Success and Motivation
7 things to Remember When You can’t Do What You Need to Do

Last Updated on October 13, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
I’ve scribbled out some things you should remember when you can’t do what you need to do. Because I believe giving up is not an option, and it shouldn’t even be a choice worth considering after you digest this beauty.
There are several reasons why issues like this crop up, but I managed to round them off in two crucial pain points I’ve had a battle with over the years and understand to an extent how terrible their effects can be on our psyche as individuals – old or young.
• Feeling of being Overwhelmed.
• Feeling of being Unable (Fear of failure)
I’ve not come with the daily doses of motivation you glean from Instagram and other links you look forward to for that. This is the blunt truth in almost appealing words.
Why Do You Feel Overwhelmed?
For you, I can only guess.
There are enough bills to pay, and your work is not giving you the time you need or enough to be with your special person. You’ve got a project to finalize. And there’s the triune deity you want to create time to worship. Me time, too.
You’ve been here before, right? It almost felt like you were drowning in your head, or maybe you’re going through it now and are looking for a way out. Here’s my promise: you will!
However, the actions you take after digesting this beautifully rounded text of information will determine if you want to overcome that overwhelming feeling.
There’s a medical condition known as High-dose Paralysis. It’s a breakdown that occurs as a result of taking up too much that can be handled over time. At this point, your productivity level drops drastically, making it look like you are inadequate because nothing seems to fall in place. Not even proper thinking. It’s a scary experience.
Why Do You Feel Unable?
Simple, because it’s a feeling. But it’s one you often let take the better part of you, leaving you with a regular “I can’t do this” statement which rings true when you’re faced with difficulties (in academics, business, and other parts of life), though not because you actually aren’t capable of doing it, but because you immediately put a mental block on yourself for no reason.
This simple but grievous act can be summed up in this definition of Impostor Syndrome: It refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. While this definition is usually narrowly applied to intelligence and achievement, it has links to perfectionism and the social context.
Whether you’re struggling with High-dose paralysis or frequent inaction from the Impostor syndrome and it looks like you are about to hit rock bottom (or your head is about to get stuffed in the clouds) because you can’t do what you need to do, here are 7 things to remember.
7 Things to Remember When You Can’t Do What You Need to Do
1. Remember (Your) Why.
Why you started on a particular project is as important and instrumental to its success. In times when you’re hit with what hurts, and things hit the ground more than twice, there would usually be a tendency to want to go back on your words, to pull out, or to totally put a stop to it. Don’t! try these instead:
• Acknowledge the present challenge and don’t take it hard on yourself; develop a positive attitude in response to negative occurrences.
• Review it (in contrast to your goal) and determine what went wrong. This would help you close the option of giving up.
2. Take a Break.
Your body has a language you should learn, not just the attractive signals you notice in others. Just like your Personal Computer and how AI works, it knows how and when to boot and even what it should do when it begins to overheat. That’s a machine; talk more about your body. When it speaks, listen. Rest. Close your eyes and stop thinking for a while; sleep. Cry if need be –at least you know it didn’t end you.
3. Start All Over
Do a cold boot. When your computer freezes, it usually doesn’t unfreeze until you do a cold boot. Your brain needs this, too. Shut it down and begin the whole thinking process again. Something about this act is that it helps you see from a brand-new perspective. The break you take affords you time to think, so don’t brood about what’s happened when you can always start over!
4. Map it out
Break things into steps, steps into processes, and processes into actions. Your whys are relevant for you to stay positive, and having a well-defined goal makes it plausible. This is the very reason you need to Map it out.
5. Set a Deadline.
Kill the deadline before it brings a deadline your way (the medical people will understand that sentence properly). Set a timeline for your activities to occur, then limit it to milestones. Setting a milestone could be one of the fastest ways to get long things done because you break your job into smaller chunks that are easier to achieve within a time frame.
6. Reclaim Your Focus.
The last time you did it, you jumbled everything up. You wanted to accomplish all at once – launch your business, run all the socials at once (by yourself), pitch for other contracts. . stay up all night just to write a sales letter, run the blog, and have time for the family. Jack of all trades! You try. But to reclaim your focus, you should put an end to this lifestyle. And here are two simple things to do:
• Reduce your Yeses.
I should say you should stop saying yes, but that would be mean, right? But look, even the computer hangs when it’s being bombarded with tasks its RAM cannot carry. So why should you say yes to every task that leaves you a choice?
Let’s face the ones you have at hand; how do you break them down? Brian Tracy, in one of his bestsellers, Eat That Frog gives lucid details on proper management of time with tasks in view (You should read that book!).
• Reduce the tasks you’re taking up.
Productivity is one thing everyone requests. The best way to stay productive is to stay clutter-free. Do not take up more than one or two tasks at a time. You want your head in one place, not five places at a time. Multitasking is good, okay? But killing yourself with tasks? Now, that’s not okay.
• Delegate the tasks.
You can’t do all, even if you know all. So find people who can take the burden off you (if you can afford to) or take things in a bit. Review step four above.
7. Create Time for Yourself.

creating time
Time to think away from external noise. To help you breathe and review all that you’ve set to do and ought to be doing per time. “One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that needs not to be done at all.” Brian’s quote plainly explains it, so I won’t dwell much on it.
Do you have a scheduled free time? Your sanity is an important part of your success; remember that!
“You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.”
As a subscript, I leave you with words from Brian Tracy about dealing with your present as I remind you again that you should try as much as possible always to remember these tips when you can’t do what you need to do.
Originally posted 2021-03-01 02:48:10.

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March 6, 2021 at 10:21 am
This is worth the read
Mohorret Bigun
April 7, 2021 at 9:28 am
Right on point!