Marriage & Divorce
A Godly family in times like this
Last Updated on September 22, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
A Godly family simply means a family with God virtues, a family where Jesus’ life can be seen, a family that depicts what an ideal Christian home should be.
It is a family where Christ is the center of all that is done-actions and reactions are reflections of Jesus the true light of the world.
If we are like the men of Issachar in 1 Chron. 12:32 that had the understanding of the times we would know that we are in the last days. 2Tim. 3:1-4 perilous times are here.
No prophet is needed to interpret these dangerous times according to the scriptures v.3 – Gay and Lesbianism on the increase, Children desiring to have things their own way, covetousness causing men to do anything to get wealthy even if it means committing murder. Covetousness making the “so-called ministers of God” to prophesy lies to enrich their pocket, end times is here. Matt. 24:3-12 iniquities, unrighteousness has tremendously increased.
(1)Godly Family:
Yes we can. How can we? Lk. 1:37 with God there is no impossibility. Philip 4:13 with Christ help a godly family can be produced.
A family begins with a husband and wife. To have a godly family these two must have the seed of God in them. 1Jn. 3:9. A man cannot give what he does not have, you need Christ in you to be able to live a godly life. Without Christ, in you, godliness or Christlikeness will be foreign. Acts. 11:26. The relationship the disciples had with Christ manifested in them that they were called Christians (little Christ) people who resemble Christ.
To have a godly family in times, this, husbands and wives should and in fact MUST be alert to their responsibilities as stated in the word of God. Eph. 5:25 – Husband must truly love. 1Jh. 3:18 – love in truth and indeed is a sacrificial one. It is a display of love without expecting gains. When children see this kind in their father, they turn out to love and serve the God of their father.
1Tim. 5:8 to have a godly family the father should not fail in his duty to provide for the family. When needs are met, it is unlikely that daughters of such families will go and sell their bodies for money or the sons joining the drug dealers in order to have their social needs met.
In times like this when children see their father allowing the word of God to rule their lives they cannot but become godly. 1 Pet. 3:7.
Fathers should exercise control over their family like Abraham. Gen. 19:17-19.
In the same vein, in times like this godly families can come to be, when mothers are spirit-filled and spirit-led like the case of Louis and Eunice 2Tim. 1:5, 1 Pet. 3:1. If wives wiu allow their lives to minister the word through godly dressing. 1 Pet. 3:3-4 and not Jezebel Like. 2 Kings. 9:30.
Through gracious utterances Prov. 31:26, Col. 4:6 not using sarcastically languages.
Through submission to their husbands’ col. 3:18, 1Pet. 3:6 not lording over them.
i.Love and submission. Eph. 5:22-25
ii.Forgiveness. Matt. 18:35, Mk 11:25 Acts.
iii.Commitment to kingdom matters like Aquila and Priscilla.
18:18,26, Roms. 16:3, 1 Cor. 16:19.
iv. They exhibit oneness. Roms. 16:3
In times like this, godly families should project Christ in all they do. i. ii. Eph. 5:21 There should be mutual respect.
Deut. 6:5-9 They should teach their children the law of God (Bible)
raising a godly seed for the Lord. Prov. 22:6 by training them e.g. Philip, Acts. 21:8-9.
In Conclusion: we should raise our families for the Master refusing to compromise or live below the standard of the word of God. In times like this we should know we are in the world but not of the world, we are pilgrims here one day we will give account to the Lord who shed His blood to purchase us. Rom 12:1-2, 1 Pet. 2:11, Hebs. 11:13, Rom. 14:12.
Originally posted 2020-09-24 22:02:24.
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