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7 Ways to Add More Relaxation into Your Life



Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by Joshua Isibor


Are you carrying around a lot of stress these days? Adult life can be overwhelming; there are bills to pay, meetings to attend, and so much else to keep track of. In all the hurly-burly of life, you might be forgetting to relax and take care of yourself.

Too much stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health. While overcoming this stress entirely might not be possible, you can certainly take some small steps that can make a big impact on your life.

If you reside in Northern Michigan, you must be well aware that it’s a region where luxury meets lifestyle. In August 2023, Michigan home prices went up by 5.2 percent compared to the previous year, indicating that many desire to live in the state, partly due to its many conveniences and upscale lifestyle. With a luxurious residential area already in your favor, all you need to do is take a few more steps to make relaxation a part of your lifestyle.

Here are some ways to add more relaxation into your life:

1. Create a Spa Retreat at Home

Remodeling your bathroom might seem like a stressful task. However, it might be the best long-term decision for your mental health. With a few well-placed projects, you can turn your bathroom into a spa retreat and a more appealing space. After all, the bathroom is where we go to freshen up, unwind, and get some important me-time during the day.

A professional bathroom upgrade can help you elevate your living experience, allowing you to enjoy spa-like luxury within the comfort of your home. This is especially true for residents of locations like North Michigan, where comfortable living is the norm. Simply look up bathroom remodels in Northern Michigan to find the right professionals for the job. The investment will definitely be worth it!

Here are a few ideas that can help you achieve your relaxation goals:

• Install a Jacuzzi for a soothing experience after a hard day’s work

• Get a new bathtub to soak in

• Replace your old hardware to give the whole room a lift

• Install organizers or vanity to hold your self-care products

2. Free Yourself from Lists (Sometimes)

To-do lists are great! They’re a way to organize your thoughts and tasks, making sure you don’t forget anything. However, they can also become a bit limiting over time. Your stress and anxiety might stem from being ruled over by all those pending tasks. So, why not incorporate a little free time and spontaneity into your life?

Try taking out a plan-free and responsibility-free day for yourself. Once in a while, let yourself freewheel throughout the day and see where it takes you. Let the dishes pile up a little, get a few extra hours of sleep, or just go outside and explore. Take a walk in an unfamiliar (but safe) area or whatever you feel like doing. Check your mood at the end of the day; this spontaneous time should help you relax for some time.

3. Act Like a Kid

Some of us never truly grow up internally, while others may forget what it was like to be a child. Remember how carefree we were as kids? We Found joy in the simplest things, whether it was an ice cream cone or a trip to an amusement park.

Perhaps now is the time to relax and do something that brings back that childhood delight. Here are some ideas to consider:

• Dig in the dirt

• Walk barefoot in the grass

• Blow bubbles

• Sit in a kiddie pool

• Draw, doodle, or paint

• Color in an adult or child’s coloring book

• Lie down and watch the clouds float by

• Sensory play with slime, kinetic sand, Play-Doh, or water beads

• Stargaze

• Solve jigsaw puzzles

• Play with building blocks or Legos

4. Meditate Wherever You Are

If you can’t schedule a time to meditate, just go for it whenever there’s a moment to spare. The goal here is to practice mindful meditation. It’s a simple technique of staying aware in the moment. This way, you can calm down and enjoy some mental peace even when your schedule is packed. Here are some ways to practice mindful meditation on the go:

• When cutting up fruits or vegetables, notice the sound they make, the colors they have, and any other sensation

• When walking, get into a meditative state through the rhythm of the footfalls

• When cleaning, take joy in how you’re transforming a messy space into a clean, inviting one

In the end, it’s about training your thoughts to help the body relax as much as possible.

5. Practice Kindness

Everyone is scrambling to stay within a budget, save for the future, and achieve their life goals. However, perhaps you’ll find more relaxation in helping others than running after financial gains. Here are some ways to perform acts of kindness that don’t cost much:

• Pass on unwanted coupons

• Teach someone a skill

• Compliment a stranger, friend, or acquaintance

• Help an elderly person cross the road or with something else (like a tech-related issue)

6. Relax Your Face

You may not realize how much tension your jaw area might be holding. Stress and anxiety can cause us to unknowingly clench certain muscles until it becomes a habit.

Try consciously loosening and relaxing those facial muscles every now and then. If you don’t, that clenching might result in hypertrophy. It means that the muscles might thicken up over time, even changing the shape of your face.

Fortunately, it’s not hard to relax your face and relieve its built-up pressure. First, regularly apply moisturizer to your face. While doing that, massage your jawline muscles using a circular movement. Do the same all along the jaw, but especially the area under your ears. When your jaw is clenched, the tension-laden spot should pop out. Work on that while massaging your face.

7. Don’t Limit Downtime

What do you consider to be downtime? If you’re feeling stuck and tense all the time, it might be time to revisit your definition of this concept.

Downtime doesn’t have to be limited to an hour or two of spare time. It could be any deviation from your usual routine. Use those few minutes to relax, enjoy, and do something for yourself.

Your downtime could be stretching after every 25 minutes of sitting at a desk. It could mean catching up with an old friend for just five minutes. Just a little change for a few moments can make a difference. You can feel refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the rest of the day!


When you don’t make time to unwind, you’re more likely to experience exhaustion at some point. Since you don’t want that to happen, why not implement some of the aforementioned tips and enjoy some relaxation every now and then? It might take some effort, but you’ll soon notice the positive impact it has on your well-being. Start with the easiest activity first and observe the difference.



Originally posted 2023-09-25 13:04:37.

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