30 Ways To Keep A Girl Happy Even If You Suck

Last Updated on October 25, 2024 by Joshua Isibor
Oftentimes, when it comes to how to keep a girl happy, most of us just think of gifts. Although buying her gifts is an option, it’s not the only trick on the table.
If you two are in some kind of relationship or you are working towards the direction of a commitment, it means she already likes you. Therefore, if she already likes you, your job becomes easier.
Keeping a girl happy is not rocket science; issues only arise if she doesn’t like you. If a girl doesn’t like you, it will be very difficult to keep her happy.
There is this saying that “it’s not what is said but who is saying it.” How we react to something oftentimes depends on who it is coming from. Our perception of issues depends on the source.
You’d agree with me, that how you react when an armed robber tells you to lie down, is different from how you react; when a spouse says the same thing. The same thing was said but different reactions followed it.
So, before attempting to keep a girl happy, be sure that she likes you; or at least, she tolerates you. It is important to keep your girlfriend happy because a happy girlfriend equals an enjoyable relationship.
Not all girls are even receptive to gifts; others see it as petty. So, when attempting to keep a girl happy, it doesn’t have to be overboard.
Even in getting gifts, it doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket; it should just be really thoughtful.
Since there are a whole lot of other things you can do to keep a girl we will look at 30 ways in this article.
How To Keep A Girl Happy
1. Always Tell Her That You Love Her.
Men are moved by what they see, women, on the other hand, are moved by what they hear. Girls like to be assured in form of words.
So don’t hold back on telling her you to love her. If you want to keep a girl happy, always tell her you to love her. That way she feels like her love for you is reciprocated and that you love her very much.
Tell her sweet words, like how lucky you feel having her in your life, how your life will be gloomy without her in it. Tell her you to love her before hanging up during a phone conversation; she’d probably blush over it.
You can also say it when she is about to leave for somewhere also randomly when you two are together.
2. Always Give Her Compliments.
I mean who doesn’t like compliments? As a human, when someone compliments us, consciously or not it makes us feel better.
Your girl is no different; so, if you want to keep her happy, compliment her. It could be just randomly in between a conversation, and that could earn you a smile.
A well-timed compliment will always elate anyone’s mood. When it comes to compliments, it will always feel better when it’s from the one you love.
It doesn’t have to be you two are together; it could also be on phone or over a text.
An example is how her eyes pop in blue colored dress, how cute her personality is or how perfectly set her teeth are, how delicious she smells, and so on.
3. Make Her Laugh Often.
One of the admirable traits in guys that girls are attracted to, is the ability to make them laugh. Ladies are usually attracted to guys who can make them laugh.
You do not have to be a comedian to make this happen. You should know the topics she likes, and make a joke about it.
You do not want to make a joke about a topic, which is sensitive to her; so, you won’t upset her.
It is rather imperial, that you know how to make your girl laugh; if, you want to keep her happy. The amazing thing about this is that a girl who likes you would laugh at your jokes; even if, they are lame. You both know the jokes are lame and dumb but she will still laugh at them.
So, not being a guy should not be your excuse for not trying to make your girl laugh. It’s nothing. A little practice can’t fix it; you just have to be intentional about it.
If you are still finding it hard to crack a joke, you could just recall to her an incident in the past that you found funny. Another option is to try making funny faces.
4. Appreciate Her
If you want her to be happy; then, learn to appreciate her. For even the little things, say a “thank you”; as that shows that, you notice her efforts.
Don’t wait till she does something huge, like donating a kidney to you. It could be just because she is your life. An example is “thanks babe for being in my life”. Show gratitude whenever she does something special for you. It will make her happy and she will keep doing more.
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5. Communicate With Her As Often As Possible.
Always talking with your girl will make her happy. Communicating keeps your connection secure; that way, you will be in contact with her.
As far as she is not complaining about it, keep the calls and texts coming. It doesn’t have to be planned; it could be random.
Call early in the morning to ask about her night and also tell her you missed her. You can also pick up the phone and text her that you love and miss her. This is a very sweet gesture you should do once in a while to keep a girl happy.
In a relationship, you should call or text at least once daily.
6. Leave Short But Sweet Notes, Poems, Or Letters Around Where She Can See Them.
If you both share a space, this can be very romantic. Hand-written notes with cute and romantic words are classic but super effective in putting a smile on a girl’s face.
It would melt her heart and make her blush. It could be in the kitchen, doorknob, by the bedside, or anywhere at all in the house or office.
It doesn’t have to be wordy; an example is “my day is brighter with you in it.” It could also be a poem that is not too wordy but sweet. This makes her happy even in your absence. Love letters are also useful in this case so you could try that out.
7. Shower Her Cute, Sweet, And Romantic Text Messages
If you want to keep a girl happy contact her as soon as possible and as much as possible. So, long as she doesn’t complain about it.
Sending sweet and cute messages to a girl you like comes naturally even if you are not a poet. Texting the girl you love is just you, putting your feeling in words.
Texting makes it easy for you to say things that you may not be comfortable enough to say on the call. Shower her romantic text messages letting her know she is always on your mind.
It may be a regular message when it is from someone else, but from you, it’s just sweet.
ALSO, READ Deep Romantic Love Messages For Her Copy and Paste
8. Learn What She Wants
To keep a girl happy, you must at least learn what she wants or what she is into. Some gestures may seem sweet and cute to you, but they may throw her off.
When it comes to keeping a girl happy, don’t assume what she wants or likes. Take time to notice what she likes.
Don’t make the mistake of getting her strawberry flavored ice cream; when what she likes is chocolate flavored.
We know you want to keep her happy, but do you know what makes her happy? Solve that issue before going on. Know her preferred and best flavors, her allergies, and generally things she is interested in.
Don’t take on her long walks when she detests walking distances. The best way to actually know what she wants is to get to know her.
Probe within comfortable boundaries into her life, likes, dislikes, hobbies, desired destinations, etc. if you know her likes, you can easily pick one of them and surprise her with it.
9. Spoil And Make Her Feel Special
Every lady deserves to be pampered by her man. If you do this her happiness will always be in check.
Women love to be pampered and spoiled it makes them feel loved. Even the highly independent ones also need to be spoiled silly.
And if she feels your love for her, she will be happy. Pampering can be in form of sweet gifts, attention, compliments, shopping, offering to do her chores, singing to her and so many others.
The list is indeed very long so know what she likes and give her plenty of it. If you have female friends around, make sure she gets the lion’s share of everything coming from you.
When having a group conversation, keep her engaged and sneak in compliments in between. This makes her feel special, unique, and valued.
10. Be A Good Listener To Her.
There is a misconception about listening. Most people think being a good listener is, not talking when the other person is talking; that is not totally correct.
If you just keep mute when a girl is talking, it can become really annoying. Being a good listener is to not just allow the person to freely express herself, but also knows how and what type of input to add to the conversation.
It may sometimes require a nod, or a hmm, or a yes, an okay, and so on. Try not to interrupt the person’s speech or look disinterested.
You must be actively involved in the conversation though you may not be saying anything. Understandably, you may want to interrupt with an important piece of information. But, keep it till she takes a pause and chips it in.
Girls tend to talk and rant a lot more than boys so just listen to her if you want to keep her happy.
11. Extend The Care To The People Around Her
If you want to keep your girl happy, the people around her must be cool with you. Be sure to buy them over to your side; by building a sort of healthy relationship with them.
These people are important in her life and if she has to always fight for you, with them, she won’t be in the best of moods. Be nice to them and try to sort out any form of conflict.
Her family and close friends should at least be talking on terms with you. Work on the ones who don’t really like you by trying to impress them.
There is a kind of peace that comes with knowing that your man and the people around him are on good terms. Thus, your effort alone will make her happy.
Need More? Then, You Should Try Out These Other Very Useful Tips Which Include
- Get her flowers on special occasions to make her feel special. Or, on least expected moments
- Go on romantic dates as often as possible. Candlelight dinners, cute picnics, etc.
- Go on trips together; preferably, to her chosen destination or somewhere you know she wishes to visit. It could even be a surprise or planned.
- Cook for her. Breakfast in bed won’t be such a bad idea yea? Cook her favorite meal for her sometimes to make her happy.
- Respect her. Every human wants to be respected and she is no different. So respect her space, decisions, and others.
- Show her you value her. On several occasions, make it obvious to her what void she is filling in your life and just how important she is to you.
- Be interested in her interests. Be genuinely interested in her interests and this will help you make better decisions in the future concerning her.
- Don’t ever cheat on her. Whether you think she will find out, or not; be loyal to her.
- Share your stuff with her. If she wants your hoodie or sweatpants, let her have it. It’s really sweet and will make her happy.
- Value her point of her in your decision-making process. It shows that you have a level of trust in her intelligence. And girls love to be perceived as intelligent.
- Do PDAs if she is up for it. PDA is a public display of affection and some ladies love it. Holding her hands in public, hugging her outdoors, and other affectionate displays. Hug her from behind and do those long hugs.
- Be quick to say sorry genuinely, when you are wrong. Even if she is wrong, and you know the tension won’t reduce till you say sorry, just say it.
- GIVE HER THE MOST ATTENTION. This doesn’t mean you should pester her; it means to give her the most attention but respect her boundaries if she wants. Always be within her reach.
- Smother her with kisses. Not just on the lips but everywhere. Her hands, neck, forehead, nose, cheek, and everywhere available.
- I know girls ramble a lot but try to keep up. Remember her words especially the ones concerning her interests.
- Trust her. Trust makes a lot of things easier. If she knows you trust her, she will be happier.
- Don’t neglect celebrations; no matter how little they are. Celebrate little things like getting a promotion at work, beating a target, and a couple of other things. Don’t take the fun away because then your relationship becomes boring.
Wrapping Up
The list may be overwhelming; but if you truly love your girl and you want to keep her happy, it will become easier to make these things happen. Love indeed pushes us to do things we normally won’t do.
This is true because you are naturally happier if the person you love is happy. Happiness is very contagious, so in keeping your girl happy, you must also be happy. It’s very hard to give what you do not have. Therefore, be happy to keep her happy.
ALSO, READ 15 Beautiful Excuses To Get Out Of A Date When It’s Too Cold To Leave The House
Originally posted 2021-10-06 15:43:25.

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