A Soulmate is someone who is divinely made for you, a soulmate’s connection. It’s a connection of the minds; soulmates have mutual respect, unconditional love, and...
Getting a Nude from a girl is not as easy as you may think. A lot of ladies out there have had bad experiences with some...
STORY TITLE: Five Minutes Before Thirty-three -Part 1 Rummaging both bedside drawers for the umpteenth time, Rhonda couldn’t see a trace of her dairy. Trying...
In this article, we’ll be looking at the signs a married man is unhappy in his marriage. Living happily ever after is the first wish of...
After having great sex, you probably roll outta the bed, take your used condoms and flush it!! The two major reasons why people still use condoms...
LIFE’S MYSTERIES From a very rich family, yet very stubborn. Always bringing loads of trouble and problems to his parents in very different ways. Indulged in...
Having a guy who loves you so much in a relationship is really an amazing experience but seeing signs that he’s afraid of losing you is...
REUNION The black-coloured Porsche Macan pulled over, just a meter away from the local clinic’s porch, the engine turning off. It was unwonted, for a...
Wedding hashtags are the perfect way to collect all those amusing pictures shared on social media platforms from the big day into one unified, easily clickable...
Sexual frustration in long-term relationships is more common than anyone would like. Not only does the new relationship energy tend to taper off after a few...
Marriage is a wonderful Union, which is made between a man and woman who turn to become husband and wife. It is Union where this both...
Marriage is not just marrying your spouse, it’s also marrying the family of your spouse, which are your in-laws. There are mysteries you will unravel with...
Look, it is true – you are no wizard, but for an imminent break, there would surely be signs your wife is about to leave you....
Love is a beautiful and unique experience; it’s fulfilling and can be overwhelming. “LOVE’ they say is happiness, sacrifice, commitment, pain, giving, receiving, etc. When you...
Communication is one of the most fundamental aspects of any relationship. Proper communication is one of the fundamental keys to a better relationship. When communication issues...
How to fix a codependent relationship is an important question. However, it’s not as important as truly understanding what it means to be codependent. To properly...
There is no joy greater than raising confident kids around you. Confidence is one of the greatest gifts parents can give their children. What is confidence?...
We’ll be dealing with some obvious signs your partner is cheating with a coworker. When people see couples living in a super healthy relationship, they think...
It’s really sad when you discover that your partner has been lying to you. Telling a lie is not a new thing in the world today;...
For a long-term relationship, compatibility in all aspects is super important. For example, having shared values, expectations, and aspirations are the primary things partners need to...