Dealing with a drop in your Teen’s grade is usually one of the challenges faced by parents. When there is a poor grade, complaining and worrying...
When do babies start to walk? is a frequently asked question by most new parents around the world. Most times when we come across a baby...
When puberty shows up, teenagers often make so many wrong choices. Teenage age is a very sensitive period where teens want to explore, try new things,...
Nowadays, so many parents tend to complain about the effect technology may affect teenagers. I’ve seen a year-old child operating an iPad, but you won’t compare...
In this article, we’ll be looking at some of the parenting strategies that would help your kids against anxiety. What does it mean to be...
The majority of kids don’t enjoy visiting the dentist. The word ‘dentist’ sounds frightening in their ears and minds. Many kids associate any medical office with...
Kids also have feelings and emotions like adults. Most times they find it very difficult to express or talk about it. The early years are very...
An introvert is a person who prefers a quiet, calm, and minimal stimulating environment. Their type of personality is known as introversion. Introversion simply means they...
The effective parenting rules for mothers with sons, unlike every other parenting rule, there are very crucial knowledge and skills every mother with sons must have...
Getting your child to talk to you or open up about something is not what you can achieve in the twinkle of an eye. But yes,...
Being a positive parent is the first thing a man and a woman would look into when thinking of having kids. As a parent, you should...
Surviving as a single mom is very HARD. Although, most ladies may choose to be single mothers due to one or two underlying factors. Before I...
Soothing a crying baby is not an easy task especially if you’re new to handling babies. The cry of a baby can frustrate you at some...
Child upbringing is one of the most difficult, scariest things parents would have come across in their lifetime. Bringing up a child, especially from age 0-4...
To overschedule your child means to allocate too many activities or events to your child. Although, it’s good to schedule your kids for different activities such...
Baby showers are one of the things every pregnant woman looks forward to. Anyone in an expectant mom’s life can plan a baby shower; all you...
Improving A parent-child relationship is not an easy task. But as parents, we should strive to achieve a pleasant and cordial relationship with our kids There...