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a girl looking up

Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by Joshua Isibor

Getting a woman’s attention can be quite easy and also difficult because women can be unpredictable and weird. There are some unique ways to get into a woman’s heart; you just need time and patience.

Most successful TV soaps, capture their audience’s attention and keep them coming back. They set up unresolved mysteries that leave you hanging, wondering what’s going to happen next. It’s a simple, but immensely powerful technique: whenever a plot thread is
resolved, another one has already been set up which will keep you, the viewer, tuning in for every new episode.

It gets you hooked. You can use this technique in your own life, too, when talking to women. Once you learn what gets a woman’s attention, you’re likely to keep her engaged until you resolve it, and in the meantime, you get
to do (almost) whatever you want.

In this article, I will take you through some mysteries in getting her attention.
Using the word “ATTENTION” as an acronym we will look at some of the key attracting tools to plug into a woman’s heart.


There is a saying that first impressions matter. Your actions towards her from the start count a whole lot; they determine whether she will be attracted to you or not.

Don’t spoil your first moment with her, because that’s when you can gain access. Try to avoid rude conversations that could result in questioning, interrogation, and preying on her
Private life on your first date.

Take it slow, be calm, gentle, and accessible while talking. Look straight into her eyes and observe how she reacts to what you say and her response. keep eye contact,
avoiding her eyes shows you are shy and it might Keep You off track, ruining the fun of the day.

Her facial expression and mood should be noted, and she should be checked to see how she feels in each conversation. When you change the topic, make sure she is comfortable with what you are saying or doing. Be friendly, nice, calm, and fun to be with. Your attitude should fall under the


Appearing tempting can be amorous; it makes you attracted to her. Your looks must be striking and lovable. That is what I call the first love attractive tool. No woman wants to be noticed by an odd-looking fellow.

corporate dress code with style

dressing tempting to raise eyebrows

Your appearance should inspire and charm her and keep her gaze on you for a long time. That look will determine her first response, and she will assess and probably draw a conclusion about you.
It’s what you should not joke with. It must not be an expensive outfit, just make it smart, cool, and attractive, and then you see your woman all
over you.


You must be reliable and honest. Open and truthful; this will make her fall for you over and over again and trust you.
Every woman wants a man she can count on, a man she can confide in and look up to. These attributes attract women. She will admire and honour you for as long as you guys are together. You can easily earn her trust, steal her heart, and keep it with you for as long as you want.

When I mean Trustworthy, I mean persistent trustworthiness, when your actions are doubtful, she’ll withdraw from you creating a gap between you too. Just be plain, straight, and responsible, avoid a corny lifestyle, nobody likes it, be on a clean slate and you will enjoy what you have with you. Never betray the trust you have built,
it might take you time to earn it back.


Self-expression is very important, not just in professing your feelings, but in everything you want to say. Be articulate and explicit, let your speech be understandable. Your words should connote your actions, Good Communication strengthens a relationship, and you comprehend and flow easily.

When expressing yourself mind your choice of words, what you say, and ask. Observe her reaction and response; don’t force words into her mouth or push words out of her mouth. If she isn’t comfortable with your conversation, switch to another fascinating topic, which could be a story or an event. Spice it up to get her mood back, you can even crack
a joke, compliment her, tell her how beautiful she is, make her smile and enjoy the flow.


Natural in this context, is not just your physical 2or external looks, local or archaic, but
here it means normal character, without artificial or pretence. Don’t be that man with a fake and exaggerated lifestyle, trust me, she won’t take you seriously. Just be yourself, no show-off!!

Believe me when I say women are more comfortable with pretty cool, natural guys who come out plain and are sincere. You might think placing yourself high will make her fall for you, my dead you are just deceiving yourself, she will only use, exploit, suck you dry and dump you before you even realize what is going on, she out of your life
for good.

A responsible lady knows what she wants, a pretentious lifestyle is not one of them. She only wants a real, genuine man who will show her love and care.
Just be yourself, let her feel, and see your real character and personality, don’t be white today and become black tomorrow. Fake life can ruin your relationship and scare her away from you.


A thoughtful man is a kind-hearted man and a considerate one. make her feel she’s one of your major priorities. This is a key weapon in any relationship, You should consider her opinion
and how she feels. It must not be yours all the time.

Your sense of maturity towards her and those around her means a lot to her. Ladies are usually fond of guys who are nice and thoughtful about their affairs. Don’t make her
feel stupid, carry her along with your plans. She shouldn’t sense that you don’t care about what goes on in her life or that you don’t believe in her.

To get her hooked, find out what she likes best, what she loves to do, and where she loves to have fun. Know her dreams and aspirations, and discover what you guys have in common and what is different about you two.

Use these as a tool to your advantage, see how you can come in, and assist her in achieving her dreams. Don’t be one of those men who discourage a woman from Pursuing her dreams. Encourage her, let her know you are with her, and be sensible enough to give her the maximum support she needs from you. Never neglect or commonize her ideas, and try to be accommodating, it will make her feel important, cherished, and valued and she
will be lost in your arms forever.


A man must be strong, autonomous, reliable, and courageous. These qualities boost your confidence and earn you more respect. A self-standing man, a decisive man, one who can stand and defend his woman anytime she needs him.

a man on blue jean holding his jacket

Be a man of your word. You can’t depend on someone and expect her to look up to you and respect you. She needs someone to talk to and share her worries with, but if you can’t solve your problems, how do you expect her to believe that you can solve hers?

Women are very sensitive, they admire strong men with wisdom and knowledge. You must
be independent in all ramifications to get her into you. That’s what will keep her, no woman wants a contingent unfocused man.


Another important one is organization and comportment. some men are zero in this aspect. They talk flippantly in public, eat and joke like a kid always. There is time for everything when you are out with your woman to be organized and well-mannered.

She wants her man to be noticed and respected uniquely, Your life should be organized for you to be attracted and accepted. Put your life on track and be focused, before you go for a lady. The way you present yourself determines what you attract. If you are scattered, your life will be scattered, and your woman will also be scattered. Everything around you will be scattered.


The last mystical tool but not the least. Be nice, generous, sweet, charming, and lovely. This will always melt her heart, every woman wants to be pampered and loved. If you can do this always, she will forever be yours and will never stop loving you. The only reason you will be welcomed is when you are nice and kind, not just to her but also to her
loved ones. Just as honey attracts flies, your kindness or niceness will always
make her attracted to you.


Step 1: Set up the mystery

It can be a game with an unknown outcome, a bet, or a piece of “exclusive” info you have about her personality, but which you’re not going to give her right away. For instance, after the interaction has started you can randomly tell her that you’ve been reading up on palm reading and tell her to show you her hands (Don’t ask her if it’s alright… just say: “Show me your hands”).

From there, you can give out a proper palm read (it helps if you know how to do it), and finally,

when you get to the end say… “Uh oh!”
She’ll say: “What??!”
You: “Umm, I don’t think I can tell you
right now, I’ll tell you later when we know each other better”

This is a playful and fun way of really grabbing someone’s attention. Although I don’t necessarily advise people to use palm reading, the idea is to have someone, wanting to know the other part of the story.

A little warning, this will drive them crazy at first! They might not let up…
“Nooo, tell me NOW!!”Ultimately, when this happens, you have to keep your frame, and YOU decide when to tell them. Remember, you’ll eventually have to tell them, so you better have something you noticed about them that you haven’t told them yet.

As a guy, it’s your job to keep the suspense up, to lead the interaction, and to make sure that you’re both having fun. If you go out and tell them everything immediately, the tension will be lost… so stretch it out for a little. Tell them a little at the beginning
and save the rest for later. They’ll be happy you did!

Step 2: Play the game.

Now you’re on. When you want to capture a woman’s attention, you need to make her want you to tell her things. The trick to this is to gather pertinent pieces of information about her that you can use later on. Remember, the more you know about a woman, the more you can use this to your advantage.

That’s why it’s so important to listen when they talk! If during the conversation, she mentions that she’s from Canada… then you can say that there’s something that all Canadian girls have in common…. and then just leave it at that!
Don’t tell her right away, it will drive her crazy.

Step 3: Unveil the mystery:

Eventually, however, you’ll have to resolve the mystery that you have set up. How you resolve your stories will be up to you, but remember that when you do, you should be honest, and it should feel as if it’s resolved. There’s nothing worse than wondering “what the other person is thinking” only to find out that they weren’t thinking anything.

You’d feel robbed and cheated, so make sure you have something when you originally delay the information! It can be a little cheesy, and that works, for example, when you’re reading her palm but don’t want to tell her the last one. You can tell her that you had an intense feeling that you’d be kissing later on when you read her palm… but you couldn’t tell her
when you were doing the reading. All in all, the more playful you are, the better.

Create whatever kind of tension you can! During your interactions, you usually have ample opportunity to study her body language and look at her closely. You may have found a particular piece of jewelry she wears, a tiny scar, a tattoo, or that she dyes her hair (the color of her eyebrows could give that away, or the fact that near the roots, her hair has its natural color). Use everything you notice to your advantage!

It’s your call where you go after you capture a girl’s attention. You’ve set up a powerful framework for an exciting conversation, and if you follow the same method that TV soaps do, you can set up more mysteries while previous ones are unsolved, and keep things fresh and exciting.

Mysteries can be about yourself or what you pretend to have figured out about her, but be sure to use them more sparingly as the conversation progresses:
while a mystery is a great way of getting attention, putting on a show will not help you keep it. Move on to authenticity and, ultimately, a more intimate and sexual vibe.

✔️ Create a Spark with Real Conversation:
Why? Great conversation leads to great chemistry. If I’m on a first date, and the conversation is flowing, the next thing I know, I’m staring at your mouth. You’re telling a story, but I’m wondering what it feels like to kiss you.

Women look at the way you write the first message and start the conversation as an indication of how well you will play the first date. This is where most guys drop the ball. They write,
“How’s your night going?” or “I’m interested in getting to know you.”
These messages don’t make a good first impression because they don’t prove that a guy has read a girl’s profile. We’ll think he only looked at our pictures before messaging us.

How: Smart guys jump right into a conversation with confidence.
They don’t worry about “testing the waters” – they just drop a line
with some really good bait. The best bait is asking a simple question about something important to the girl: her hobbies, unusual interests, favourite things, etc. What stands out to you as interesting in her profile?

What to Say: “Hey, that’s so cool you’re an ARTIST. What’s the best
and the scariest thing about your job?
A message like this is great on multiple levels.
It proves you read her profile. She’ll be flattered you’re interested in her life and opinions – rather than just her pictures.
She’ll be impressed that you asked her the best question she’s received (probably all month). And she’ll be more much likely to reply to YOU instead of the guy who just
said, “Hey, what’s up?”

✔️ Make the Conversation Easy for Yourself:
Why: Learn a couple of tricks to save time and energy.
You deserve it, man!

How: There are a couple of ways to do it. After she replies to your first message, you usually visit her profile again to figure out what to say next, right?
Next time, while re-reading her profile, make a few notes about conversation topics for future messages.
(Put it in an email draft, your Notes app, or whatever.) This way, you won’t have to spend time looking for more topics to discuss with every message.


1) What do you have in common?

This is the easiest way to start a conversation. Make sure you ask a question to prompt a response from her.
Questions = continuing conversation.
What to Say: Which storyline is your favorite, right now?”

2) Things you don’t have in common.

Sparking a (friendly) debate is engaging. Engaging conversations are interesting,
and keep her interested.
What to Say: “So I see you’re really into CARDI-B
I have to say, she’s disappointed me in the last couple of years. Do you see something I’m missing in her new stuff that could change my mind?”

3) Ways to add to something she has in her profile.

Recommendations for new restaurants, books, movies, games,
etc. are friendly, low-pressure, and all-around awesome.

My profile mentioned my love for Nigerian writers, and some of my favourite messages were from guys who suggested new authors for me to check out. They sparked some
great conversations about books we both loved.
Your notes will keep the conversation flowing quickly and easily, so you’ll keep her on the hook.

4) Hold Her Attention.

Why: Smart guys are vigilant about keeping message conversations going. People can be busy, forgetful, and distracted. But when she’s having a great time messaging you, she won’t forget about you.

How: Using the techniques above, keep asking her about her life, interests, similarities, and differences. You’ll be a breath of fresh air after all those other guys who ask the boring “So how was your weekend?” follow-up message. You
have way more to discuss before resorting to weekend plans.

What to Say: Ask follow-up questions that jump off your original questions.
Ask her what CARDI-B is like life. What are her favourite lyrics?
Ask her what game she plays with her friends on game night.

When she asks you questions, respond, and then relate the question to her, or ask, “How about you?” to keep the conversation going.

Be curious, and show her you want to know her thoughts. Before you know it, the conversation will be flowing. After a couple of awesome message exchanges, she’ll be ready to continue the conversation in person. Get ready to ask her out!


As a man, there’s a harsh truth that I have to admit, most men are terrible at flirting. Are there exceptions to that rule? Of course not. Whenever a man is struggling to flirt with a girl, there always seems to be a suave Brazilian helicopter pilot nearby who can swoop in
and talk about anything.
However, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost, dudes, If you want to know how to get a girl to like you, flirting isn’t the answer.

That sounds counter-productive, but there’s only so far you can get with a woman by tenaciously pursuing her. If she wasn’t interested in the first place, she’s going to
put an end to that fast. The key is making her do an equal share of the work. You need to make a girl want you as much as you want her.

But how do you accomplish that? How do you convince a woman that she should be attracted to you? If you’re struggling to figure out how to attract women, here are 7 techniques that will make a girl like you.

1. Be curious.

Ask her about herself. Be genuinely interested in learning about her life and the things that are important to her.
Don’t be a creepy stalker about it, but show her that you care enough to ask follow-up questions.

2. Have a life of your own.

The flip side of being curious is being prepared to answer questions about yourself. And the last thing you want to do if a woman wants to know more about you is to act
bored about your own life.
Don’t respond with shrugs or say “I don’t have much going on.” Have stuff going on. Have passions, interests, and things you’re excited to talk about. Give her a reason to want to know
more about you.

3. Take care of yourself.

Presentation matters, you don’t have to be the most attractive guy in the world. Women have a long history of being okay with dating beneath their level of hotness. But if they’re willing to overlook your love handles and thinning hair, you need to show some effort.

Keep the hygiene on point. Get a haircut. And don’t always wear the same hoodie. Show her that you know how to take care of yourself.

5. Let her see the best of you.

Think about this: what is your best self? Or when do you act like your favourite version of yourself? Is it when you’re out with friends? Is it playing sport? Is it hiking, doing charity, or just hanging out watching movies?

When possible, you want the woman you’re interested in to see you at your best.
So invite her out with your best friends. Or suggest going to a concert by your favourite band. Find opportunities to show her your most confident and happy self.

6. Make her laugh… in the right way.

“Women love a sense of humor” is an old cliché,
but it’s true. Being funny can be a really attractive quality if you do it right. You don’t want to be funny in a mean way. Remember, show her your best. So, no making fun of people or making raw rude jokes. If you’re going to mock someone, mock yourself.
Make sure that she knows that your humour comes with a side of empathy and self-awareness, but, you know… be funny too.

7. Flirt a little bit.

I know I said flirting wasn’t the answer, but what I meant was, that it’s not the only answer. When the moment presents itself, it’s not a bad thing to let a woman know that you see her as an attractive person.
keep things casual. Maybe just compliment her. Or tell her,
“Wow, you look great tonight.” But leave it there — don’t overdo it.

Just offer enough that she can tell that you think she’s awesome, but don’t actively hit on her to the point where she’s going to be uncomfortable hanging out with you anymore. If she picks up on the small openings you’re giving her, she’ll find a way to let you
know that she’s interested too. And if she doesn’t,
well… it wasn’t meant to be.


As guys, we generally want success, respect, and sex. Those usually equate to love for us. For women, it’s not that simple, we think buying things impresses them.
We try to be taller or make more money to get the girl.
But is that really what they want?
What can we do to attract her?
1. Be A Great Leader

2. Communicate Actively
3. Put Others First
4 Have Manners
5. Be Family Oriented
6. Be Vulnerable
7. Stay Informed & Educated
8. Have A Sense Of Humor
9. Be Adventurous & Spontaneous
10. Know How To Fix Things
Apply these techniques and get her trapped.
Be the best man you can be and make your woman
happy, her attention is the hook you need to make her

ALSO, READ How to fix a broken relationship

Originally posted 2020-11-11 11:57:35.

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