.

You should never fall into an easy trap and make unnecessary meaning out of it. We all have the intention for our crush to love us too. So, dreaming about it doesn’t really mean anything it’s just your intuitions.

 When You Dream About Your Ex

Everyone wants to have a lovely dream about themselves and the future. But the reality is that our subconscious mind destroys what we wish for because these thoughts actually give us fake hope and in the end, we are faced with the real experience. You might become frustrated when you dream about your ex, this dream might have different meanings depending on the circumstance of the dream.

It could be that you had Insecurity issues with your ex, or you had an unresolved argument, or you are probably trying to find a way to forgive your ex. Whichever case it is, these occurrences might begin to reflect in your dreams, since the subconscious mind affects our dreams alot.

Our dreams are a representation of who we are and those around us. Our subconscious mind controls what we dream of and it sifts through into our dreams. This can affect some parts of our lives. However, taking cognizance of our dreams will help us find answers to the questions we have in mind.


Whoever you dream of, represents a part of your life you are battling with.

In other words, you don’t need to be scared, all you have to do is to reflect on your dreams and make the right decision.

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