Marriage & Divorce
Ways to Prevent Your housemaid From Snatching Your Husband

Last Updated on February 15, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
We would be looking at the ways to prevent your housemaid from snatching your husband.
Marriage is one institution you don’t graduate from until death does you part. That’s why you are being given a marriage certificate before entering it. As a woman, your marriage should be one of the utmost priorities because when it’s affected, our whole life will be affected also.
Nowadays, housemaids have become part of many families and a great number of women have regretted hiring them. It is very important as a woman not to have a lackadaisical attitude towards them unless you’ll just lose your home.
You should bear in mind that despite the negative sagas you’ve heard about housemaids doesn’t mean that they all are bad.
In Nigeria, most house girls are always known to be girls who come from the village to cities. There are simple rules you can implement or other ways you can adopt so your maid won’t snatch your husband from you. It is very excruciating to see your bed being shared with your housemaid. When you noticed any signs that your husband desires your maid all you need to do is to take serious action. All you need is Maximum wisdom.
10 ways to prevent housemaid from snatching your husband
1. Never you employ a housemaid that is more beautiful and breasted than you:
This is one mistake most ladies make. Although it is not a guarantee that employing an ugly or small-breasted one would solve the problem this is a very important point. Never you vogue for your husband that he takes you as the most beautiful woman in the world, this could be true, an adage says that “change is constant”. When you employ a beautiful, unknown to you, you’ve already employed someone you would be doing a beauty contest with.
The moment you notice she is curvier than you, don’t take her!!! That’s an agent of destruction. Even if she doesn’t have a hidden agenda the man might be tempted.
One day, you might start looking very vague and ugly to your husband.
2. Be In charge:
Even if you may tend to travel for one week, never allow your housemaid to be in charge. She shouldn’t be the one to decide the type of meal. For things to work you have to be in charge from the beginning. Whenever you see that you cannot control her it is better to relieve her of the post rather than manage it.
When you allow your, maid, to clean your husband’s room/toilet it means you’re sharing your managing post with her, and one day your husband would be banging her in his bathroom.
As a woman, you should be the manager of the home at all times.
3. Don’t employ a Maid if there is no need:
Maids are mostly needed when the workload is too much for the couple to handle. Many rich people often hire more than one housemaid.
One might be in charge of cooking, the other cleaning the house. Housemaids are very important too despite the evil agenda some of them. If you are a lazy mom/wife all you need to do is to buckle up, step up and rise to take responsibility.
Perhaps, if you have insecurity/ Trust issues about women wavering your man, it is never nice to hire a maid unless you might die before your time.
And also the Men, It is very important to be supportive, never allow your wife to do all the house chores. Remember you married a “help meet” and not a slave.
4. Do Not over pamper Her:
One way to prevent your housemaid from snatching your husband is to avoid petting her unnecessarily. Rules and punishment should be implemented (This goes to those who are younger or in your age group). It is very important to avoid over-familiarity with the maid because some of them are wise before you know they would know your weak point and start using it to work against you.
One disadvantage of over pampering her is that when she starts sleeping with your husband you won’t know, it would come as a blurry vision to you.
5. Time to Fire:
whenever you notice that your house help has become more lazy, stubborn, or authoritative and your husband feels unconcern about it, just know that there could be something fishy going on between the two of them. Sometimes, the man may choose to fight or keep malice with you just because of the house girl… My sister, is time she shared “ THE GRACE’.
6. Travel Less:
If you are a career woman or a businesswoman, if you don’t trust your housemaid, never travel for two long… Even if you trust her, she can decide to break that trust. When you travel she automatically becomes in charge of the house.
if your husband is too weak, he might even choose to be raping the house help as he pleases. If you travel also you can hire a cleaning service that would be doing the house chores on weekend.
7. Never Be Too Harsh on Them
One thing about women is that they love revenge so much. You have done them wrong in the past, if they have any opportunity in the present they may want to retaliate in ways unimaginable. So when you maltreat your housemaid, they may use your husband as a tool to revenge you especially if your husband has been wooing them and they have refused because madam is good.
8. Do Not starve your husband Sexually
This is the number point to look out for. At this point, you need to feed him with enough sex, until he is tired and drunk from sex. Don’t allow him to have a second taught. If you have never been romantic to your husband, when you have a maid you need to upgrade.
You can start by kissing him before he goes to work and profess your love for him, make him see the reasons why you should be his favorite!! When you do all these he may never give a second thought!!
9.Encourage her to Learn A handiwork/ or trade
Apart from paying her a salary, you can as well help her by investing in her future. When you do this she might never have a single reason to betray you or plan any evil against you.
They say an idle man is the devil’s workshop; If she stays at home doing nothing one day she might become the devil’s workshop one day.
Some house girls may think this way when you don’t invest in their life.
“oh my God!!! I’ve been in this house receiving a penny, I don’t even have a handiwork…. Am not even sure of my future… I guess I have to seduce this man so I can get more money.
in as much as you’re investing in her. Never do you give her a salary that is not tangible.
10. Ban the Wearing of Certain Clothes
When hiring a housemaid it is necessary you set the restriction to do’s and don’t for some clothes such as bum shorts, transparent nightgown, and the use of a towel outside the bedroom. Hence, Never allow your maid to dress as she pleases.
Nudity shouldn’t be encouraged. Some women may want to want to tush their housemaid so they can boastfully flaunt their housemaid to her female friends and make them jealous. This a stupid act!!!
One of the best way to curb this issue of dressing is to get a uniform. You may decide the pattern of how you want the uniform to be sewed. Having a uniform is one of the best practice, and could be easily be identified as a maid but when she dresses as she likes someone see her as an inlaw or a girlfriend to your husband.
When you want to ban such tempting clothes, endeavor to get her new clothes. It is not advisable to give her old clothes from your collections… When your husband finds this out he may want to take the housemaid for a shopping.
As the lady of the House even if you have a sister residing with you don’t allow her moving with towels in the home, help your husband by helping yourself first.
11.#Have an age and size limit
Before hiring any maid never you hire someone within your age range and who is close to your class. You may choose to collect a maid ranging from 18-25 or from 45 and above. Size matters too!! You may lose your right if you employ someone who Is far bigger and taller than you.
12.Be Vigilant
Try to notice if you would see any strange behavior from the house maid. No matter how busy you are as a career mum or business woman or whatever you do, try to pin point errors whenever you see them. Shine your eyes very well, so to speak so as to notice minute changes in behavior in her and even in your spouse.
Always ask your children questions just in case they notice some character change when you were absent from the home, you might get a very useful information from them. As a woman you shouldn’t sleep all through the night without checking on everyone in the home including your maid. Sometimes that is the time the deed is been done.
13.Do Background Checks;
Series of Medical Tests should be Carried out before you hire her such as H.I.V test, Tuberculosis etc.You are not just preventing the housemaid from snatching your husband away from you but you are also protecting the intrest of your home.
Originally posted 2020-10-06 06:18:29.

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