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Love & Dating





Last Updated on September 13, 2024 by Joshua Isibor

We’ll discuss ” Where can I meet single ladies?”. A male friend of mine once complained to me that he seems to be unlucky in getting a woman for himself, as he always has this ‘knack’  for hitting on women in relationships. He screamed, ‘Does that mean there are no single ladies or what?’

I smiled and told him, “You’re simply looking at the wrong places,” which is why I would list places where you’re most likely to meet single women.

There are guys out there looking for their heartthrob and don’t know where to find her. If you’re reading this article, then congratulations; you’re just a step towards your goal.

Also, there are women who seem to think that they are always in the wrong place because relationship-minded men don’t normally approach them. Worry no more, as this article will reveal likely places where single ladies like you can get approached by a man with the offer of a relationship.

So below are the places where you get to find single women and places I advise women who want single guys to approach them to be at.



*clears throat* some will say that your only chance of having anything close to a relationship with a person you met in a bar is a one-night stand. Well, that’s not true. Research shows that about 8-10% of successful marriages started in a bar.

One good thing about bars and clubs is that anyone you likely get to meet there has much in common with you. Not partying wise or any other frivolities involved; it could be how composed the lady was while sipping her drink. Or how the lady chats away with her girlfriends. A behavioral pattern that the lady possesses will surely draw you to can meet her at the club

The Thing is, a club is really a good place to find single ladies. Most of them are there because, well, they are single. Most of them are usually seated alone at the bar.

So you want to meet your heart-throb, well, I advise you to go and feast your hungry eyes on that bar; who knows, your soulmate is there waiting. If you’re not the clubbing, drinking, or extrovert type of guy, this option is probably not for you, but one of the lists below will definitely fit your wants.


This is a point that has been underestimated, especially in Nigeria.

A dating site is one of the best places to meet a single lady. That’s the main point of a dating site, right? For single men and women to create an account because they’re searching for a relationship? That being said, you can’t meet a married person or a lady in a relationship on a dating site because that defeats the purpose of dating sites.


pic of someone using datings sites

So, how can you catch that perfect single lady for yourself on a dating site? One of the first and most important steps is to create a compelling and well-detailed profile. What are your likes? Your hobbies? Virtues and vices? List them all and make sure your tone is warm and welcoming. Then hit on that lady who has much in common with you. Chances are that such a person is likely to want to take the relationship to the next level. Another rare chance is that the lady might be the one to do the approaching. Just make sure your profile is welcoming and not laced with lies.

According to eHarmony statistics, over 20% of committed relationships started from dating sites. So there you’ve it; you better run to create an account on one of the successful dating sites like Match, Hinge, eHarmony, and so on. Your single lady is waiting for you to break that title.


Now, this is pretty simple and happens all the time. Churches, Club gatherings, etc., are the best places to meet single ladies.

The problem is that most guys don’t know how to turn the situation in their favor. You see that girl that always comes to the debate club meetings unaccompanied, hardly ever answers a call, and when accompanied to and fro, the venue is by her girlfriends… she’s a single lady…obviously. But some guys are kind of oblivious to that. Social circles are the best places to hold single women; some will call it joblessness or something. But the real truth is that such ladies attend meetings and the likes, even on a T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Friday), is that they’re single.

social circle like cchurch

No boo to snuggle with, no two-hour call to make…so instead of loitering and mopping around, they result in one escape that is very opposing to boredom…socializing.

So if you’re looking for that lady, perhaps you want one that can cook or something. You can join a cooking club—be it online or whatever—and then feast your eyes on likely candidates. The bottom line is if you know what you’re looking for, you’ll definitely find it.


This is the real V.I.P., or should I say V.V.I.P. Do you remember that your friend always wants to drag you to one party or the other? My guy, you better surrender.

From birthday parties to wedding receptions and your faculty party…oh my,… the list runs long. These are some of the best places to meet single ladies. Like I said before, it’s the real V.I.P. One thing about parties of any kind is that even if you don’t manage to hook up with anyone there, you can still make friends and acquaintances who will want to hook you up with someone else. It’s worth mentioning that most successful relationships had their start-off at a party. During parties, you get to socialize, engage in small talk with people, and also, get to broaden your phone parties

So if you’re still searching for your other half or a single lady as the case may be, I advise you to start taking up invitations to parties, and I’m pretty confident that one day you will strike gold.

If you’ve read up to this place, then I don’t see the reason why you will still complain of being single or not finding singles. Hit that bar, join that club, and party at that party. With this, I say happy searching.


Originally posted 2020-08-25 06:38:01.

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