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21 Practical Ways to Make Your Ex-Boyfriend Envy You



make ex boyfriend to envy you

Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by Joshua Isibor

Are you looking for ways to make your ex-boyfriend envy you? Do you want him to get smack in his face and regret leaving you? If yes, this article is for you.

Breaking up with someone you love is hurtful, especially when you don’t deserve it at all. Sometimes, it makes you feel like you are never worth it from the start. You keep asking if you have not given your best to please him, and still, he gets to treat you like a bad girl. Just smile for me because he will surely get his test on the medicine.

Truth: Men are naturally jealous, and so are women. But no man wants to see his lover (whether past or current lover) hanging out with another man. Unless you are not a good lady and you deserve what you got.

On the other hand, if the breakup happens so suddenly, all in the name of “not getting the vibes or having seen someone better than you,” trust me, he won’t resist coming for you if you play your game well.

Note: Making your ex-lover jealous can only show two things:
Either you want to get back at him and see him hurt badly, or you want him to feel sorry for losing you and come back to you. This article covers both in a way you would like him to act.
Here are the proven ways to make your ex jealous and return to you.

1. you need to be sincere if you can handle it.

Being honest with oneself is the best medicine to overcome one’s weakness. It would be best to be sincere about your feelings before embarking on this do-or-die game. I mean that you might want to make him jealous, and you end up making yourself mad.

Can you handle those “myriads” of emotions when they start flooding back? Can you withstand him holding another girl’s hand? Flaunting her pictures on social media and sharing their romantic moments, huh? Or do you want to show him you can’t do without him and still come back to shed tears?

This can drive you crazy. That’s why you must be honest this time and ask yourself if you can handle such.
I am a woman, and I understand how our hearts work. We are too weak when it comes to love, especially when it involves the person we have ever loved. We might be strong outside but weak inside.
So, just made up your mind that it is going to be tough, and I advise you to stay away from him for like 3-4months to heal from the breakup(if it happened recently cause you need time to recover)

2. Get busy.

getting busy

Always be busy

It would be best if you did what you ever wanted to do when you were dating. Sometimes, we are reluctant to achieve our dreams, and it seems we need the other parties to help us.
Now, you need to pick up where you left off. If you want to see him envy you successfully, you must make your dreams real.

Follow your passion, learn new things, follow your heart, and know what you can do best. Practice making your heart strong, work on your self-esteem, invest in yourself, read books, travel as much as you can, meet new people, expand your horizons, and give yourself the best treat( pamper yourself, spend time with yourself).
Know that you are not changing the nature of who you were before you met him, but there is no harm in updating a better version of yourself.

3. you need to draft out your plans.

It would help if you had detailed plans to hit the nail in the wood. It would be best if you wrote them out. Go from the lesser ones down to bigger ones. Do it so that he won’t suspect he is your prey.

drafting out plans
This helps you to act naturally without leaving a trace of “jealousy” for him to detect.
Four: Know when you are ready to do them.
Not every payback game ends well. You might think you can go out there to make him jealous, but it would backfire.
Only you know when your heart is ready to meet him.

Peradventure, you might think you can handle all these when they knock on your door because you feel you have achieved what you ever wanted.
But It won’t be easy to hold back those emotions when they start coming back. I suggest you take your time first, keep your distance, and ensure you have the guts to burst those bubbles when they come flying.

5. Try to initiate a friendship Again

Please find a way to make friends with him. If you can apologize for the last time, do it. Let him see how sorry you are.
Trust me, this is the best way to accomplish your plans. It is okay if he doesn’t want to befriend you. Don’t force him.

make friends with him again
What matters is, that you have made the first impression of being his friend. He would only wonder what made you act the way you do. It might take time for him to accept, but that doesn’t mean he won’t.
Probably, he might be thinking about what gave you the guts to ask for that.
Chill! He is going to fall into your trap and accept your friend request.

6. keep a little distance.

If he finally accepts the friend zone thing with you. Please don’t rush to check on him, call, text, chat, or comment on his posts.
Even if he calls, don’t pick up. Let him stay there, and when he complains about that, tell him you were busy with work. This way, he will wonder when you got so busy that you don’t have his time. He will get nosy, and this will make him follow you up.

7. Reply to his text or call wisely.

You know all these morning calls or texts, we normally get while in bed.
He will love to get to you by doing all that. Just know he also wants to trick you into loving him more. Just let him play his own thing.
Know when to reply or pick up, but avoid his early morning calls. You might start falling for his sweet-coated tongue. Try to apply wisdom and know when to cut off.

8. put your jealous card away.

This is tricky and bound to happen, especially if your love is more significant than his.
Besides, it would be best if you played it well. Don’t show you are jealous(cause you will be) when you see him with another girl.

You might feel hurt inside, but never let him see that trace of jealousy on your face.
Wear your smile like a queen, and compliment him on his newfound love.
Note: Never allow him to initiate a conversation about his new relationship. Always wave it off and let him know that you aren’t his therapist.

9. Don’t be too obsessed about it.

What I mean is: don’t let making him envy becomes your priority.
Yes, you want to make him mad, but you can’t put other things in your life aside just to make your ex-boyfriend envy you.

Getting obsessed over that will only hurt you more than before. Just go about your work and try to keep in touch with him.

10. Look extraordinarily good.

look good always

look good always

One of my friends who had this issue said:
“Dressing well is the best way to make him want you. Anytime we bump into each other, I love how he looks at me. He compliments my dress and makeup. Sometimes, he looks unhappy, but I love that look.”
This is where you need to kill it, girl! If you wear all those old-fashioned clothes, it is time to replace them with new ones.

Watch all these fashion shows and add a little sparking to your dress code.
For instance, you can wear a straight, short gown and a scarf around your neck like a French lady.

Put your ass together and buy nice things you need ( but don’t go overboard with that. Remember it is your money, don’t waste it)
If you are not the makeup type, I suggest you give it a try.

Put on your best clothes while going out. You never know where you will bump into him, and don’t forget to snap cause you need to flaunt them for him to see.

11. Make sure you keep a close relationship in his circle of friends and family.

You know, the worst mistake we normally make is to cut ties with everything associated with someone who upsets us.
It would be best not to rush to hate everybody because you got hurt. Try to maintain your relationship with them and enjoy your life.

Sometimes, his friends or family might invite you to an occasion. Come around with your new guy or someone more handsome than him(maybe your friend).

Hey! They won’t bother you about that; after all, he dumped you for another girl.
Just be calm and enjoy the show.
Stay focused on your new guy; don’t care if he walks around with his new love.

12. Accidentally bump into him.

Like finding out from his friends where he is likely to be, just dress sexier and go there for a few drinks with a guy( maybe his worst enemy, if you can).
You can invite him over or wave at him and be in your best mood when you see him.

Laugh so hard and make sure it draws his attention. You guys are friends. It won’t ever look like you are getting back at him but just having fun.

13. Try to initiate a conversation about your new dates.

This one is perfect. Ask him if he can spare you his little time.
Perhaps you can try to get some answers from him about this relationship.

For instance, you can go like this:
You: I don’t know if you are in a position to help me feel relieved from all these relationship burdens. I feel sad thinking about them.
He will impulsively stop what he is doing to answer you.

Then, bombard him with questions. Make him feel guilty and a little pity for you.
Sometimes, he objects to the first question but still says something. It would be best if you were also careful with his words. He might see it as an opportunity to persuade you into being his girl.

Try to choose your words whenever he comes in that direction, and don’t fall into his trap.

Note: You can just wave it off and remind him of his new girl and advise him to stay faithful. Lol!

14. flaunt your pictures on social media handles.

Social media (especially Facebook and WhatsApp) is the best weapon you can use to make your ex-boyfriend envy you. Don’t hesitate to flaunt your beautiful pictures on your social media handles.

Show him that you are the best thing to happen to a man.
He loves to say something and always replies, “Thanks, friend,” and nothing else. No ‘love,’ sweetheart, and many of them. Just leave him mad, and he will be so jealous of the brim.

15. Invite him for a drink

Yeah! It’s not like you want to steal him back; it’s just a random drink for the day.
Ask him when he is less busy, and give him the ‘girlfriend’ act.
Trust me, he won’t waste time accepting your proposal.

dinner time taking drink
All you need to do is to be in an open place. Don’t go too close or stay in a closed place.

16. Don’t get too nosy.

Don’t go about knowing what he is up to. You can try to bump into his walls or see his post. Drop a comment and leave.
Please don’t go and check up on his new girl. Just be yourself and stay clear.

17. Avoid posting broken heart messages.

Don’t ever do that, rather post something that keeps him around. Post about your day, dreams, what you want to do in the future, and how guys are really into you.
This will drive him crazy cause he is not part of your plans. It makes him jealous that he comes begging for a second chance.

18. Try to flirt with him

This sounds nasty, but it is just for fun and doesn’t go overboard.
You can go to a party with him or hook up with friends. Just get a little close as if you are craving his touch. Just dismiss him.
Tell him you are now single and need to stay faithful to your future guy, and you can’t do anything because you don’t want to betray yourself. You know what to say that will only ignite guilt in his heart.
Don’t worry; he will only be hurt and question himself for leaving you.

19. let him know you are happy for him.

Let him know that you will always support him in whatever he does. It would be best if you were not angry at what he did in the past.
He might try to console you, but let him know you are not weak. You are stronger than ever.

Truth: we all want what we can’t have. Let him feel you from inside whenever you are with another man. This will make him envy you so much.

20. Try to flaunt the next-in-line-guy pictures on your social media.

When you post it, tag him along. He will feel jealous, but he won’t do anything because you two are friends.
Make sure, you ask him how the other guy looks after posting them and let him do the choosing.
If you can post his enemy pic, go ahead. All you want to see is that bad look on his face.

21. Crack jokes about your past relationship.

This might sound somehow, but trust me. This will ignite jealousy in his heart. He will wish and wish to have you back.
Tell him how you missed your moments together. Always find a way to crack jokes about it.

Don’t let him off so quickly. Make him feel the pains you passed through and tell him you are considering dating again.
This is the best thing to do if you want him back. If not, don’t do it. It is excluded.
Instead, you can compare your new relationship with your past one( if you are already in one).

Please post it on your WhatsApp status. You can say, ”I never knew I could find a guy who always appreciates you and helps you fight your flaws. I haven’t experienced such since I started dating.”
You know what to say to ignite jealousy in his heart: Find something he hasn’t done and post about it.

Finally, if you want him back, don’t hesitate to let him know. He still has a chance.
Yes! He acted cowardly, but nobody is perfect. You might be there trying to make him jealous, but deep down, you want him back.

Give him another chance if you feel like but don’t make it too open for him to come in and mess up again.
Enjoy your show, and let me know if these tips are practical for you.

ALSO, READ Reasons You Shouldn’t Go Back To Your Ex

Originally posted 2020-11-10 15:28:34.

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