Cute Ways To Ask a Guy Out

Last Updated on November 1, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Have you ever been attracted to a guy and you feel the urge to ask him out? You might feel so overwhelmed by your emotions that you really want to let this guy know how you feel and probably ask him to date you.
It might seem odd or desperate to ask a guy out. Well, let me burst your bubbles; it’s not that difficult. There are some tactical ways to approach a guy without feeling desperate or stupid.
Proven ways to ask a guy out without feeling desperate
1. Send him shy and incomplete text messages.
A shy text message is a kind of message that spells out your feelings indirectly and directly. These messages should be short with fewer details. You can try this method by sending him a message that will tell him your intentions.
2. Send a cute note by post.
You can send him a cute note by posting it on social media platforms. This kind of note is short and contains attraction signals, a way of telling him you are attracted to him.
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3. Find ways in which you can get his help.
Perhaps he is in a good position to help you out. Get away to approach him and ask for his help. Even if you are not in current need of something, just look for something he can do for you and try to approach him for his assistance; that way, you get to be close to him.
4. Ask a guy out on your birthday.
You can plan to ask him out on your birthday. Birthdays are special days and memorable moments of our lives. People tend to grant our wishes and requests on such days. So this is a nice opportunity to speak to that guy.
5. Go out as friends and come back as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Another way to ask a guy out is to plan a date. This is perfect timing for you to go out together to your favourite place. This can create a good atmosphere for the both of you to bond. In the process, you can spill the cat from the bag. It is one of the easiest ways to ask a guy out, but you must know how to use the moment to your own advantage.
6. Give a note to a guy when you are going separate ways.
If you meet him in a grocery store or at a restaurant, you will certainly part ways. Just hand him a note with your contact information or Email so you are not totally cut off.
7. Ask his best friend to introduce him to you.
Asking his friends to help you will make it easier and more genuine for you. So if you know his close friends he trusts, you can ask them to introduce you to him. Meeting him through his friends will fast-track the process and make him focus on you.
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8. Make him ask you out.
This is a tactical approach. Most guys feel embarrassed when they don’t have a girlfriend. You could ask him if he has a girlfriend. If he doesn’t, it’s to your own advantage. Asking him about his relationship status will make him consider you his girlfriend, especially when he is not in a relationship.
9. Tell your best friend to ask him out for you.
You can also ask your best friend to speak to him on your behalf. You might be shy and feel you lack the boldness or confidence to talk to him. Your closest friend might be a good link to connect both of you.
10. Slip a note in a guy’s bag to ask him out.
We see something like this in movies, and we keep wondering if it really works or is one of those movie fantasies. The answer is yes, it does work out for some. Make sure your note doesn’t sound dirty or stupid. When he reads the note, let him feel how great it will be to have you as his girlfriend.
11. Sit next to him on the bus.
If you meet a guy you are attracted to in a park when boarding a bus make sure you board the same bus together and sit close to him. You can initiate a conversation and exchange contacts.
12. Be bold and take the direct approach to ask him out.
This might sound too direct, but it shows that you know what you want. It tells him, you are a woman of confidence, just spill it!
13. Ask him out by writing a short poem.
If you are good at poem writing, you can apply this approach to ask him out. A poem has a way of expressing one’s feelings directly to the reader, it goes deeper than the way it’s written. It is a piece of poetic writing that has intensity or depth of expression or inspiration.
14. Get cozy with your crush.
Try to feel cozy with him. If he makes the first move, he is yours. Take advantage of this and feel comfortable or warm around him.
Final piece
Having the idea of asking a guy out can be frustrating, but it’s better to open up and let him know than allow someone else to take him. You never can tell he might feel the same way but might feel you won’t be interested in his proposal. So go for what you want, girl, take the lead, you mustn’t wait for the guy, be the smart “BITCH GIRL”.
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Originally posted 2021-12-09 17:08:55.

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