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How To Trigger The Hero Instinct In Your Man



How To Trigger The Hero Instinct In Your Man

Last Updated on June 16, 2024 by Joshua Isibor

When men are in love they can be weak to their knees. Making him want to be around you, do things for you, impress you, make you happy, and make you feel protected, needed, wanted, and desired by him. He goes all out for your sake. But how do you trigger him to do and feel these things for you? There are many ways to trigger the hero instinct in your man. But in this post, we would only see five major hacks.

But first, know this: Triggering the hero instinct in your man doesn’t mean it was never there. You’re not planting it; you’re only giving it a boost. Boosting it requires patience and comprehensive and calculative methods. You can also use this to be sure he actually loves you or is just using you. The hero instinct centers on whether he actually loves you.

What is the Hero Instinct in a man?

What is the Hero instinct in a man?

The hero instinct is a form of relationship psychology first coined by James Bauer in his popular book His Secret Obsession. Basically, a man wants to feel needed by you.

The hero instinct states that a man must feel like he’s constantly rescuing his damsel in distress or saving the day.

Basically, it’s a sudden feeling of Overprotectiveness or marking territories to protect what’s his. He does this consciously and unconsciously. The hero instinct in a man is a kind of feeling that makes a man feel like a hero—a hero who saves a damsel in distress.

The hero instinct is every man’s DNA, so triggering it shouldn’t take too long. To trigger the hero instinct in your man, all you have to do is Talk and Act.

I’m pretty sure you questioned that, but it’s quite easy. During the course of the post, you’ll understand.

 ALSO, READ How To Love A Man Unconditionally (Simple Hack)


1: Fake an injury

Faking a cut, slip, or fall alerts him. He stops whatever he’s doing and runs to help. Men hate scars, physically or mentally, and if they’re on someone they love, it’s a total turn-off. Treating that scar becomes his priority.

2: Be Supportive

Daily Assurance, and helping him in your own way create a sense of togetherness between both parties.

As a man, he wouldn’t want to lose someone who stays by his side through thick and thin. Being supportive creates a mindset of being wanted and needed by you. That way he’d always want to be with you. So always support him. Support him in front of his friends. Defend him. You could even stand in for him. Represent him well, and celebrate his success.

3: Be Appreciative

Always be thankful for the little things he does.

Of course, he might say not to, but you must explain why you’re thankful. Be thankful for him, with him, and by him.

Be thankful for his protectiveness. Always praise him. Always compliment him. Be appreciative, not just by saying it but also by showing him how thankful you are by doing little things for him.

Buy him gifts, set up a warm bath, and prepare a nice meal. You could even add a little romance. This way, he’d do everything and anything to keep you.

4: Be Strong, Independent, Responsible, and submissive

Research has shown that 70-80% of men love their women to be strong and Independent.

Working for herself and making her money. Men love a little challenge, and an independent woman is challenging.

Being submissive doesn’t make you the weak one. It shows that even though you’re strong and independent, you are also a woman who respects him.

Challenge him but also yield to him. Stand your ground but also listen to him. You both already have that sense of belonging. He’d want to keep a woman like that forever. This shows you allow him to make you happy because you make him happy.

5: Keep it Low-key

Don’t blow your trumpet too hard. You can do all of that stated above but never go overboard. Do things only when necessary. Do things because this is the right time to do it. Keeping it Low-key means the world has to know things but not everything. Don’t oversay things, don’t overdo things. Keep it moderate. Triggering the hero instinct in him is already a done deal.

The 12 Word That Triggers The Hero Instinct In A Man

The 12-word text is a statement that sends a risky signal. It’s one of the sentences that could end a relationship or make it stronger. That’s why it’s risky. But very effective.

1. I’m 2. Better 3. Off 4. Without 5. You. 6. Thanks 7. For 8. Allowing 9. Me 10. To 11. Discover 12. That.

All together it says, I’m better off without you, and thanks for allowing me to discover that.

This was obtained from the book James Bauer’s secret obsession.

Now, sending a message like this sends a signal of neglect. This shows that you make the guy feel like he neglected you or wasn’t there when you needed him the most. He comes running to you consciously and unconsciously, thoughts running through his head. Whether you’re okay or not, are you hurt? Are you sad? I have a lot of unanswered questions. But finding you would be his top priority.

In conclusion

Triggering the hero instinct in a man also requires patience. Men differ, so don’t expect too much but still expect it.

You have him wrapped around your little finger as long he loves you. Remember always to support him, praise him, be there for him, and be strong, independent, responsible, and submissive. He’d always want to protect what is his, hold on to it, and never let it go. In doing this you have become his damsel in distress and your hero will always be there to save you.

ALSO, READ How To Spoil Your Man (Experts Advice)


Originally posted 2022-01-20 12:18:52.

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