Love & Dating
Signs He Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Last Updated on November 21, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
You tapped this link because you’re having doubts or you just have trust issues. But I’m here to clear it up or make it worse, depending on the problem. Still, I am here to help.
Loving one person can be one of the most beautiful things on earth and at the same time cause the ugliest pain. But the main question is, does love fade?
Many people can not answer this question but can give reasons as to why their answer was yes or no. But I’ll answer this question in my own way.
Love does not fade, Instead, it renews. It may feel like you’re used to it, or being with that person has become a norm, but the fact still remains that you’d still love the entirety of that person. So if you see “signs” that he doesn’t love you anymore, then basically, he never loved you. So instead of seeing signs, that he doesn’t love you anymore, here are the main signs that he never loved you.
When a guy truly loves you, you become the only woman in the world. In fact, other women would begin to look like dudes in his eyes because he sees you as his only woman.
So what happens when those things he usually does are no longer there? Does it mean he doesn’t love you anymore or does the love need a renewal?
A relationship requires daily renewal, and since it produces love, this means the relationship in its entirety needs renewal. This can be done through frequent communication between both parties.
Here are the signs;
1: Withdrawal
When a guy is in love, there is no way he’d want to be away from you, no matter how much he fights it.
He would always come back to you. But he would create a distance from you when that love isn’t there. This might simply mean that what he actually loves you for is no longer there. He probably withdrew from you because that feature was no longer there. The love for that feature did not fade, but the feature wasn’t there to love. This is one of the major signs that he doesn’t love you anymore.
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2: Reduction of Communication
Now you might wonder why he doesn’t talk to you anymore. You start asking questions like “Why isn’t he talking to me?” “Did I do something wrong?”.
In fact, most times you ask yourself irrelevant questions for a guy that didn’t love the entirety of you. When a guy stops loving you he would stop talking to you. Basically, nothing about you catches his fancy anymore. You’re not the problem, he is.
3: Distrust
When a guy loves you for you, he’ll always trust you, your decisions, your ability to avoid mistakes, and your ability to tell the truth because he knows who you are and loves you for it.
But when he doesn’t love you for you, it’s just the other way around. He would make false accusations, he would be emotionally manipulative and his distrust for you would make want to change yourself for him. Most people might think this is life out of a book but reality will always be reality.
4: Enhancement of Toxicity and Negativity
When he loves you, he is always the most optimistic in that relationship. He wants to protect you, if anything.
He would tell you positive things, things that would cheer you up and make your day. But when he doesn’t love you or once that feature that he loves in you disappears, he becomes emotionally unavailable.
Also, he would be toxic. He could be verbally or physically abusive, and most times, there would be contrasts that both parties can’t agree to. Most times, true love helps you compromise, and it goes both ways, both male and Female.
5: Break Up
When he doesn’t love you anymore, he would find ways to stay away from you, he would find ways to look for faults just to break up with you. He would start fights and shift blame. He would blame you for his faults and break up with you. You may think you’re the problem, but trust me, you’ve tried your best to keep up with such a person. It is not your fault but His. He didn’t love you for you, he only loved you for what you might have possessed.
Solutions And Conclusions
Love is a beautiful thing. Yes, it has its ups and downs, but remember that love is a choice that can not be easily taken back. Once you choose to love someone, love the entirety of that person. Don’t love just a feature; love everything. And if you can’t love everything, don’t go into it at all. Stay Away. Or continue as friends.
Secondly, if you ever notice this sign, beat him to it. Face him head-on and ask him what he really wants, never try to change yourself for him, even if you have to change let it be a positive change and let it go both ways. Do not be a one-sided relationship, be a relationship that builds you both to be better people. When a guy doesn’t love you anymore and you see any of these signs listed, be the first to withdraw and walk away. If he really wants you, he will come back for you. So be the first to break up with him and never try to change yourself for a guy, don’t try to make excuses for him, and don’t try to change him.
ALSO, READ Signs he’s afraid of losing you
Originally posted 2022-04-22 21:30:06.

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