Love & Dating

Last Updated on January 24, 2025 by Joshua Isibor
MARRIAGE without a solid CARRIAGE (capacity) leads to MISCARRIAGE.
In this article, we’ll be talking about a solid carriage for marriage. If your MIND, SPIRIT, and BODY are not ready for it, don’t fall into that love web.
Many heard about the bliss of MARRIAGE, rushed into it, and got a MIRAGE.
The demands of marriage will consume your MIND; you need to be mentally ready.
It would be best if you had a level of emotional stamina and moral fiber to withstand family pressures, financial storms, and health challenges when they rear up.
You will need to task your mind to come up with solutions that will move the family forward.
Some people are mentally deranged today because of the attacks they got from marriage.
Before you say YES or propose to her, please, make sure that your MIND is MADE UP to own your actions, be REASONABLE, and RESPONSIBLE at all times, including the times that you don’t feel like.
This is why marriage is not for #KIDS. It’s not about the hot #KISS.
It’s about knowing the right #KEYS and how to unlock the different doors as you get to them.
Marriage rubs off on your SPIRIT. We are asked to LOVE LIKE CHRIST.
It’s not just a scriptural injunction, it’s a spiritual affair.
Christian marriage is designed to reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church.
If your spirit is not involved and you get into it, you manifest carnality.
Marriage affects your BODY. Your body will be the TEMPLE of your spouse, where they will come to burn incense.
You must be ready to serve your body to your spouse regularly. Your body needs to be available for your spouse all the time.
You see, the mind is like the legislator(decision maker), while your body is the executive arm of your marriage.
The body carries out the policies of marriage. Communication, sex, and other day-to-day activities of your marital life will require your body.
Think about it. If you can’t give that spouse your MIND, SPIRIT, and BODY, don’t fall in love with the money and fall for what people will say.
Marriage is for BETTER, for WORSE. The good days will be there, and the bad days will also come.
Make sure you know what you want to DO before you say, “I DO.
Originally posted 2020-06-11 23:35:42.

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